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Everything posted by AmandaUnbidden

  1. Yes! I was going to comment about that too but I forgot. It's one thing to help around the house and help with your siblings but a whole other thing to be forced into watching them constantly at eight years old, including changing their diapers and getting them changed out of wet swimsuits, just so your parents can get wasted in the hot tub. If Ryan were more articulate, we might have a better understanding of what's going on.
  2. Yep. I guess she's earning that paycheck.
  3. I finally got my stupid direct tv to download this freakin' show! I'm still on ep 1, however, because it won't let me ff! So I'm going to have to suffer through all these freaks' stories. It's painful, really, because I'm only here for Kail and Javi. I will say, I was pretty annoyed with the homophobic reactions to Kail being attracted to women. It's 2017! Haven't these people heard of bisexuality before? I'd love to see their little brains try to work out what pansexuality is. Annoys me. I will be proud of Kail, only this once, for standing proud in who she is and not hiding or being ashamed of her bisexuality, or pansexuality if that's what she is. Enjoy this moment Kail because I'm sure it will be the only time I'm proud of you here on out.
  4. One of my good friends had thyroid cancer too. They removed the thyroid, and I think she had some radiation as well. It's been several years so I can't remember. She's perfectly fine now though. She just has to take synthroid daily which is just a pill. I have to take synthroid daily too for my hypothyroidism, and I'll have to take it for the rest of my life. It's really not that big of deal though. The synthroid pill, not the cancer. But I would think if you had to get cancer, this might be the type since it seems to have a high cure rate and you don't have to do chemo. So in summary, yes, UBT is just a drama queen as well as his idiot wife.
  5. Oh and this pic! ?Spot on for Kail! I hope a rubber duck bath toy was the look she was going for.
  6. Thanks guys! Decided to search for it again, and finally found it! Downloading now. I have work to do so I can't get caught up in another show rn. (I work from home) It's gonna be hard not to stop and watch this though! And now that I've finished reading this thread, I have to comment on the Kail pics. Good lord! I don't think she's even trying to do the duck face. Her lips are probably so big how that she can't close them! Kailynn! Stop fucking with your face!! And I'm having a good laugh at that Alya Marie person who said she loves Kail cause she always has her priorities in order. She's being sarcastic right? And heyfatfuck just spelling it out for her that she was looking forward to the lies they were going to tell. ?
  7. I'm so glad I'm on my phone rn and not the tablet or, god forbid, my computer. Thank God for smaller screens!
  8. Back to that god awful blog post, so Mac, if your house is dirty, you're not going to burn it down and leave it but your going to clean it up and fix it like a good Christian woman would? Well, how come you didn't think this way with your last husband? I mean, it sure seems like ya burned down that house awful quick when MTV came a calling. I just hate hypocrites like her. Anyone not knowing her history would read that and think, she is so inspiring for sticking by her husband despite everything and what a godly woman she is. All the while, she's 21, already divorced once, gave up full custody of her kid to be on MTV, and married a guy who was clearly under the influence just to cement her claim to fame. She pisses me off so much. Just watched the clip from above. Why the shades, Ryan? He seems like the same old, barely there, Ryan. And Mac just chattering away ignoring the current state of her husband. Yep gonna be a great year, full of great things Mackenzie, just keep telling yourself that.
  9. My god, that blog post. This is why nobody likes you, Mackenzie! This right here! You have been on tv all of five minutes. And those five minutes were not complementary, believe me. You don't know shit about being a teen mom, doing it all on her own, and finishing school. You had a husband who helped you, whom you ditched along with your son to play mother to the biggest, most overgrown ten year old boy/man, I've ever seen. So you can just slow your roll, missy, on trying to school all of us on how to do it all and chase our dreams. My dream does not include being on reality show or getting my addict bf to marry me even though he's completely wasted and could totally get it annulled. So really I think you need to take several seats. That is all.
  10. I wanted to comment on Ryan and the scene where he is tearing up at the barbecue. He looked like a 10 year old or maybe even younger when he was starting to cry. He had his thumb almost in his mouth, well he was holding it to his lip but still. I've never seen a man look like that when breaking down. That really seems to be his emotional maturity level, ten years old. Ryan needs a lot of help, and I just wish he had a family that would hold him accountable. He has so much work to do. Also, watching Mac, she reminds me of Jen so much in how she interacts with Ryan. She really does mother him. It's just a weird dynamic overall. I just hope he gets help, and the whole family stops blaming Maci for Ryan's addiction. It's not like anyone's running around blaming Ryan for Maci and her drinking. That would be ridiculous. I think Mackenzie started that whole blame Maci thing and Jen and Larry have just run with it. Oh and I also can't believe, the first day he's home from rehab, he's got a Coor's Light in his hand. I mean I know he wasn't addicted to alcohol, that we know of, but I would think having a clear head would be the best thing right now, while he's still so vulnerable. His parents and Mac are the worst enablers. Ryan will 100% relapse if he hasn't already. I wouldn't be surprised if he left that cookout after all the emotions were high to head out to try to get a fix. This is definitely not going to end well. Should've been the name of this episode.
