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Everything posted by AmandaUnbidden

  1. Cate seemed drugged up to me. She seemed the exact same way when she came home for a day or two and was shown being kind of withdrawn/down while she and Tyler were touring their house and looking at the shower. I wonder if she was still adjusting to her Meds or they are just too strong for her or what. Her general affect was kind of alarming to me. And I have never wanted to rip someone’s head off so bad as I did when Mac was being such a mega bitch. I mean I’ve never hit someone in my life, aside from my sister (I was a teenager and in my defense who hasn’t had a knock down drag out with their sis? Just me? Ok then.)but when I hear Mac talk or see her face, I have a physical reaction. I almost, almost understand Amber not being able to stop herself from storming the stage and taking a swing at Farrah cause that’s exactly where I am with Mackenzie. I wouldn’t trust myself in the same room with her. And the weird thing is, this is just a tv show! I don’t know this woman. She shouldn’t be having this kind of affect on me. I don’t even like Maci that much so it’s not even about that. She’s just so unlikeable. Oh and Ryan is too but Mackenzie just brings out my violent side. I really do feel like Amber in those moments. lol Maybe I should stop watching this show. ?
  2. I’m sorry but I just want Kail to sit on Jenelle with her huge ass. Maybe that would suffocate her, and we’d finally be free of this pos.
  3. I'll say it again. I can't believe how well Gary turned out. Come to think of it, he was probably pretty good from the start but got a terrible edit. I'm just glad MTV isn't doing that to him now. Glad he has Kristina and a happy life away from Amber.
  4. Tyler and Cate's kids should be included if we're talking about kids with the same father. Both of Cate's were by Tyler. Or maybe they didn't count them because she placed her first for adoption? I guess technically Carly and Nova don't have the same parents. But if we're only talking about those that have kids by the same dad, then I think Cate should count.
  5. And she inherited that shit from you lady! Actually I don't think Farrah is borderline at all. I could see the narcissism, definitely a personality disorder of some kind that she got from being raised by this woman. Now Deb, Deb is most definitely a narcissist. I would bet on it. But she really just needs to STFU because she's not a mental health professional. She doesn't know anymore shit than I do about any of this. God, I really can't stand Deb. Edit: Just read the article and Debz is such an idiot. She said and I'm paraphrasing, "If you have borderline, narcissism, or whatever, they are all highly treatable. Just go get help." Oh my god. Deb you probably are narccistic but you would never admit to it, wherein lies the problem. Narcissism is not highly treatable because of the very nature of the disorder. A true narcissist would never admit there was anything wrong with them. It's always someone else that's the problem. Sound familiar Deb? Maybe you oughta go get that treatment you are telling others to seek. God she's really so unaware. And she thinks she's an expert on everything (another narcissist trait there, Deb), and no one can tell her anything different. Hmmm, wonder why Farrah turned out the exact same way. Not to mention, you are more likely to suffer this disorder if you have a parent that also has it. Deb, for the love of God, see a shrink!
  6. Idk if I'm gonna be able to hang in here with this show. It's kind of boring so far, probably because I've already seen Amber and Matt before in all their glory. Nothing new to see with them. Although I am surprised Amber actually left him but then I remember she hooked up with Numatt immediately so that's why she was able to kick old Matt to the he curb. This whole show is such a joke. I do enjoy watching Jim though. He cracks me up because he takes this show just as seriously as he should. He knows it's all a joke, and he's only there for the check. I can respect that. I just wish I had whatever he was smoking when I watch these. I might be having a better time then. ?
