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Everything posted by sixlets

  1. Eureka-thanks so much for the link. It was a very interesting read. I am fascinated with rare illnesses and the heredity that is at play. I've always liked Angel, and he seems like such a great guy. His grandparents should be proud of the job they have done in regards to raising him.
  2. I'm still an episode behind, but I loved hearing more about Angel and his background. I thought I heard his grandmother say what type of disability he has, but I didn't catch the whole name. Christina seems very sweet, but she also very controlling (at least on camera). I do wish them the best for a happy future. I'm waiting for the producers to add a tagline to the show. 'Born This Way: The Megan Show'. I can only handle her in small doses at this point. I would love a standing date each week to grab a Starbucks with Rachel. She is such a breath of fresh air. Her saying she was helping her dad get over his fear of roller coasters was just too much. Frank is an amazing young man, and I would love to see more of him. I'm already going to hell from posts on the Duggar forum, so we'll just add this to my list of offenses. Bring Frank in for the show and ixnay Sean. His womanizing ways are not cute and will land him in some big trouble he won't be able to get out of. It's just a matter of time.
  3. I totally read this as 'one breeder in the congregation! But, as long as JillR is around, they have that job counted too.
  4. Never thought I would say this, but I will give Jill credit for one thing regarding the boys. It seems they drop them off with Cathy instead of dumping them at the TTH. At the very least, they are getting some one-on-one time with a grandparent who knows their name and maybe an interest or two. It also gives Jana two less humans to be responsible for. I am a huge fan of the Target Beauty Boxes. They are only $7/each, and there's free shipping (tax is added). I have a RedCard, so my final total is $7.05. They have great goodies, and many of them are full-size products. I will also hang my head and shamelessly admit that I would love to try FFF, but if I did it, it wouldn't be taking food off our very small table for two. We will probably never know the true reason why her post disappeared, but I think Jill just learned that one can be guilty just by association. With her liking Derick's Tweets and him being the #totally #besthubbyever, she's aligning herself with him. She could support him but keep a public distance. She's just giving people more ammo and it's not turning out well for her.
  5. Aww, Muffin found an age-appropriate book where she can learn all the things about sex that she doesn't already know. As Dorothy said, "possum is brain food". And reading is fundamental! Derick will get one pass from me on one thing, and that is losing his dad. You can never prepare yourself for losing a parent, and I think he sort of lost part of himself when his dad passed away. In his case, it just took a little while for it to show. Next week is not going to be kind to Jill. My hope is she can at least keep her shit together.
  6. Did anyone else watch last night's episode? Lorin really surprised me but in a good way. I think he has a good chance of making it on the outside, and I hope he's able to live his new life in peace. I also liked the new security guy. They all seem to care about the girls and their safety. I'm wondering if they're former police officers. Next week is the season finale, and from previews, it looks like a woman could be in danger.
  7. I haven't been able to post about Dreck going to law school when my brain won't let it sink in. I refuse to accept it, just like how his professors will not accept his shitty behavior. I hope his first case involves a gay couple who have a transgender teen, and they need to purchase a cake for the teen's graduation...and he has to argue in favor of them. I think his fellow peers will fall into 3 categories: 1. They are infatuated with him being a star and want to talk about his time on teevee. 2. They will find him utterly repulsive and snub him for the entire first semester. 3. They really just don't give two hoots about him. He's expecting the first, the seconds will be told to find Jesus, and the third group will be hounded until they fall in love with him & his way of thinking. If the shower curtain scared the bejeebers out of her, imagine what being alone for more than 6 hours will do to her. I can almost hear Jill falling apart during his first day of classes.
  8. If those two were my birthday present, I'd ask for a refund. It looks like Michelle took JB shopping with her at Bon Worth. His hand on her arm is just showing that she belongs to him. It's disgusting. I felt sorry for Anna in the beginning. She had no idea what she was getting into, and her parents just let her walk right into the fire. She is choosing to stay in that marriage and thought a baby would be the cure-all. I have no sympathy for her now. Dragon, I'm dying at the milk!
  9. The Duggar's JTTH sounds like a bad push for a timeshare or a MLM company. They want $375 if you decide (or are forced) to go again. These idiots won't spend money on healthcare for expecting moms, but they will shill out hundreds to let someone "find themselves". I can do that at Starbucks with an iPad and get about the same out of it. While exploring, I did find another Journey. This one actually sounds interesting. Good ole Ernesto sounds like fun. Derick could learn something from him. He uses musical therapy and something called Trance Dance! Oh, and by golly, he's actually licensed. Two thumbs up for Ernesto!!
