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Everything posted by AmandaUnbidden

  1. @Tatum I think maybe Maci was struggling with the right words to say because she knows her relationship with Larry and Jen is in trouble due to outing Ryan and his addiction issues. I do, honestly, think Maci values her relationship with them and would like to repair it so even though Ryan was being out of line again and probably texting her some really terrible things, she didn't want to completely drag him so that she didn't make Jen and Larry even more angry. I'm not saying Maci is perfect or anything or that she doesn't have her own issues but I really think she got the raw end of the deal regarding Ryan's whole addiction mess. I really don't think she saw him often enough to know how bad he was so when producers or whoever informed her of the driving scene, she decided she needed to address it on the show. It's not Maci's fault that Ryan has an addiction or that he has acted like he has. I think Jen, Larry, and Mac placed a lot of their anger on her for "exploiting" Ryan on the show because they couldn't place their anger where they really wanted to place it, on Ryan, because he was sick with the addiction and they knew they needed to support him at that time. That's just how I see it though. On another note, I've never really had a problem with Taylor's beard before. I'll admit, I dig the whole hipster beard look but, damn! Taylor is looking rough! He needs to get himself back over to that barber shop he used to always hang out in and get that shit groomed!
  2. @EmeraldGirl I used to feel the same way as you. I liked Caitlyn best and wasn't too sure about Tyler. I think after seeing Caitlyn slut shame Farrah with all that, "You sold your vagina!" crap, and cheer Amber on when she went to physically attack Farrah at the reunion made me really start to dislike her. She just really seems to have gotten a major attitude lately like being on this Teen Mom show and being "in" with Maci makes her so much better than everyone else. Idk I do think Tyler is a major fame whore, of course. And I'm not sure if he is really in love with Cait or not but I tend to like him better than her now. He seems to be the only one working on this clothing business, lame as it might be, and working on these houses they are flipping. He just seems to have more drive and ambition than Cait which I know, I know, that's not much of an achievement. And I did actually cringe using drive and ambition in a sentence describing Tyler. Just so you know. lol I just don't mind him as much as her. Don't know why. These people confuse me, and I wonder on more than one occasion why exactly I watch these shows. lol
  3. Thanks guys for all the kind words! I have a great mother that did her very best for me and has always supported me even through the years I was really going off the deep end. I credit her for my ability to get through many rough years in my life and come out whole on the other side. That's what makes me so sad for Jenelle's kids. They don't even have one good parent to show them love and teach them right from wrong. They don't have a parent they can turn to for help or support. Not including Jace in this because he, of course, has Barb.
  4. Yeah but she did get pregnant as a teen so they could've followed her and showed a girl who made the choice of abortion and how her life panned out after that. They have an adoption storyline, why not abortion? Edited to add, actually I don't think it would be good to add someone with an abortion storyline because it would make her life all about the abortion she had. Still I'd just rather see Brittany on my TV over Brianna unfortunately in that scenario, we'd still get the coven so I guess I can't win either way. I should just start fast forwarding through Brianna's scenes.
  5. My father physically abused my mother and siblings and sexually abused me. UBT reminds me of him so much. I'm not accusing UBT of anything. It's just scary how much he reminds me of my dad. My dad came across as not all there, acted like he was all about his family, and was always with us kids. He even used baby when talking to us just like UBT does his kids. Also, my dad seemed to completely lack any self awareness of how he was coming across to people just like UBT. And my dad had a lot of rage and was a bigot who had no qualms about expressing that. The similarities are eery. I do hope nothing untoward is going on. I just hate getting those gut feelings watching him.
  6. Oh gotcha! That makes much more sense, and then I agree with whoever above said that they're tired of seeing Jo and Javi tip toe around Kail. They act almost like domestic abuse victims, oh wait. .
  7. I still think Addie is hilarious cause she shows just what kind of kid Leah and Jeremy raise, one that raises herself. Dare I say, she's more feral than little Sophia! The gimme cigarettes had me laughing though cause again it exposed Leah's fakeness. Leah was just laughing at Addie but then she saw the cameras and remembered to play perfect mother. She's such a bad actress. I hate how fake Leah is being this season. Everything she says and does in front of the cameras is calculated. I actually preferred past Leah because at least then we were getting some realness, and we weren't subjected to any Pinterest quotes masqueraded as motivational speeches. I do have to say that it was adorable when Nova told Brianna to open her mouth so she could say hello to the baby. That was hilarious! I would say I'd like a show that focused more on the cute kids and less on the infuriating mothers but I wouldn't want those kids exploited even more than they already are.