  7. That Shen woman is a real piece of work, and that's putting it kindly. How old is this woman? Ashley is twenty so at least she has the excuse of being young and dumb but this woman Shen is older than me or at least looks it. I feel sorry for Ashley. If I was her, I would not allow that woman to see my child at all. She is not stable, and I would not be able to trust her with my baby. I do kind of feel sorry for Bar. It seems like he tried to do the right thing by Ashley by explaining to his mom that they weren't naming the baby after her, and that she could not just still call the baby that. If only he could just see that his baby mama had a right to be angry at her. I can't imagine what kind of guilt trip his mother has done on him though. It must be a hard position to be in. I do feel for him. The best case scenario for these two would be for Bar to realize what a psycho his mom is and cut her off and then he, Ashley, and the baby should move far away from her and not look back. That'll never happen though cause that's his mom so I understand. It's just a big freaking mess! I feel sorry for that baby. Dont have much to say about the other couples yet. I did notice something though. The Lexi girl that is a cheerleader? She seems perfectly normal and like she's gonna be the "good" mom right? But don't be so fast to think that. I noticed she had tons of pics of Marylin Monroe on her bedroom wall! ?I don't remember who in the teen moms forum first noticed this pattern of all the crazy moms being obsessed with Marylin Monroe but if the pattern continues, we'll need to watch out for her! ?
  8. @LoneWolf Nice to hear a mental health professional's thoughts on the family as well as Nancy. I never really liked Meri much and would definitely agree with a lot of the criticisms of her. But I started seeing Meri in a new light recently after watching Seeking Sister Wife (another plyg show) and reading some commentary on that forum. The first wife of the Briney family is even more unlikeable than Meri and so passive aggressive and manipulative with her sister wives. It was easy to hate her on sight. But someone over on those forums started to defend her and made me really look deeper. That person brought up a lot of what you did in your post. It made me think about what a raw deal the first wife gets in these families. She has to watch while her husband brings in all these new wives, each younger than the one before, and then proceed to have babies with all of them. And the first wife is not allowed to express her feelings or be upset about it. She has to keep sweet and pretend she's happy no matter what. And then in Meri's case having fertility issues on top of all that. Well, it helps me to see how Meri became the way she is. I think if you studied a lot of these families, I bet you would find some similarities in the first wives. I bet most of them are unpleasant. They've spent years denying their feelings, shoving any negative feelings down deep, and doing whatever they can to get any attention from their husband for not just themselves but their children too. I could see this lifestyle turning a woman into a passive aggressive manipulative shrew especially to their sister wives. The scars must run deep. Also looking at Meri's situation, how horrible is it that Kody has decided to just cast her aside. Yes she made a mistake with the catfish but that was not all on her. Kody had a lot of blame there too. But Kody had just decided he's done with her. She can stay spiritually married to him but he's done. He won't be acting as a husband to her. And why would a husband in this situation care about working things out. He has three other wives to meet his needs. He's not lonely. He's not lacking in the romance or sex department. A polygamist man can discard his first wife or any of his wives really without a second thought because he has plenty more where she came from. The wives all have to work hard to keep their husband's attention and love even more so than a monogamous woman. They all have a huge investment in their marriage but the man doesn't. Once the wife is older, not as good looking anymore, bitter and resentful from the lifestyle the man wanted her to live, he can just cast her aside for his younger happier wives. Yeah this makes me feel pretty bad for Meri after all. Hell, it makes me feel bad for all the wives really. You know I sometimes watch this show and get to thinking, hey maybe this lifestyle isn't as bad as I thought. Even though I would never do it, maybe it is okay for some. It's posts like these that remind me that this is a heavily manipulated TV show. The realities of this lifestyle is damaging and abusive to all the women involved. Maybe it's not such a bad thing that UT has passed a law against it.
  9. @ghoulina I didn't mean to sound so judgy about home birth and things in my previous posts. I agree with you that every woman should choose how she wants to have her baby. I didn't realize the tearing thing might heal easier and be less painful than an episiotomy. I could see the merits in that. And good to know the midwives can cut and sew you up too if need be. I just worry about women like Maddie that might not do their research and instead just jump into a home birth.
