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Everything posted by sixlets

  1. They've all migrated to Austin's face. Forget the prayer closet, I'm just going straight to hell.
  2. I didn't know Shrek was allowed to speak. Well, Golly Gee Willikers! (BTW, don't look up that phrase in the Urban Dictionary). After reading this, I'm not sure where exactly Botswana is. Perhaps he should be more succinct in his descriptions. And propagate? Try harassing. There's a big difference asshole.
  3. The amount of double entendres he used in this epiphany is so damn funny. "Guy's, rise up..." That's what these men, including our forefathers, were trying to do. And stop using your last name and picture when you post. There's only one Tim in your immediate family. No one is going to think you're someone else.
  4. Wouldn't they go after the people who fraudulently used your SSN? I got an email stating that I had $35 million in a bank based in Nigeria. At the end of the email, they added an email address that was for the "fraud" department and to let them know if anyone else contacted me. Use a little common sense when coming up with your scam buddy. It has been a crazy 25 days of 2020, and I feel like it's just getting started. One of Mr. Six's coworkers lost his wife a few weeks ago. She was only 39 and a month older than Mr. Six. We had to get a new dishwasher and kitchen faucet. Mr. Six did the install of the faucet himself, and I heard him in the kitchen saying he makes way too much money to be laying on the floor & curled up in our cabinet. The guy is 6'2", and there's a garbage disposal under there. But, the new one is pretty and has a LED light. Our internet/cable contract expired, so Fios came out today to get us set up with a new system. He was here for 2 hours. Our oldest cat gave me a heart attack earlier this week. I thought she was having a seizure and collapsed. Turns out, it was a furball. She's doing fine now. My grandmother-in-law lost her 92-year-old brother last night. He had been sick for quite some time, but now there's only her and one brother left. I will be spending this week researching new home/auto insurance. I'm done with Liberty Mutual, and I can't wait to tell them to shove it. galaxy-I hope you feel better soon. Have you been tested for mono? christina-I am so sorry about your babies. I know you did everything for them that you could. jyn-I love the pic! You look great! I hope you all have a nice, calm, and happy Sunday!!
  5. This group probably sees MLK, and think it's a new trendy way to spell milk. On a more serious note, if you want a glance into the opioid crisis in NWAK, check out Jessica Kent on YouTube. She did her last prison sentence down there from dealing out of Springdale. She's now 7+ years sober, and she managed to get her daughter out of DHS custody after having her while in prison. Jed! is smart (one can dream) to focus on a singular topic; otherwise, he's going to end up as roadkill just like daddy did with his failed campaign.
  6. Throw in a failed political campaign to the tune of $250,000, and you got yourself quite a show! I think what amazes me the most about this show is how did TLC managed to come up with so many people who are just so...unmotivated. I will give partial credit to Tal, Heather, and honorable mention to Ashley. Tal seems like he has his shit together with a normal job (is still a A/D counselor?) and relationship with Jon. Heather has two kids to support, and I'm guessing she has a full-time job. I have no clue as to what Ashley does outside the show, but she now has a child to support. The rest of them are just playing this giant game of 'I-don't-want-to-grow-up-and-you-can't-make-me' with Twit leading the way. When this show is done, she's going to be in for a big wake-up call. Sniffing your cat and lounging in your bloomers on someone else's couch ain't paying the bills.
  7. Perhaps I should have worded my post differently. I don't believe for one second that JB is suffering, hence my original statement. It's becoming more obvious that something is going on between Derick and JB. We only get bits & pieces, and what D decides to allude to on social media. Behind closed doors, I don't think these two guys give two hoots about each other. But, the longer this rift continues, it's going to be Jill, Izzy, and Sam that pay the price. Someone needs to come up with a solid way to define sarcasm on the internet. I didn't mean to imply his reasoning for law school was literally to get divorced. I do think he did it as a way to skirt adult responsibilities by being a perpetual student. I'm with you the weird person though. Perhaps that Pistol Pete head was on a little too tight.
  8. Maybe Derick decided to go to law school so he has a leg up on getting out of his covenant marriage. I have a feeling he spends most of his time thinking he has three kids. Jill appears to be...a lot. A lot of work, effort, and just a lot. She's a fragile human being, and that's through no fault of her own. Between the way she was raised and the molestation, she didn't have a fighting chance, and that just sucks. I can see JB regretting "allowing" Jill to marry Derick at this point. He was semi-mainstream, he had an education, and just more life experience. He had to tighten the list of who could marry in after Derick. He couldn't take another chance that someone could open up one of the other kids' mind. JB needs to be in control. I think he met his match with Derick to an extent, and he can't handle the thought of 'losing' another kid, even though they are just a number. Regardless of what is happening between JB & D, Sam & Izzy (and to an extent, Jill) are the ones suffering.
  9. I would like to apply. I have a great (read, my husband's) income, a mediocre townhouse, and I'm also double jointed. I will eagerly await a favorable reply while munching on banana bread and coffee. Sincerely, Six cc: Jebus
  10. If Derick wants this lawyer thing to work out, he needs to work on his wording. "So they just inserted other sisters from the home" sounds like someone went to a nursing home full of retired nuns and just stuck a few here & there. If he needs help with some bigger words, he can call RFP. He seems to have all the words.
