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Everything posted by AmandaUnbidden

  1. Jessica and Nathan were so stupid during that trial. They played right into Jenelle's lawyer's hands. They should've never admitted to a custody battle and wanting to get Kaiser away from Jenelle. Jenelle's lawyer didn't even have to try to make her case, they did it for her. I mean haven't they watched law & order? They should've just stuck with the story of Jenelle assaulting them and gave that lawyer nothing else. I hate that Jenelle got away with that just because Nathan and Jessica were so stupid. Oh and watching Jenelle fake cry on that stand over Kaiser makes me sick. She is such the little actress. She could give two shits if Kaiser got taken away. She just didn't want Nathan to have him.
  2. I'm just now watching this. I kinda miss fiesty Jo. I know, I know, he was acting immaturely but knowing what we do now of Kail, it's kind of nice to see someone stand up to her and let her know how it is. And it's weird to see Kail and Jo so young! They were just babies! And Kail was really naturally pretty. She really has messed up her face and body. Sad. I'll probably post more after I'm finished watching. Editing to add, that I just need a clip of that lawyer telling Nathan straight up he was acting like a complete asshole to replay over and over again for my own amusement. It would've been so much better if we had gotten to see a lawyer telling Jenelle the same thing instead of kissing her ass.
  3. I know! That whole head tilt to the side with the arms crossed. I could see her doing very well in drama class too. lol I think it would be easier to understand Will's behavior if you don't try comparing him to an average child his age. Will is not at the same level developmentally so Will will not act the same. You can't ask a special needs child to behave or perform at the same level as their "normal" peers. It's not fair, and the child will not be able to do it. It may be jarring to see a child acting so much younger than his age but it is not his fault or his parents in this instance.
  4. I think it's obvious that Will is delayed. We, as the viewers, don't know how severely but you can definitely see it. I don't think his behavior is the way it is because he is purposefully misbehaving. He is operating at a younger age level and deserves some compassion and patience from those around him, not ridicule and punishment. If you saw a two year old, running around and shrieking like Will, you wouldn't suggest the parents sit the two year old down and give him a good talking to, would you? No, because the two year old would not be able to understand on the level you wanted him to. Will is like this. Now with love and care and patience, Will may catch up to his peers or near his peers in time but right now, this is where he is, and the people who care for him should meet him at that level. I feel that those observing from afar, like us, should maybe hold off on so much judgment when we don't know all the facts. We don't know just how delayed Will is or what he is capable of actually understanding. I think some compassion and understanding for the family and Will is much needed.
  5. Yeah, remember when everyone thought Javi was being controlling and super jealous because he wanted to see Kail's text messages but she refused to show them? Javi was grilling her about some Chris guy and asking why that guy was messaging her asking her if she was going to be in class the next day. Javi looked so bad that episode but knowing what we know now, it definitely makes me feel for Javi. EDITED: because I just read what you said about this not being a surprise to any of us. So I really didn't need to post all of the above. lol In my defense, I've bee home sick so I am feeling a little loopy.