  10. I know some believe that doctors cut you too early, and if they just let you continue pushing then you may not have even needed the episiotomy but I'm not sure I fully believe that. I trust doctors for the most part and really do believe they have a reason for intervening when they do. Their decisions to intervene are based on their medical training as well as the latest medical research on the subject. They arent just making a decision because they want to hurry up and get the labor over with so they can go home. As far as the belief that it's better to tear than be cut, I don't know. I'm pretty sure I'd rather be cut but to each their own. On the breast feeding topic, I am with all of you. A woman should feed her baby in whatever way is best for her. End of story. There may be benefits to the baby if breast fed but I think a mentally healthy and happy mother is more beneficial.
  11. Okay, that makes sense. As I think about it more, it doesn't make much sense for the Browns to be worrying about their property being seized. I could see them being worried about arrest if they all took up living in UT again but yeah, you would think they would have to be committing some other crime like welfare fraud to justify getting their property seized.
  12. Okay, finally got to finish this show and see the birth. God I hate Kody. He's such an ass. When he told Maddie to relax her face but she didn't want to hear it, he went off pouting like a two year old and whining, "Fine, not like I haven't done this a few times or anything." I mean really?! I wanted to throat punch him. I don't care if he's seen a thousand births. He has never given birth. He isn't a OB Gyn or certified midwife or labor and delivery nurse that would have special knowledge here. Kody, you don't know everything and what you do know is limited at best, so just sit down and shut up! Sorry for the rant. Kody just annoyed the crap out of me this episode. I am glad Maddie and baby were okay. Poor girl pushed for 3 and a half hours! I can't even imagine.
  13. Wow, I don't know if I'll even be able to watch the birthing scenes. What an ass to say that, not to mention, Robyn even saying that. I used to give Robyn a pass on that because I thought she's older and was raised in an old fashioned way so that's why she thinks those things but then I found out she's 38, the same age as me! I was dumbstruck. That is a terrible message though. I don't mind the message coming from a women that has given birth as much as I mind it coming from a man. No, just no. All women experience different levels of pain during birth. Some women really do have easier labors than others. Just because one woman can handle the pain without making a peep doesn't mean another woman can. If a woman needs to cry or even scream during labor then she should. Whatever she needs to do to get though the pain should be more than accepted especially by the man who impregnated her.
  14. Sorry, I'm responding to things as I read the thread so didn't mean to post so many different replies. @ghoulina About what you said about Maddie not being in active labor the entire time. That makes a lot of more sense. (I have to apologize again. I have been commenting and replying before I even finished watching the show. I haven't even gotten to Maddie's labor yet.) I was going off the 65 hours of labor crap. It makes more sense that she was having Braxton Hicks or whatever they call them now or just the early contractions where it's not necessary to even go to the hospital yet. But had her water broken yet? My water broke before my contractions even started, and I was told at that time I needed to deliver within 24 hours of my water breaking to keep the baby from getting an infection or something or other. Sorry, my child is 17 now so I can't really remember exactly. So she could've been in trouble if she was laboring for 65 hours after water breaking but that doesn't sound like that was the case. And on having a home birth, I could see how it would be a whole lot better in some ways. I desperately wanted to get up and walk around because I was having intense contractions felt in my lower back but they made me stay laying on my back the entire time. It sucked. And I had my child at a tiny hospital where there was only one anesthesiologist, and he went to lunch when I was dilated to 4 so I didn't get my epideral until I was at an 8 so I didn't even get the benefit of much pain relief anyway. I did have to have an episiotomy so I think that was a plus. I pushed for over an hour before the dr cut me. What happens in home births when your opening isn't big enough for the baby to pass through? Do you just tear? I wouldn't be too happy about that.