  11. "It's just those intimate moments, like with chocolate. . " Debz, I think you're remembering some Hallmark commercial, not an actual moment between you and Farrah. ? And those lips, Deb! Yikes!
  12. I think her head looks a little better than when she was younger but it still looks like what a newborn's head looks like right after coming out the birth canal! My daughter's head was that exact shape right after birth. That's really scary. I do hope her head will just get better on its own over time. I did read that helmets may not help anyway. Jenelle should've been on top of this from the beginning. If this was anyone else's baby, I wouldn't judge and would just assume the parents were taking care of it but we know that's not the case here. I think Ensley's head is like that from being laid too long in one position after being born like most of you already mentioned. My daughter just turned 17, so maybe things have changed since then, but I remember either the dr or a nurse or my mom telling me to make sure I was turning her when she was lying in the bassinet because I needed to make sure her head didn't get misshapen. I was constantly turning her I was so paranoid. lol She never had a misshapen head though. Actually I might have read it in a book. I was always reading some book or article on child development back then unlike our dear Jenelle. @AmyFarrahFowler I agree that it would come in handy in times like these for Jenelle to be close to her mother but this is Jenelle we're talking about. If Barb tried to give her any advice, Jenelle would go off on her. Jenelle takes advice like it's criticism, and people with borderline personality disorder cannot handle any kind of criticism, even the most gentle constructive kind. They take it as an attack or a put down and get very upset. And then combine Jenelle with UBT, they'd probably do the exact opposite of what was adviced just out of spite. Poor Ensley.
  13. I used to watch Rock of Love too and Charm school! If those are on Hulu, I might have to break down and get it. I only have Netflix right now but it doesn't have any good old shows. I keep Netflix for the original shows anyway. I tried to watch Marriage boot camp because of Kail and Javi but could never find it when I searched on my direct tv.
  14. Thanks a bunch! I tried to find a video myself but there's nothing. I guess it happened in the last episode of Teen Mom season 4. It would probably just make me angry if I saw it anyway. EDIT: While I was looking for that video, I ended up watching a clip from the strip club episode. Oh god, I don't remember ever noticing Tyler at that club, and now I'm wishing I could unsee what I just watched. Tyler was being disgusting with those strippers and definitely was not acting like he was in a serious relationship. I think you guys might be right about Tyler. I don't think he is attracted to Cate anymore and probably is just with her for the show and the childhood sweetheart image. I just can't get over how Tyler was acting with that stripper, all moaning and groaning at her. Gross. ?As I'm thinking more about it, maybe Tyler was just faking it, and he was just trying to act how he thinks men should act with a stripper. Maybe he is secretly gay. Never took that seriously until just now. Either way, he's gross and his behavior was gross. I refuse to be alone in watching this clip so here's the link to it. Try not to barf. http://youtu.be/BrYhBc1aN8w
  15. I forgot all about Tyler beating his dogs. How could I forget that? Probably because I never saw a clip of that. Does anyone know where I could find a video of it?
  16. I wanted to respond to everyone in regards to the Maci drinking thing. I think you guys have a point and definitely could see her being a functional alcoholic. I just don't think she was getting drunk on the daily even when with the kids, although she could be and we just don't see those scenes or she doesn't do it while cameras are there. She definitely self edits and thank god for the kids she does. I was also kind of dumb founded when Maci was wanting to bring Bentley to see Ryan in rehab. I thought Ryan rarely saw Bentley? If so, he definitely doesn't need to go see him in rehab. He can wait until he's out and doing better. Maci seems so hung up on Ryan, even now. She's not showing typical concern for the father of her child. She's acting like she's the gf or wife. It's weird. Maybe she is acting, but she's so bad at it that she's overdoing it. Or she just still wants Ryan. I vote for the latter. Also, I hate Mackenzie because she has me siding with Maci. I'm sure she senses how Maci still feels about Ryan and that makes her blood boil. Mackenzie doesn't give two shits about Ryan, his family, Bentley, or even her son. She's with Ryan because he's too incapacitated half the time to know what's going on and so she can be the next teen mom, as someone already mentioned. And I agree, @meredithalmighty , she should not be discussing his counseling on tv! And I can't believe she is even using that to blame Maci for the whole thing. If Ryan really does get so bent out of shape just at the mere mention of Maci's name, I think there might be some lingering feelings on his side too. I'm sure Mackenzie notices that and is why she is hell bent on sticking it to Maci in any way she can. Finally, she doesn't care about her son because she gave up full custody just so she could be on this show. She's a real piece of work. I just hope Ryan gets better, realizes just what he married and gets himself down to the courthouse for a quick divorce. Of course, that's just wishful thinking because Ryan will never get better until his mother and Mackenzie stop enabling him which I don't see happening anytime soon. They'd rather just blame Maci for Ryan's problems. Plus if Ryan gets better, Mackenzie knows she'll be getting the boot.