  6. I wanted to respond to the whole Devoin/Lewis dead beat dad thing. I didn't mean that Devoin and Lewis weren't dead beat dads but I just don't like when they do contribute something and Brianna and Co turn around and say they aren't doing anything. That's just not true. Brianna acted like she wanted to work with Devoin. She did not communicate to him properly what she wanted from him. She should've found out early how much the aftercare was going to cost and then told Devoin that she expects him to pay to get Nova registered and pay the rest throughout the year. Now, I do think I remember Brianna telling him at the registration that she needed him to pay it throughout the year so that was good but she was not anymore prepared than him at registration. That being said, I highly doubt Devoin would've come through with the money had he known but we'll never know for sure because Brianna didn't make it clear in advance what she expected of him. Filing the child support papers is what she should've done from the beginning that way Devoin would have no doubts about what he was expected to pay. Also, I have a hard time believing Brianna when she says they aren't involved if she doesn't acknowledge anything they do do. I don't mean she needs to thank them for doing less than the bare minimum but when bitching about them, she could say Luis brought diapers one time. That's nothing in the grand scheme of things. Or Devoin barely paid 65$ of the 210$ registration fee. Instead Brianna makes herself look like a liar by just saying neither guy has done crap. Also, if 65$ is really all Devoin had and he was trying to do better then you have to learn to accept what he can give. I'm telling you right now, filing child support papers is not going to get her anymore money. These dead beat dads find every way possible to avoid paying. They get jobs that are paid in cash or under the table in some way so that their wages can't be garnished. And I don't know about FL, but here in TX, they don't arrest the guy for failure to pay as long as they show up to court and promise to start paying. Nothing happens to them. So all that to say, when you procreate with the Devoins and Lewis' of the world, you can't expect a stand up father and when they do try and give money or help, you have to learn to accept what you can get. Is it fair? Hell no. But it's the way the world works.
  7. Yeah, see, while I think Chelsea wears way too much makeup on the daily, I do think she knows how to put it on. Especially on others, like Aubree. I think she just goes overboard on herself.
  8. Huh, kinda like how Javi gave you his heart and soul and you gave zero fucks? Karma's a real bitch isn't she? And now I'm pissed because you forced me to play the poor Javi card. @HeySandyStrange thanks for the book title. Gonna have to check it out.
  9. Everyone has pretty much said everything I was thinking but I did want to touch on the whole Brianna coven. It really annoys me when they say these guys haven't done anything. I know neither is a prize, but I saw Luis haul in a huge box of diapers and wipes right after Stella was born and 65$ from Devoin is not nothing. It may not be what they should be paying but it is better than nothing. Real deadbeat dads are gone with the wind and their baby mama's don't see a dime. I just think it's wrong not to acknowledge the small things they do actually do. Oh and I wanted to comment on Kail. I admit, she almost had me feeling sorry for her ass, almost. That is until I remembered she had a baby daddy that wanted another child and would've been right there by her side through everything but she cheated on him and then threw him to the side for her fuck buddy so what did she expect to happen? This is all her own doing.
  10. After watching the latest episode, it dawned on me why Chelsea's face looked so thin in those pics above. It's the contouring! She's still contouring her face to look thinner which she doesn't need anymore. She is not too thin at all, it's just that heavy contouring! You have to admit, Chelsea is good at her makeup game, a little too good. Also, seeing her body, she's probably doing IIFYM which would mean she is definitely eating carbs, she was probably just out of them at that time. And in Chelsea's defense when she was talking about the carbs, she was speaking to Cole only and she kind of said it under her breath so I don't think Aubree even heard her. I was just getting concerned because of this pics of her face but now that I know it was just the contouring, I feel better.
  11. @hoosiermom Thanks a bunch! I think my family, specifically my mother, never thought I was going to get it together but luckily I did.
  12. I think at the end of the day, Jenelle is still responsible for her actions. Is she mentally ill? I believe she is. But that does not excuse her abusing or hurting someone else. It's not like she has schizophrenia, which I could probably see an argument there for the person not being fully responsible for something they did while untreated. She has been to rehab. She knows she has issues but she doesn't seem to be self aware enough or maybe sympathetic enough to see or care how her actions are affecting anyone else. I suffered with BPD when I was younger, and through years of counseling and work on myself, I feel I've overcome the worst of it. But I was only able to get to that place through self awareness and an ability to care about others and feel sympathy for them. I got to the point that I was so miserable that I would do anything to feel better, including exploring the idea that maybe I was the problem, not everyone else. I think it's really hard to come to that point for people with BPD because we often find ourselves in relationships with real dirtbags and have had tough childhoods, so it's easy to just feel sorry for ourselves and see ourselves as the victim of everyone else. I often wallowed in self-pity and had a why me attitude. It took me forever to get it through my head that no one else could be responsible for my happiness and how wrong it was to place that kind of burden on someone else. And one more thing, I think the show is keeping Jenelle in this messed up place in her head. They feed her ego, they tell her she's right to feel the way she does, that she's a good mother, etc. As long as she continues this show, there is no way she will ever get better. Edited to add: That everyone with BPD or any other mental illness are not exactly the same. We all have our own personalities. I would like to think that I am a generally kind person that cares about others. I think those qualities helped me to overcome the BPD. On the flip side you can have an asshole personality (Jenelle) and suffer the same illness, but it will look different and people will be less inclined to be sympathetic because, well, you're an asshole.