  8. I was shocked at the coven! Did aliens come and inhabit their bodies?? Brianna was showing her ass though. I hate the way she talks and what a bitch she is. I wish Brittany was the teen mom featured, and we didn't have to see Brianna at all. I was also surprised at how much I agreed with everything Brittany said. I agree with everything else that has been said in regards to them. I just really really do not like Brianna in any way, shape, or form, and it makes me pissed at Javi for going along with whatever they are playing at. Onto Kail, I can't believe Jo said he doesn't like seeing Kail with other men. I really hope that just came across wrong cause it sounded like jealousy but surely not, with him having Vee. And y'all called it before that Kail was sucking up to Javi trying to get him back once Chris disappeared. And I can't believe she was telling Javi not to lie when he said he wasn't attracted to her anymore but then when Drew (I'm gonna go with my man Devoin and just drop that whole "Dr" title lol) asked Kail if she was still attracted to Javi, she was like no, immediately. So Kail wants Javi and Jo and whoever else to always be attracted to her and vying for her attention while she holds no feelings either way. What a bitch! Jenelle was the only one bringing any kind of drama tonight with UBT acting a fool. I was shocked that everyone else seemed to be able to speak normally and answer questions in a civilized way. Way different reunion than I'm used to seeing. Well Brianna was acting a fool too but her family was better. I even thought Roxanne had toned down the crazy a bit. As for Leah, she's dumb as a box of rocks so of course she's giving it up to Jeremy. I see Jeremy going back and forth between Leah and his gf for a good while. Again, Leah is dumb as shit for being with him. Although personally, I do think it would be best for Addie and the twins if they could work it out and get remarried but this childish run around shit is not what I'm talking about. Chelsea, well, she looked good. Aubree, Watson, and Cole are adorable. Snooze.
  9. I believe Cait is depressed and suicidal. I think she might be talking about it in an effort to increase awareness and lessen the stigma around mental illness. I mean think about it. If a person was suffering from a different illness like cancer etc., they and their loved ones might post about it on social media for support and prayers, and no one would bat an eye but for some reason, everyone thinks people who suffer with mental illnesses, especially depression, should suffer silently almost as if it is shameful. That's why I'm okay with her taking openly about this. I do hope she actually listens to the advice given from counselors this time. If she wants to stay mentally well, she has to stop drinking and smoking pot on the daily. Both of these substances are natural depressants and will counter act any medication she takes. She has to get sober and stay that way or she will be right back in this same place a few months from now wondering why she's so depressed again. I can understand why a lot of you are fed up with her on that account. She really does take the access to treatment and free time to get better for granted. She needs to take it seriously and do what the experts tell her to do. And by experts, I am not referring to that quack Dr. Drew! I also wanted to add that I'm glad she's talking so openly about her struggle with depression because it is a real illness, not just a getting down in the dumps on occasion. Depression really needs to be renamed. Also, even though we know Caitlyn isnt a good example of this, but even when you are doing everything right, avoiding mind altering substances, taking your meds, etc, your depression can come back. Your body can become resistant to the meds you're on or maybe you got off the meds cause you were better but then you have a relapse. What I'm trying to say is that Clinical Depression is a disease just like any other. It can come and go in cycles too. If someone tweeted that their cancer was back and they were headed back into treatment, people would show support. But when someone does that regarding Depression, people don't want to hear it. I think that's a problem we need to look at as a society.
  10. I think they're referring to Amber's new man. He's the "new" Matt
  11. I do too! Nose piercings are pretty trendy these days so I just think of it as fashion. Same with tattoos. Tattoos equal art to me. This! God I have so much hatred for "Dr." Drew now. MTV needs to get rid of him pronto. And that is scary the level Adam has went to. He definitely doesn't need to be seeing his children at all without strict supervision.
  12. These girls make themselves look so bad when they reply to every negative thing written about them. And it doesn't make me believe they're telling the truth either. They should just ignore all the negativity. They're just giving attention to all the rumors. We were posting at the same time but I agree with you. These girls have really screwed themselves doing this show and creating the public personas they have. Once this show goes away, which I think it will eventually, maybe, hopefully! lol These girls will not be able to find employment! There's lots of things I send to my friends in text or talk about with them in private that would make some people blush, but I would never post it publically for this very reason.