  15. I agree 100%. I was thinking back to what Maddie said about people in the US having the wrong idea about home birth or something like that. I agree with her partially but there is a reason most women have their babies in a hospital here in the US. I believe in some countries it is the norm to have the baby at home so much so that they have real certified midwives that accompany them and make sure everything goes smoothly or get the women to a hospital in plenty of time if something goes amiss. The problem with home births in the US is that they're not the norm. It's kind of a new trend I think, and many women like Maddie don't know what credentials to look for to make sure they are getting a fully qualified midwife that will be able to handle the birth safely. Not to mention, I don't know if the midwife thing is fully regulated everywhere in the US like it is in other countries ensuring that every midwife is fully qualified like doctors are. I also think Maddie was very naive going into this home birth, and I blame this whole recent home birth trend combined with young uneducated new mothers to be that do not fully understand the dangers that can happen during birth. And it doesn't seem like the midwife she used knew what she was doing because it seems insane to allow her to be in labor that long without thinking something is amiss. Oh and it really annoys me when women, especially really young, really uneducated women like our Maddie, laugh at women that prefer a hospital birth as though we are being ridiculous. I mean don't you know? Women have been having a babies since the beginning of time and we're all still here, except for those who aren't. Except for the countless women and babies lost in childbirth due to lack of medical knowledge, technology, etc. Maddie is lucky in her case that a long, painful labor is all that she endured.
  16. But from what I understand, UT just passed a new stricter law that really hones in on religious polygamy and has worse consequences like being charged with a felony. So I think that's why he would be even more worried about owning property there than before. I think that's why we're seeing more of an uproar over the law and polygamy families moving out of state that weren't too worried about the previous laws against them. I could be wrong though but that's just how I am understanding it.
  17. Tyler's sister Amber is not strung out on Adderall. That's almost laughable. She's a meth head if I've ever seen one. And I've seen plenty. The small TX town I grew up in was taken over by meth. The cops were even in on running it, and the Texas Rangers had to come in and clean house. So yeah, Amber's on meth, her bf probably deals it, and there ain't no way she's ready for a baby. I feel sorry for the kids she already has. @CaliforniaLove Yeah adderall is not the same as meth at all. I know adderall is an amphetamine but street meth is a whole different story.
  18. I know this is petty of me but I hate the way Nessa was sitting. I know she wasn't in a short skirt but still. It was distracting. I wish she would've have crossed her legs at her ankles or something. I was looking for the Young & Pregnant forum too. Usually they have the forum up by now but then again, I haven't seen a forum for the new Bridezillas either. The old Bridezillas used to be my favorite hate watch.
  19. Guys, I died and went straight to heaven when Matt opened his desk to all those worms and dirt. And when they asked him what he thought that meant, he says, "I'm slime?" Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner friends! Actually, it was pretty creepy how Matt had not a care in the world that everyone knows what slime he is. The man has no shame and never will. As for Amber, I don't know if I have the words to comment on her. Just too much of everything that makes Amber. . Amber. I did get a kick out of the Mob Wives' sisters not liking her at all after she and Matt fangirled over them. I bet Amber thought she would fit right in with them being the "boss ass bitch" that she is. It was funny for everyone on that show to see right through her and also give no shits about her. Oh and her face in the shot where she's standing up before the "class" and tilting her head to the side was completely psychotic and terrifying! Jesus! Get the girl her meds and maybe a strong sedative while we're at it. NewMatt, I can so see how you fell in love with her during this show. Good luck raising Matt's baby completely alone. I mean Amber might be there but she'll be on the couch drugged out of her mind or in her bed psychotically screaming at her "fans" via twitter. NewMatt, you get exactly what you deserve. Enjoy.