  10. I didn't mean that to be she's not special in her own way or has no redeeming qualities. I just perceive it to be the way she was thought of by her parents. Aside from Jana kicking Michelle in the ribs in utero (which was deserved), I think Jessa was the one who tested the boundaries with authority. It's sad to know how she paid for that too. Do we know if she did JTTH? I can see JB & M sitting around after hey-hey-hey trying to figure out how to get Jessa into ALERT. She seems very confident around her family, and to an extent, the cameras & crew. Toss her into something unknown, and you could see her start to panic a bit. I can't hold that against anyone-kid or adult, Duggar or not. Public speaking can be an anxiety-inducing thing to tackle. Some folks thrive and others want to run out the door like the roadrunner. If I had to listen to Michelle's voice all day, I would pretend to be deaf too.
  11. I can totally see how Jessa could come across as cold. But, I can also see where it stems from. Instead of being a child, a daughter, she's a number. Josh is the oldest (and most disgusting), so he gets that title. Next are Jana & JD, so they become the twins. Jill comes along, and she gets branded Boob's favorite. Then we have Jessa. And then the rest of the kids. There's nothing special about her (or her place), so she just becomes Duggar #5. With her constantly bringing up how long they've been married could be two-fold. She could see it as something to brag about, or she could reconciling the idea in her own head. When you're on the younger side, it can take some time before it sinks in. I will turn 39 later in the year. Two days after my birthday, we celebrate our 16th anniversary. This past March marked 22 years of being together. When people find out about our situation, they get a look of confusion and most will ask how old we are. I think she has to remind herself that this is her real life=married for 3 years (at the time of filming) and being a mother to two young sons. Would I want to be her best friend-hell, no. Would I meet her for lunch once every 4-6 weeks, sure. Can she be a mean, condescending, and calculating bitch--absolutely. We've seen that many times. But, I fully believe that she loves Ben and her boys with every ounce of her way to long hair.
  12. This entire family likes to show up places unannounced, so (to them), why would a trip to the ER to birth a youngin' be any different? If they keep this up, one of them is not going to have a successful ending. And it has nothing to do with Jesus or praying. It will be based on science and statistics, neither of which the Duggs understand or accept. Medical professionals have stepped in time and again to save baby and mom, but not every baby and/or mom can be saved. I still do not trust Austin. He has shown us time and time again he has the personality of a flea (my sincere apologies to fleas). He shows very little genuine emotion, at least on camera. I have a sneaking suspicion his anger comes out a hell of a lot easier. I think Joy & Austin will be the couple that follows the Pearls the most. He kinda seems like he has the attitude of children should be seen and not heard. There just seems to be some hidden anger right underneath the surface. I don't get a physically abusive vibe from him (like I do with Derick), but I do see emotional or verbal abuse as a possibility. Something that can't be seen but definitely felt by Joy.
  13. With each new photo posted, it seems Jeremy is growing into his role as a dad. He is completely smitten with little Felicity and seems very comfortable with her. She's a beautiful little girl. I have my mom's middle name as my middle name, and it's part of my grandfather's name. She wanted to name me Sarah. I was almost Sarah Lee. My dad shot down that idea pretty quick. He ended up naming me, and while my first name is not made up or wacky, it's not common. I've only met one other woman with it in my life with it. It flowed well with my maiden name, but it's a mouthful with my married name. At least I'm not walking around listening to "nobody does it like Sarah Lee".
  14. Wow. Cross Church thinks quite highly of themselves with that program description. They compare their program to med school? That's laughable and an insult. My cousin-in-law is in med school now. She has gone on missions with the Doctor's Without Borders team on multiple occasions, oddly enough to Central America. She instantly fell in love with the countries and the people, and I can see her doing that once she graduates as opposed to a hospital or private practice. I've known her since she was 4 years old, and I'm so incredibly proud of her. And she does more than handing out a piece of dried out banana bread. At first glance, I thought Jill's bean thing was a pot of berries simmering. And then I remembered, it's Jill. I would love to hear the conversations that have been occurring this week with the premiere of the new season. Do you think J&D would watch? They have to be somewhat curious (and then pissed off that they weren't mentioned).
  15. Prayed to God every single minute that she didn't lose her shit entirely. Or reflect and regret her choices and decisions. What pisses me off the most with these two is the sheer audacity they display. One of these days, they are going to fall from their highly perched pedestal, and that's going to one long, hard fall. Their only hope of being saved is JB's Aquanet slowing him down, and Michelle's newly-found love of bell sleeves slowing her down.