  11. They are not in practice together. Dr. Ebonie works in Orange County, CA, and Dr. Bro works in Jersey.
  12. Twit could take a page from Miss Auti's book. She is likable, sweet, and oh right, she knows how to dance.
  13. nysha, I am so sorry for your loss. You will be in my thoughts as well. I wish you nothing but peace & justice in the coming days and weeks.
  14. I had to have that conversation with my husband 6 years into our marriage. We had every intention on having kids. I managed to get pregnant and miscarried at 6 1/2 weeks. I got sick 10 months later and was eventually told it was my best interest to not get pregnant because there was no way of knowing what it would do to my body. I literally had that one chance, and it was taken from me. I am still sick (with no answers 10+ years later), and my body has betrayed me in more ways than I can count. My husband has been amazing through all of this, and I'm not sure where I would be mentally if I didn't have him. I hope they can have this discussion before/if they get married. After 17 years of marriage (and nearly 24 together), my philosophy has become simple: if you think marriage is easy, you are either not married, or you're not doing it correctly. And lastly, Twit needs to get some new dance moves. She's so boring to watch, and Todd needs to find a new dance partner.
  15. beckie, I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my thoughts in the coming days.
  16. Found this old gem on YouTube this evening. It's good for some laughs, but it also shows how poorly these woman are ageing.
  17. Jill (re?)posted this lovely mess of ick yesterday. Maybe she's colorblind and thinks all foods are the same color.
  18. The listing that I found is still showing the property as contingent. It might be a little behind in updating though. From what I saw of the photos, it reminds me of the area Mr. Six & I grew up in. Something big had to happen for them to make this move. It makes no sense, but then again, it's the Rods.
  19. We also have a Sleep Number. They will offer interest-free financing often, and this time of the year is great for sales. Personally, I would never purchase a bed site-unseen, save for the headboard/foot board. There's just too many variables, and you could end up with a concrete slab or a pile of goo. Mr. Six has been on vacation since last Wednesday, and he doesn't go back until next Monday. It's been, um, odd with him here. The guy has a work ethic just like no other, and he just can't relax when taking time off. He gets 5 weeks of paid vacation a year, and he can only carry 3 over, so he was kinda forced into it this year. We have been enjoying each other's company and going on small outings here and there. He was able to get new glasses, and we got a new dishwasher, which is being delivered Friday. We host Christmas for his parents and my mom, so it was nice to catch up with them. And now, it's just nice to catch up on a whole lot of nothing!
  20. Barb and I live fairly close to one another in two different counties, and I can safely say, getting the Real ID was a fairly easy process for Maryland. My DL was set to expire this October, and I was notified back in April that I would need to gather my documents, which were clearly explained. I made my appointment online for the following week, and other than sticking us in field trailers (as opposed to the normal location), it was fairly quick and painless. I don't have a passport, so I had my birth certificate, SS card, marriage license (they are very stern in saying it needs to be the one filed with the county and not anything you get from the church). I also grabbed a handful of bills/statements that had my name/address on it, and she ended up using the letter that the MVA sent me as one of my documents. The first lady check documents, and while she glanced at the marriage license, she handed it right back to me and said it wasn't needed. She then handed me everything else so it could be scanned. I paid my $48 (valid for 8 years), did the vision test, had my picture redone, and she then let me know I should receive the Real ID in 7-10 business days. Ours are raised in certain areas, along with having 3 pictures, and they don't have the ability to print them at the MVA anymore. Mr. Six's DL doesn't expire until 2021 or 2022, and from what we were told, you need to wait until that time. You can go in anytime after you get that first notice. If I remember correctly, the whole process took less than 30 minutes. I went in on a Monday, and I my ID in my mailbox that same Friday. Sorry for the novel 😉 I hope you all have a wonderful, safe, prosperous, and happy new year. Here's to more ups than downs, more love than hate, and maybe a smidgen less reproducing Duggars.
  21. Jennie Garth's oldest daughter is Luca Bella, and Kristen Bell has a daughter named Delta. It's not like these two would know who they are though. I'm personally lobbying for Southwest or Spirit.
  22. Once again, I have to say that the Duggars did one thing right, and that was giving us this group. Whether you celebrate or not, whether you are alone or with family, or whether you are buying a lemon at the CarLot or running for the bus/train (😉), please know you are cared about by many people. And for those who may just lurk (it's totally ok!!) or your post daily, remember there is help available if you need it. Please reach out. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK [8255]). Happy Holidays!
  23. Derick can start his law career mansplaining to Jill the legal ramifications of letting the boys "parade" home. This is one of the stupidest things Jill has ever done (and we won't discuss the further stupidity in posting it).
  24. Depending on your price range for gifts, there's actually a subscription called The Introverted Chick. If you sub today, they are offering 35% off their different tiers. A three month option goes from $111 down to $72. I watch this lady's channel, and she said today that the IC box was one of her favorites. Allure also has a good beauty box that's reasonably priced.
  25. Looks like old Jill is double-dipping in the MLM scams. The box on the counter above is from a hair care/skincare line. Monat is most famous for making people's hair fall out, not to mention, it's $40 a bottle. For shampoo. A lot of MLMs have a clause in their contract that it's against company policy to shill for another business. Monat & Plexus could be considered competing brands since they both offer a skincare line. I would laugh my ass off if she just "outed" herself to her Plexus upline.
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