  13. I'm afraid that you're probably right. I was just thinking that maybe there could be some upsides in this particular case because if I had to choose the least harmful reality show for a child to be on, it would be this one. But even though the parents seem to be presenting themselves fairly well, with the exception of some of Bill's antics (which I don't see as too terrible but can see how others feel differently), and seem to do their best to guard some of their childrens' privacy, it is still a reality show at the end of the day. I guess I, like others, tend to forget how weird it must be for children to grow up spending their whole lives with a camera crew in their faces. I know they don't film constantly, but still. I wonder what it does to their sense of self and sense of the world to think that that is normal. I just hope The Klein children will be an exception. I will say that I think that if Will and Zoey start showing signs that the show is having a negative impact on them, I really think Jen and Bill will pull the plug. I just don't see them as fame whores at all, and really think they did the show to educate, and maybe to have some extra funds set aside for Will and Zoey's medical care, and just their general care if, god forbid, anything happened to Jen and Bill.
  14. @citychic I was referring to borderline personality disorder but you got the dependent personality right because it is a symptom of that. That scene right there is textbook borderline personality disorder. Actually, I read a book that documented several parents' struggles with raising a child with borderline personality disorder. Many of the families could not understand why their child turned out this way because there was no evidence of major trauma in their lives. The book went on to say that they think there is a genetic component to BPD, but most of the time, it is caused by trauma in childhood. Jenelle witnessing domestic violence in her home is trauma. So my takeaway was that it's a combination of a certain predisposition to having it combined with the trauma. It also said if one parent has it, it is more likely for the child to inherit it even if there is no trauma. Also, while borderline personality disorder is most common in females, men can have it too. So maybe Jenelle's dad has it. Could explain the domestic violence. When a professor I had introduced the topic to us she said, "Have you ever seen the movie Fatal Attraction? Meryl Streep's character definitely had borderline personality disorder." People with untreated BPD can be dangerous and violent. It depends on their personality. Some will take out their feelings in violence on others, and some will just hurt themselves i.e. self harm, or attempted suicide. They are also known to threaten someone with committing suicide or hurting themselves if that person tries to leave them. Oh, and BPD is also often misdiagnosed as bipolar disorder, which is interesting since Jenelle was diagnosed with bipolar at one point.
  15. What's the name of the book? Sounds like a good read. Also, forgot to add earlier, Kail doesn't look quite as bad in these pics. She actually looks good. But then again, these were posted by Kail so maybe they have been enhanced in some way.
  16. Thanks for the link! This looks like something Catelynn picked out. She probably has this in her size. I hope she doesn't wear it to the next reunion thing. Actually, she's probably saving it for the next VMA's.
  17. Omg. It's a freaking fly! Calm the eff down! Stella isn't even disturbed! This scene perfectly depicts their life in a nutshell. Throwing a fit over a freaking fly. They make every tiny thing in their lives a million times worse than it really is. No wonder, Brianna and Brittany have turned out the way they have. Poor little Nova and Stella will be exactly the same, and no one will ever be happy because they won't allow themselves to be.