  16. If I'm prying too much, please let me know, but I was wondering how your surgery went and was it worth it? My mom has been considering it for quite some time (it's really affecting her vision in that eye), but I think a part of her is so nervous because her vision is so poor without contacts/glasses. I'm actually getting the same problem, but I wouldn't say mine is interfering with my vision enough to have surgery. I've never known anyone, even online, that had it done and was just curious. I need to watch this past week's episode, but it sounds...interesting. Yes, we'll go with that for now. This show fascinates me.
  17. I am dying at the fact you added Bin to this scenario! I can hear it now: Jana: "Spurge, do you want to go on the slide one more time?" Laura: "Henry, let's not put mulch in our mouth"! Jana: "Bin, I know you're happy that Jessa left, but you need to stop dancing on top of the merry-go-round. People are starting to take pictures". Even though she was pregnant for 4 years, Jinger is simply glowing. Felicity seems wide awake and engaged with both of them already. While it might take some time, I think Jeremy will get a handle on the new dad thing. I can't imagine a 2 1/2 drive while in labor though. I didn't handle the 15-minute drive to the ER with kidney stones well. God bless her...in more ways than one.
  18. Abbie is happy with JD, and it shows on her face. Jill is unhappy with Dreck, and it shows on her face. I want to wipe those damn surprised eyebrows off of Jill's face. She looks wackadoodle in the solo church pic, but she looks very nice in the group photo with the ladies. Izzy doesn't look like himself at all. We may have witnessed the poor kid realizing who is parents are.
  19. I wouldn't normally post a link from Fox, but this article does a good job at explaining the whole baby carrot thing. I'm guessing the commenter is talking about the chlorine. The largest carrot grower explains that all of their carrots---regular, baby, organic, non-organic---get briefly washed in chlorine to prevent food poisoning. All of the jello salad comments reminded me that my grandma made one, but I thankfully can't remember what all it involved. I'm good with some fruit in jello but not mayo, lettuce, or Bacos (that's a new one Calico!).
  20. Was Nana an older woman from their church? I seem to remember there was a lady who told Michelle she just LOVED doing laundry, and she was more than willing to help them out. I've only heard Mary referred to as Grandma/Grandma Duggar. I wish that JB & M could have seen the laundry room breakdown the same way they saw the miscarriage. They viewed the m/c as telling them it's God's will to go off birth control and have as many children as they could. The breakdown could have shown that this was God's way of telling them they enough children at that point, so they should stop at Joe. There are always two sides to a pancake, but these two think they only need to cook, then subsequently burn, one side. They don't allow themselves to look at the flip side.
  21. I do like the wedding photo that gets posted. I think a lot has to do with the fact that it's the one glimpse into their lives before the crazy (and 19 children) set in. They are young and dumb but very much in love. Maybe that's what brought on Michelle's laundry room breakdown. I sometimes wonder if either of them thinks back to that time of their lives and miss it just a little bit.
  22. I'm pretty sure I would rather do that than eat Jill's "best meal ever" dinners. I haven't made a roast in quite some time since it's just the two of us, and Mr. Six doesn't want to take leftovers all week. She has a pound of salt without any other seasoning, mushy carrots, chip-a-tooth potatoes, and a burnt crockpot since she didn't add any liquid. Yum. Said no one.
  23. Maybe she thought she could learn along with him? Imagine all of the fresh fruits and veggies she could have purchased with that same amount of money. Peepaw? WTF. Perhaps Izzy (if he decided on the name) mistook JB for Josh.
  24. I graduated in 97, and we still had home-ec and shop classes, which were on a nine-week rotation. In HE, we got to choose our fabric and make a pair of shorts. I did a simple cotton blend in a deep teal. They lasted a lot longer than I thought they would. I can hand sew buttons and hems. I kinda wish I got into more when I was younger. My MIL is in charge of a program at her church, and she has done beautiful quilts, scarves, blankets, etc. These girls have been so sheltered they probably wouldn't know what a soccer or computer class would entail. At least they have somewhat of a grasp on sewing from watching Jana. Mr. Six headed up a program earlier this year that was for high school students interested in STEM. He's very prominent in the "E" field, and he was thoroughly impressed with what these kids were able to do in one afternoon. They weren't taking this as a day to miss school. They had a passion for what they were doing. I hope the girls were able to interact with other kids and learn just a bit of what happens in the outside world. While social media can be hell for kids now, they literally have the world at their fingertips. Well, most of them do.
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