  17. God nooooo!!!! I don't know why Brianna enrages me more than anyone else. Maybe it's because she doesn't even belong on this show, and she's so fake. She'll definitely get pregnant by Javi as soon as possible. @CofCinci I will not watch if they air a Javi/Brianna wedding. I won't. ?
  18. @mayvenne I agree with your views on Sophia being homeschooled. That is such a bad idea for her. She really needs to be around average kids her own age as well mentally stable adults like teachers and principals, etc. Now she's stuck with just Farrah & the rest of the crazies. She'll think that's normal. Maybe, Farrah has a tutor for her and has her in activities where she can socialize with other children? Something tells me Farrah hasn't thought that far ahead though. Farrah probably thinks she can provide Sophia everything she could possibly need all by herself. Poor child.
  19. It'll be the ones who become teen parents themselves. So all the kids except Chelsea's and, maybe Maci's and Amber's Leah. Actually, it wouldn't surprise me if one or more of Maci's follows in her footsteps. So this show will essentially never end!
  20. I'm a glutton for punishment so I'll play! ?God this is hard. Fuck Jenelle, marry Farrah, and kill Brianna only because she is the one I would least want to touch in any way. It was really hard having to decide between killing Jenelle and Brianna. Can't I get rid of them both?? God, I just married myself to Farrah now. Even if just hypothetical, I'm breaking out in a cold sweat. This was a cruel, cruel question. ?
  21. So David is even further isolating Jenelle, and MTV still doesn't give a shit. Good to know. I'm also glad Kail and Chelsea are sharing this. I guess I could understand the cease and desist for Kail but Chelsea? Maybe she meant to send it to Randy. I do hope she didn't send one to Randy because, at least, he speaks out about the crazy that is David and Jenelle.
  22. @Calm81 I could see that happening with Farrah, especially her being extremely angry and acting out because of her mother and any abuse she endured. I have always felt for her because of that, especially the being born to Deborah. I don't think Farrah was very nice in her 16 & pregnant or early seasons though. She was always bratty but she definitely got significantly worse. I do think MTV tends to only show Farrah's worst moments because they know people think of her as this crazy bitch so they play that up. I don't think she would seem as vile if they showed some scenes like the above one mixed in with the crazy. I still think Farrah treats people badly and has some major mental issues going on. And I agree that Farrah and Simon pretend for the cameras. Those two are still together and going strong. We all know that.
  23. Wow. Farrah appearing human? ?Thanking people, showing appreciation?? Has Hell frozen over? Is this the real Farrah MTV hadn't allowed us to see or is she just showing growth? Or a little of both? If Jenelle starts showing signs of being human, I might faint from the madness! ?
  24. I didn't even think about how the scene was probably prompted by the producers so she had time to think about what she was going to say. That makes sense but I don't think she was acting in her responses. Now in regards to Maci getting a good edit, that could definitely be the case. And before I go on, I just want to make clear that I am not trying to defend her. I think a lot of good points have been made about Maci and her drinking throughout this thread. And you all might be completely right about her. Hell, she could be worse than any of us imagined. Who knows? There's just a few things I don't understand about the theory of her being a raging alcoholic. For one, I've never seen her appear even remotely buzzed on screen. Yes, we see her with a constant beer in hand but you would think that she would slip up every now and again on camera and appear, at least, a little tipsy. But maybe she does and those scenes just end up on the cutting room floor. Also, if she is this fall down drunk, how is she taking care of her kids so well? They all appear to be well adjusted, and Maci and Taylor seem to interact well with them. And I agree that Maci must have been drinking during her pregnancies but maybe she was just one of those idiots that believes you can drink while pregnant as long as you limit it to one. If she was only having one drink occasionally, that would explain her getting lucky and her babies being born healthy. I really don't believe she was getting drunk constantly while pregnant because one of those babies would've had to be born with FAS. Surely. It makes more sense that she was stupidly having a drink here and there lowering her chances of the babies being hurt by it. I think Maci might have a problem with alcohol. She might be one of those weekend drinkers that only has a drink or two when the kids are home but goes crazy on the weekends. I could see that happening, and that's definitely a problem if it's affecting her marriage. I just don't think she hits the bottle as soon as MTV is out the door and proceeds to drink until she passes out, kids be damned. Of course, like I said, I could be wrong, and she could be that bad. I would just be really shocked if that were the case. I do think she is getting a good edit, and that there's a lot we don't see but I think some things are hard to fake like the way she acts on screen with her kids and others, etc. These girls are not that good of actresses. I think we'd see through it if her interactions with her kids were forced or fake. YMMV of course and probably does. lol These are just the thoughts I have with regards to Maci. EDITED: I just wanted to add that I definitely have to go to that tattoo expo and try to find her! I'll have to get close enough to see if she wreaks of booze and how she acts. lol I'm unsure of my own perceptions after visiting the Farrah thread and seeing a video of her acting human. Makes me really wonder more if what we see regarding Farrah and Maci is a product of editing. Did Farrah just piss them off so they only show her worse moments but they party with Maci so skip her's? I'm losing my mind y'all! ?
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