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Everything posted by AmyFarrahFowler

  1. My best friend and I made so many calls our parents were charged 75c per breakthrough. Not happy.
  2. Thanks @Tatum Kim can take a seat next to golden boy.
  3. Very well! I used to get in trouble for eavesdropping LOL! Just the beginning of my nosiness, I was but a babe.
  4. If I just up and walked off of a job the way Amber walked off stage I would expect to be fired. I can't wait until this happens to these idiots when real life bites them in the ass and they have to get grown up jobs. Taylor might do okay because he came from the real world and doesn't seem like a diva...yet.
  5. I get seriously stabby when I hear the words "sacrifice" "power struggle" (as in B&T) and the phrase "You wouldn't be parents if it weren't for me" come from TyTy's smug face. I seriously feel something close to hate for him. STFU Asshole. TyTy's sister had him completely nailed. It's amazing that someone from that family has that much awareness. I really thought it was non existent in that family. Can someone remind me of the reason Kim called B&T in the early seasons? And don't try to call while I'm on the phone. You'll just get a busy signal.
  6. ROFLMAO! Not necessarily but you would need to be some type of significant other/family member. Usually you are required to attend classes and lectures (usually on a Saturday morning) before you are allowed to visit that afternoon or evening. I am wondering if it was for insurance purposes although it wouldn't seem at this point Mackenzie could afford any type of decent health insurance.
  7. I love how you always notice these things! LMAO
  8. Tyler reminds me of Jack from Will&Grace. Everytime he wanted Will to send him to some kind of training school (he had new dreams almost weekly) and Will would say no, Jack would go into his little hissy and accuse will of crushing his dream, his lifelong passion until the next "passion" came along. All we need is Karen Walker and the show could be Teen Mom meets Will&Grace!
  9. (((HUG))) Thank you for being who you are. Your kids are so fortunate.
  10. I couldn't help myself, I HAD to respond. Waiting to be blocked in 5...4...3...2...1...
  11. I am the same way. My husband and I lived in the same apartment for 9 years because I despise moving. We really had outgrown the apartment and needed a house but I put it off and made excuses for 4-5 years just to avoid moving. Look up lazy in the dictionary and I'll be the picture next to Catelynn's and Amber's.
  12. I completely agree with this. Sophia has never, ever been allowed to be a regular kid with friends of her own doing the things that kids do. Does she know how to ride a bike? Rollerskate? Even just had a silly conversation with her little friends they way kids do? Your sentence above is the perfect description of her life and I find it extremely sad.
  13. And why is her head shaped like the end of a Q-Tip?
  14. It looks like just plain old tummy bloat to me. On another note...has anyone noticed how much weight Simon has gained?
  15. I never laugh this hard so early in the day. Thank you my friend!
  16. I voted no because it's a boring ass show. This is coming from an adoptee who does not know her paternal family of origin. I couldn't imagine sicking Ty-Boy on them, ever.
  17. The only obligation B&T have is to protect Carly as her parents. In the years since her birth, Tyler and Catelynn have changed into very different people than they were first perceived. I get that they were young, I get that much has happened in those years but that's not something B&T need to feed into and above all, subject Carly to. They are known drug users. They subject the child that they did keep to an unstable ex-con that thinks his jail time and questionable sobriety is a huge joke (Free Butch?) while they go on yet another vacation. When Catelynn and Tyler are upset with B&T they blast their complaints on Social Media to the point that their crazy fans are stalking Brandon at his place of employment. This is not stable, reasonable behavior that I would want to subject my child to. If you would well, that's your business. I thank the heavens everyday that B&T were able to give one of Catelynn and Tyler's children a normal life away from the crazy.
  18. I agree with this. While Leah is a cute little girl, the mugging for the cameras and one liners are bordering obnoxiousness. Now before I get any letters (tm Judge Judy) I used to own a 7 year old girl and while she had her moments it wasn't constant. Is this an attention seeking thing?
  19. If it matters, you are allowed one ounce every 30 days and six plants for personal use in California. The recreational shops are allowed to open as of January 1, 2018 barring any bureaucratic delays :)
  20. Didn't he sound like a little bitch when he was saying that? It just made me hate him more. He does.not.get.it.
  21. How unfairly generous! Seattle dispensaries only allow that much every 30 days.
  22. Nice to meet you! West coast consultant here. Chicago could be an option but they would need state ID with an Illinois address. It's possible it would be obtainable I suppose but the likelihood of being recognized would be very high (get it? hahahaha I'm a dork).
  23. If Rhiiiine hasn't entered rehab under his own volition I can assure you that he won't be honest about his drug use and type of drugs he is taking. It's going to be a wasted stay full of lip service with his biggest enablers cheering him on.
  24. You could totally see the hamster on the wheel working overtime after Dawn said that. That was exactly what TyTy was thinking
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