  20. I'm kind of concerned about Farrah's nude pics remark. Part of me thinks that Farrah just spouted that off because she thought it made her sound like a cool uninhibited mom and made her relevant. Then another part of me wonders if she was in fact telling the truth and things are even more disturbing than we already thought. I don't know. It worries me because I don't think Farrah has a grasp on what healthy boundaries are especially when it comes to sexuality and children. She treats Sophia like a mini adult. Also, Farrah is not mentally sound. She just isn't. I think she has gone to a lot of therapy and has made a tiny bit of growth but that's nothing. She's still pretty deranged. If she wasn't doing porn and denying it, even to herself, I might not worry so much about Sophia. I'm not saying you can't be a good mother if you do porn. But I think in those cases the mom understands boundaries and knows how important it is to clearly separate that kind of work from your life with your child. Farrah does not do that. Farrah thinks being sex positive is being totally open with Sophia about everything including her porn career. She talks about it in front of her. She advertised one of her web cam videos on Sophia's instagram and now claims to take nude pics with her child and keep them on her phone. Looking at all of these things together, it's hard not to worry about what is going on in her home. It's seriously alarming, and I even thought about anonymously reporting her to CPS since I live in TX, and I assume Farrah still does too. I didn't report her though as I didn't feel I had enough information being a complete stranger who only knows of her through the show and the tabloids. I hope I'm wrong in my feelings. Hopefully, Farrah was just spouting off nonsense like she always does and does not put Sophia in harms way but I don't have high hopes of that. I just hope that if there is anything untoward happening then someone that knows Farrah personally will report her. I would feel better having CPS, at least, investigate and make sure Sophia is safe and maybe CPS could also educate Farrah about boundaries and the dangers of having nude pics of Sophia on her phone. Idk I never wanted to have to think about this kind of stuff just from watching some random reality show. Shit is getting too real for me, y'all.
  21. So I must be a masochist because MTV was replaying Briana's 16 and Pregnant episode so I decided to record it and watch. And right off the bat, I'm hit with the first WTF moment. In the intro, Briana says she's always been a good student and even graduated high school a year ahead of her class. ? Let that sink in for a moment. Briana, our Briana, graduated a year early. Everything I originally thought about the world is now in question. Maybe, the schools just aren't well in FL either. ??‍♀️ No disrespect meant to you Floridians out there. I already feel for you that you have to share a state with this chick. Oh & & didn't see the Being Brittany on my DVR yet either. Must not have aired yet.
  22. I know this will be an unpopular opinion but I don't agree with the thought that the Browns knew they were in no danger of being arrested when they fled UT for Vegas. The Browns are not that good of actors to fake the looks of fear on their faces or the tears cried. Also, the Browns fall short in a lot of places, and I would definitely not want to be married to any one of them, but they seem to be good parents. Their children have turned out healthy and happy for the most part. The Brown parents don't pressure them to live polygamy, and even though they were all raised in very conservative homes, they embraced Mariah and her sexuality with no hesitation. So with all that said, I just don't see them disrupting their children's lives and causing them that fear and hurt unless they truly believed they were in danger. As far as the laws targeting polygamists in UT, and even strengthening their laws against them, I don't think that is right or constitutional. And I don't know about you guys, but I would not want my freedom left in the hands of the current powers that be. Sure they put out a statement that they wouldn't actually prosecute unless these other crimes are committed alongside the polygamy but those are just empty words. What matters is the laws on the books and as long as those laws are in place, then yes, a polygamist family living in UT could be prosecuted if someone felt like doing it. That's not okay, and I would not want to live with that kind fear daily. I also agree with the Browns that keeping polygamy illegal does help hide the abuses that go on in some of these homes. If the children and wives in these homes learn from a young age to be fearful of law enforcement then they will not speak up if their being abused and definitely won't seek help from said law enforcement. Also, I think it should be noted that they aren't committing bigamy and are not fighting to legalize that. That would be a logistical nightmare. They just want the legal right to live with who they want, call that person what they want, and raise their family how they want as long as no crimes are committed, i.e. child/domestic abuse. Now, do I think polygamy is a good thing? No, or at least, not in most circumstances. Do I think the Browns have shown us how happy polygamy makes