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Everything posted by AmyFarrahFowler

  1. Watch before you judge what you don't know? Oh I think we know everything there is to know (or care to know).
  2. I'll probably start watching it (on the DVR) but it remains to be seen whether I'll finish it. I couldn't finish Maci's and she isn't as repulsive as Matt.
  3. Also, wouldn't Kim have been responsible for child support until Tyler turned 18? That was the case with a woman I worked with. In reality I think Tyler acquired it from Butch. Someone Kim did choose to have in her life at one time.
  4. Very happy too. Nice to see a family show where no one has manufactured "issues"!
  5. Where are all your kids Supermom? A beautiful day like that could have been spent doing outdoor kid friendly activities that they all would have loved.
  6. Whenever I watch those scenes I want to scream GET OFF YOUR ASS AND GO TO HIM! KISS AND HUG! There is no excitement in her face or actions. Crap I used to do it just when my kid came home from school.
  7. At the same place that Jon Gosselin is currently starring. Hey, a nerd can dream!
  8. Oh that's all kinds of awesome. You won my interwebs today!
  9. I wish someone was there for Barbara to calm her and remind her to collect her thoughts before speaking. Janelle's fake cry is disgusting. Does no one there see through her bullshit?
  10. Especially when he's being exposed to a man that refers to him as "a little bitch just like his father". What a great role model.
  11. Sad for the show but I have to give her props for not bringing the drama anymore. I honestly never thought she was going to come to her senses over Adam and his bullshit games.
  12. What are your symptoms and are you Dr Shopping in New York with UBT?
  13. LMAO it was my first thought too. Mooooooooooo.
  14. They need to rename this show "Dumb Bitches That Never Learn".
  15. I agree about not being mad. Vee's position is not a popular one, often on both sides of the families. It's very clear to me that her concern is for Isaac and Jo's relationship. She doesn't want to see the fallout of Jo not having something in writing when the wind direction changes and Jo is suddenly Kail's enemy again. It will happen.
  16. I would agree except that Barb said twice at the hotel that the police needed to be called.
  17. It appeared to me (more of an assumption really) that Barb is traveling to these tapings without a copy of the custody orders. Without those in hand even the local police won't enforce the order based on your word. They have to see proof. I hope Barb has learned a lesson for future shows.
  18. I think it depends on the day and the circumstances.
  19. Especially because none of these girlses (Chelsea included) seem to have a work ethic.
  20. God I just ROARED at that. When that meme went around Facebook it gave me life.
  21. I always thought it was high doses of antidepressants (seriously).
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