  13. On the topic of vaginal rejuvenation or whatever the hell it is, no way would I ever do that. I mean if a woman wants to do that for herself great but no way would I do it. If a guy has a problem with the way I look down there, then that's his problem, and he can just go find another woman that has the perfect vagina he's looking for. As far as Kail's new gf, I don't buy it either. I would worry about any girl Kail dates seriously though with her abusive tendencies. But yeah, I think this is just a publicity stunt to get people to listen to her stupid podcast. BTW, I listened to a bit of the first episode of her podcast but couldn't get past a few minutes. I guess since my kid is 17, I no longer remember the grossness of being a new mother but I really hate hearing gross details about it. I think I've always been that way. And I don't think either of them have a good speaking voice. They both said um, you know, or like constantly. They also don't seem to have a good rapport. They seem like complete strangers. It's weird.
  14. True I guess that's why I don't want to see him on the show with Dr. Drew saying, "Barb just needed to be contained, didn't she? And you really love you daughter Jenelle, right?"
  15. I hope the producers never ask him to be on the show or on the reunion or anything. I don't want to hear anything a domestic abuser has to say.
  16. My thoughts on the wedding. They had the ceremony and the reception in the same room? I hate when they do that. I feel like it's better when they are separated. I can almost see up Ashley's dress! And I'm no prude and don't really care what a person wears but it was very distracting in the pics. I could only focus on Ashley's dress, and if she flashed everyone when she sat down or bent over. Did Farrah do a Britney and shave her head, and this red wig is the result because that hair hair does not look natural. Also, the wedding looks really cheaply done for the huge star Debz OG is. I guess Farrah didn't pony up any dough, and Dr. David probably didn't contribute at all. Don't worry Sophia. You didn't miss much. I hope you got some nice relaxing time to yourself, and you were able to formulate a plan to escape the shit show that is your family.
  17. When Gary of all people (we all remember the Gary Time condoms right?) has become the voice of reason in this franchise. If only Amber didn't think she was better than him and would hear him out just one time. I'm just going to assume Amber went off her meds and went straight into a manic phase, and this man child and pregnancy is the result. Bipolars are most at risk of going into a manic phase in times of high stress in their life, and Amber was dealing with the Matt break up and him stealing her money at the time she met this dude. Combine that with her quitting her meds, and you get this. This should end well. ? I really think her family, especially her brother, need to stop pussy footing around her and take her to the side and straight up tell her she's lost her damn mind. Yeah she'll get pissed and stop speaking to them but at least they will have tried and she won't be able to justify this in her mind that her family is okay with this. She'll have that nagging inner voice saying, "Maybe my family was right."
  18. Me too. I'm just not buying it yet. Maybe I'm just hoping that Javi is not that stupid. Who am I kidding though? He's probably already proposed. ?
  19. So glad I don't follow her on Snapchat. I would probably think much less of her than I already do.
  20. Wow. She is really full of herself isn't she? I can't believe she posted a video of herself pretending to listen to her kid but really she's just preening in front of the camera. If I didn't know who this chick was, I would assume she is a stuck up, bratty teenager babysitting. (And no that is not a compliment saying she looks young. I'm just referring to her overall attitude.) This! She is so entitled and lazy to think she is now a motivational speaker just because she read some inspirational quotes on the internet so she thinks that's all there is to it. I would respect this "endeavor" of hers if it was something she was really working hard towards and taking the necessary steps to be successful. But, nope, Leah is so special that she doesn't need to do anything. She thinks just spilling empty platitudes constantly makes her inspiring and someone to emulate. I just really can't with her anymore. I love that her kids have her number though. Leah, your girlses ain't buying what you're selling!
  21. Oh, yeah, she's probably one of those "real women" ala Amber, and she's glad because she thinks Jenelle is too. You know the kind of real woman who gets her ass beat and shuts the hell up about it, not goes whining to the cops. Yep, this must be how Ms. Eason feels about Jenelle.
  22. ????? Wow. Kail really is turning into an exact replica of her mom, right? Only differences are more money, possibly less drinking, and two supportive highly involved fathers that are doing their best to keep Isaac and Lincoln from meeting the same fate.
  23. Addie is truly the gift that keeps on giving! ?
  24. I really believe Brianna got pregnant on purpose to get back on the show and that Roxanne and Brittany fully supported her decision. Thats why they don't care that they have to help her out. She's bringing them that MTV money and fame. That's one of the many reasons I dislike all of them so much. Poor Nova and Stella. Amen! I still can't get over that that is one of Barb's trusted friends. Poor Barb.
  25. Oh, I agree with you completely. I'm just saying I think that's what she was doing in the beginning but she, of course, let it go on way too long. That's why I said she should've filled for child support in the beginning.
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