them? Absolutely not. I'm not blind. lol If my child or someone I loved was thinking of living polygamy, I would work long and hard to get them to reconsider, maybe even showing them the sister wives and seeking sister wives shows. So while I don't agree with their religion or the practice of polygamy, I do think that legally they should be able to live this way if that is their desire and they are all consenting adults. I also wanted to touch on the fear they felt coming out on TLC for the first time. I'm not sure they really lost their jobs over it but they might have. I do think their fear was real though. I'm sure the powers that be in Utah are mostly mainstream LDS. They want the rest of the world to forget that their religion ever practiced polygamy. They know there are plenty of families like the Browns living their lifestyle in "secret", and that's how they want to keep it. With the Browns coming out so publicly and directly stating that they are just following the original Mormon religion and just doing exactly as their forefathers directed that they might have made a lot of enemies. I could see how what their doing could piss the wrong people off. So I do think their fear was real and valid, at least in their own minds. I just don't think the Browns and families like theirs should be treated as criminals or have the threat of being arrested looming over them just for living as a plural family. It shouldn't be the government's business who we sleep with or live with or what we call that person unless of course there are actual crimes being committed, like forcing someone to live with you against their will or marrying someone underage. But there are already laws against those two things. There is no reason to add another law against polygamy just because you don't like it. Just my views on the issue. I will say this episode was kind of boring for me, maybe because we've been though all this so it didn't need to be rehashed yet again. They could have touched on the March and what they were doing along with another storyline. I don't think a whole two hours needed to be dedicated to this.
  23. Well, I went from taking teen mom 2 off my dvr recording list to right back on after seeing that MTV actually made a smart decision and got rid of that piece of crap, waste of a human being. Now if we can only get rid of the other one. I'm with everyone that would love to see Barb replace Jenelle, and while we're at it, let's go over the the OG and replace Amber with Gary and Kristina. And if Brianna could walk off a short pier somewhere, this show might actually be enjoyable again. I think these girls need to start worrying about their future careers though because I saw that they're revamping 16 & Pregnant and calling it Young & Pregnant and it actually looks pretty good. That may not bode well for TM OG and TM2.
  24. I don't post much, if at all, but had to comment on this shit show! I, actually, thought Kody looked nice. I liked his tux, and actually agreed with him about his hair. A slicked back pony tail would've looked better. Why couldn't have Tony worn a similar tux? It's really weird when the father of the bride is dressed ten times nicer than the groom. The wedding colors turned out prettier than I expected. The bridesmaid dresses and Mykelti's dress were really nice. Hated the groomsmen and Tony's attire. How lovely that Mykelti had to let Tony practically pick out her dress and adhere to how he wanted her hair, but Tony wore whatever he wanted. You know he didn't let her have an opinion about it at all. Also, I can't believe no one has mentioned how Kody hit Tony, hard, when giving Mykelti away. I loved it! He even said, yeah I got my pound of flesh in, he's taking away my baby girl. I really don't think Kody likes Tony, at all, no matter what he says. I don't think the wives like him either but they're so used to constantly lying about their feelings and hiding how they really feel, due to their wonderful polygamist lifestyle, that they go directly into cover up mode with their overzealous praise of King Tony! The piñata beatings were horribly uncomfortable to watch. The bride piñata even seemed to lose its clothing as it got beaten. Made me sick to my stomach to watch. The only bright moment was Garrison pointing that stick at Tony and reminding him that he's Mykelti's big brother, and then preceding to ahnilate the Tony piñata! Oh, and almost forgot, Christine mentioning that they should have piñatas of the new wife and groom at polygamist weddings, and then talking about how great it would be for the old wives to be able to beat the new wife's piñata, as well as their husband's had me dying, only because it actually made sense. Pretty sad but I'm glad that they can all laugh about it now. I'm also glad the adults don't push polygamy on their children and seem to love and support who they are and the choices they make even if their different than their own.
  25. Dang! Why couldn't he have worn this to his wedding? I was thinking he would probably look bad regardless of what he was wearing but this pic shows he could look very nice if he wanted to. Mikelti needs to grow a backbone. She should've insisted he wore something like this. And if he refused, then she should've said fine, I'm wearing my hair up then.
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