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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. I liked how Benny objected to the defense "testifying". Yeah, Benny, you would know about that sort of thing, right?
  2. They could have gone full throttle to the dark side and have one of the crew say "There's a little Gabby in each of these recipes."
  3. Yeah, but he can go to the head of any line just by bleating about all his troubles and responsibilities.
  4. Perfectly legit. I went to the 10, 20, and 30 year reunions (I'm 65), but never really got interested in the people there. No one was mean to me back then, but...You have your life, I have mine. Good beer, though.
  5. A President of Nicaragua named Sandino? Really, writers? That was a bit too obvious. I wonder what happened to the two CIA clones after they got back to the US. Consulting work at some think tank, perhaps? Stevie pulled a rabbit, or, more precisely, a panda, out of the hat and made Russell proud of her. Can your own daughter be Chief of Staff when you run for President? I liked the nurse's worry about her deployment. "What if I screw up and a patient dies?" Well, you get to come home and work on any number of television medical dramas. Happens all the time.
  6. Contrivance? On Chicago Fire? Perish the thought!
  7. Something similar actually happened to me when I was a firefighter in California way back 15 years or so ago. I was a captain on a hand crew, and our group was traveling from one camp to another in the Davis (by Sacramento) area. There was a detour on the main road, and we then missed the turn to get back on the highway, and ended up on some country lane. Sure enough, the lead car comes up on a two car accident, and they had been there more than a few minutes. Unlike the show, we had cell service, and, although we didn't quite know where we were, we had GPS, so the Command Center could start a couple of helicopters and the local fire department. The injuries were very serious, and I remain convinced that they were all lucky that we took a wrong turn that night.
  8. It's going to break my heart if they turn up a Blacklister called "The Dog Catcher".
  9. If only Red had access to a qualified Trial Advisory Corporation. I think this is the first Blacklist name that was actually a dead guy. For a moment, it looked like we were going to get a clue about Reddington's death. But no, just another story.
  10. Is it always necessary for the agents to drive at top speed right up to their destination, and then put the vehicle into a four wheel drift with locked up brakes? Did they save any time? A little hint, Ms Zapata. Find somewhere secure to look at your top secret porn, or whatever that was. You've pissed off just about every big bad out there, as well as most of your allies, and you don't watch out for yourself?
  11. It would have been a lot cooler, if totally out of character, for evil Max to send all those people over to "the clinic" in Sheepshead Bay, only to turn to his evil henchman in HR and say, "Fire all those knuckleheads. Make sure their IDs and key cards are cancelled and mail out their paychecks today."
  12. Dowel Jones

    Season 01

    I got a laugh when the agents showed the old man an aerial view of the neighborhood and asked him if anything seemed familiar. Ever seen an aerial photo of any neighborhood? Try and identify it on the spot. I am still puzzled over just what all those other people do in the FBI headquarters. It's always been my understanding that police procedure during a bank robbery is to let the robbery take place and then pursue the criminals outside when you have sufficient resources to do so. It was stupid of that cop to endanger everyone in the bank (although nobody could seem to hit anyone), especially since he was outgunned from the start.
  13. I can imagine the set crew thinking "This better be a one take scene. We ain't cleaning up this place three times."
  14. My favorite quote of the night: Kevin telling Nicky "No, I'm not a handyman, but I played one in a college movie one time. It wasn't porn. Honest, it wasn't porn." On a side note, sometimes unexpected visits from strangers can be an interesting moment, not that I would recommend letting them in without permission from the adults. When I was a teenager in 1970 or so, we lived in this 1920's house. One night a couple stopped by, and told us they lived there decades before, so they got a tour of the house. They told us stories about how it had changed, which was really a hoot. to top it off, they gave us all a ride in their car, a pre-war Packard gangster-mobile. All I can remember about it was the leg room and the headlights that could light up Dodger Stadium. I think about that every time I drive by that house.
  15. I did like Bull's pseudo-rant that "Can't a man wallow in self pity without some assistant barging in and throwing him shreds of hope?" And I liked Chunk actually standing up and presenting an argument that they could try out. I was also waiting for the assistant to blurt out that she had been sleeping with the husband, and he talked her into it, and faked the text messages. Is there a reason to have witnesses when the attorneys spend so much time testifying? When his team routinely hacks various databases, illegally obtains jury pool information, etc., what's a little violation of courthouse rules going to do? Why was there any DNA on the knife after being submerged in water for several days? Good catch, CessnaDriver172. I had to go to the Wiki page about the crime to get your reference about the glasses.
  16. PD Divers: "Michaela, we found the van, with the $60 million in the back" Michaela: "Jared, they found the duffel bag, with $50 million inside." Jared: "Sergeant, log this armored car robbery evidence into the locker. $45 million."
  17. I read that completely wrong, as in Eddie has a baby bump? What the hell?
  18. Given the brilliance of the crooks involved, it probably consisted of the fabled $10,000 bills. Maybe the show will go through some dark lightning somewhere next season, and we will be magically transported five years into the future. Inside he writers' room: (Sound of hand slapping the table top) Dammit dammit dammit! Why didn't we think of that?
  19. Not going to happen. Neither one will tell the other the information because "We have to protect the children." A Law & Order detective would have told Griffin "We're going to charge you with armed robbery and murder. Long prison term. However, if there is a bomb and it goes off, you will be charged with aiding and abetting a terrorist. We will seek the death penalty for that, as it is a federal crime. You have 5 minutes to make up your mind." I have this bad feeling that way too much time will now be taken up with Michaela and the crew chasing after Griffin as he attempts, week after week, to exploit his newfound leverage.
  20. The only thing that really interested me was the Chili John's restaurant location, even though the scene was meh. Yes, it is real and still exists out in Burbank. Sometimes I find it hard to get out of the present day and transport myself back to the time when the film was set. For instance, when the camera focused on Fauna's pie plate at the restaurant, the first thing I thought of was "get that fork and get a DNA sample off of it."
  21. Because they were both smart and tied a couple of tin cans on each end and Red can talk directly to Dembe.
  22. I did like the American Idol promo that featured Gary and Maggie trying to cover "I Will Survive", with the tagline, "Not everyone can be an American Idol."
  23. I noticed they sure glossed over the fact that both medics were operating way outside of their parameters, and made the entire storyline about the stalking doctor. Something Foster, Brett, Boden, and the entire staff of 51 should learn right quick - paramedics don't overrule doctors, they don't overrule hospitals, and they certainly don't overrule the EMS agency. If it came down to a pissing contest, the EMS rep might just say "You know what? You work for the Fire Department. This is a hospital. Quit harassing my doctor, get back in your vehicles and go home or I'll call Chief Snotnose and report your conduct." Probably Dr. Dick doesn't have a good rep around the hospital either. I guess it's okay in Chicago to just look at your rear bumper, note the damage, and leave the scene of a three car accident with severe injuries. We'll phone it in from the station. Right.
  24. Speaking of her office, did the door get cleaned off? It would attract loads of attention otherwise.
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