  18. Oh, I see. Well, that makes me feel better about the veneers then. And Isaac and Vivi are so freaking big! I didn't even recognize Isaac at first. Such cute costumes and kids. It makes me so sad for Isaac that Kail has made the choices she has in life. This show has really ruined her. And editing to add that I am so disappointed in Javi for letting trash like Brianna into his and his child's life. Makes me sick. I really hope and pray to the powers that be that it's just a fake storyline.
  19. I need a pic! I went to the site but didn't see it on there. And whoever said their site is poorly set up was right. Having that big about me section on the front page is so stupid. The best clothing items should be there, in your face, immediately upon loading the site. They're so dumb. And, their egos are out of control so no wonder they want their stupid bio and faces front and center.
  20. About TLC not wanting to show us something because it could be redundant, I don't think that would matter to them. They seem to love redundancy. lol Also, in regards to the tubes in the ears, children that have had to get tubes usually do have a speech issue because during their peak time of learning to speak, they couldn't hear properly. Fortunately, with tubes and ongoing speech therapy, they should be just fine in the future. Also, the speech delays could be another reason they seem further behind their peers than they actually are. I mean they are behind, at least Will is for sure, but this could make it seem even worse than it is.
  21. I think Will and Zoey are thriving. Yes, Will seems to be a little behind his peers but I would've been shocked if he was not with his background. I used to teach elementary school, pre-k, kindergarten, and 2nd grade so I have experience around a lot of children this age. I do want to say that you would be surprised how quickly children grow and learn and advance in such a short time with the proper care. I've seen it so many times. Despite working constantly with a child and having their parents working with them, it seemed like they were making no progress. I would think they they're never going to get it. But then one day, they just get it all at once, it seems. Children this age, and especially those with delays, require an incredible amount of patience and persistence from those caring for them. Progress can seem incredibly slow at times, if not completely stagnant. But I promise, if you stick with them, and don't give up, you will eventually see growth. I think Bill and Jenn have this patience and persistence thing down pat, and we will see the children really flourishing in the years to come. Now, are Bill and Jenn perfect parents? Do they discipline perfectly in every situation? Of course not, but luckily perfection is not required to raise healthy, well adjusted children. If anything the camera crew and notoriety from the show, are the only things I could see having a negative impact on them. But it could also end up being a positive for them, and I only say this because of their unique situation. While I'm sure they will have to deal with bullying in the future, I feel that shows like these help people to see that little people are just human beings like anyone else just with medical issues and a short stature. People that have seen the shows or shows like it will be less uncomfortable and fearful around them because of the education provided. Also, having a bit of celebrity about them could make them more popular with their peers instead of being the outcast because other kids are too afraid or too uncomfortable with someone so different to befriend them. That's JMHO though. In every other case of putting children on reality shows, I would always vote that it is harmful and shouldn't be done. The unique cases of the Kleins, I believe, could be an exception to the rule though. Of course, YMMV.
  22. Oh god, I think you're right. I would not be able to endur watching them at the airport as you described. No way, no how. ??Brianna's mother would give herself a heart attack with all the dramatics she would pull. Oops, I meant dramastics.
  23. I know! And have you seen what they do to your real teeth before putting the veneers on? They shave them down to little stumps. It's not something I would do willingly if I was blessed with good teeth already.
  24. Well, we can be at least glad she is indulging in sex through, erm. . the back door. We don't have to worry about any more baby stars if she just keeps it back there. Points for that, I guess. She really is disgusting though. My autocorrect wanted to post fishy instead of disgusting. I guess she could be that too.
  25. I just have one question, well actually a million questions after looking at this pic, but is this photoshopped or did Farrah really wear a vagina costume?? Farrah disturbs me, maybe more than all the others. She definitely has something majorly wrong with her mentally. Either that or her whole persona on the show is an act, and she is just a really bad actress. Either is plausible to me. Oh my! This made me laugh. Not at you, but at the thought of Farrah trying to teach anyone anything. Sophia would be better off being taught by wild animals. At least, Farrah is taking her to see the world though. Hopefully, Sophia will learn about the country just by being there and exploring.
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