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Everything posted by AmyFarrahFowler

  1. Clean him up and I would definitely take him to the Sizzler. So a table for three?
  2. I sometimes go in and watch my fucker sleep...when he looks really relaxed I grab his nose. Yeah, I don't know why I'm not divorced yet either.
  3. I stopped watching the first time they showed stupid Miranda. Not a Lea fan but I can't even look at that meddling bitch. It is what it is.
  4. I'm seeing that too. I think it's for performing anal sex with toys online?
  5. Perfect description of my BFF's husband. We literally go nowhere with him because the night usually ends in the guy challenging someone to a fight because they (in his mind) questioned his masculinity. I wish she could see this. We miss her and the rest of the family.
  6. I think Gracie is viewing it as somewhat of a break for her. The schools are not well there and I think Gracie was being used as a pseudo-aide for Ali. If I had to spend time with Kail I would make sure I had my headphones on too. She doesn't get it. She's trying to force a guy into a lifelong commitment who could care less and makes it very clear. I would be humiliated if I had done that to myself and an innocent child.
  7. I want to thank the producers for limiting the coven members to a few short minutes. But to add: Briana's short hair was adorable on her.
  8. Just talked to a friend in Redding who says it's still 92 degrees (7pmPST). I'm coming as quick as I can!
  9. I am currently online with RV dealers as we speak. I'll give you the roll date soon (no pun intended LOL)
  10. I live in Auburn! We must meet to plan Operation Procure Kaiser!
  11. When I was using opiates (especially heavy use) my mouth and jaw would do the same thing. I believe it's called dystonia? (someone correct me). It also means he's been on a long run and needs to back off of the pipe.
  12. I know y'all think I'm nuts but I would give anything to be Kaiser's Grandma. I think every Grandma age woman on this board feels that way. BTW...I have an awesome backyard for him to play in!
  13. Still? I can't even remember the last time she was on the show. I wouldn't find her THAT interesting, especially now.
  14. The Captain needs her rest! (and a couple of bong rips)
  15. Is Will mainstreamed (is that still the term?) at school? I wouldn't be surprised if Princess Zoey decides to only have furbabies as her babies some day. I think it would be awesome. You can truly see the love in her little face when she's with her pets.
  16. I get what people are saying about having the party a year later, yes their $ and their business but why do we have to be subjected to it? Glad Chelsea is happy but geezalou can we stop with the wedding/receptions for awhile? Chelsea and her whining can leave anytime. Cole-UH!
  17. Can I get a Cliff's Notes on who this Ryan is?
  18. Congratulations! I love his name. How are YOU feeling?
  19. I don't seem to get all of the "Being" shows. Are they on MTV.com as well?
  20. What a relief! I thought it was only my mind in the gutter ;)
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