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Cobb Salad

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Everything posted by Cobb Salad

  1. Glad to see Gary and Max join EJ. EJ said he was alone for 2 weeks? That’s a long time even when going for 60 days. It worked out nicely for Gary and Max that they didn’t have to build a shelter for themselves as EJ had enough room for them. Gary hasn’t been as weird with food so far, I guess since they were catching a lot of fish. That bear lurking around at night was scary. While it was clever to use the shelter as raft material I wonder how much sleep either Jeff or Steven got that night while laying out in the open. I know I would have gotten none but then I’m a survivalist from the comfort of my home, 😆 I am wondering how Jeff and Steven came upon Gary/Max/Amber’s shelter then next week it seems they join up with Matt/Ryan/Riley who I thought were further up river from EJ. Seems like we’ll revisit the “neighbors not roommates” theme again, 😆. I really hope Riley recovers and doesn’t need to leave the challenge. That team is really working well together. That bridge was genius. They caught a 2nd nutria! When I saw Riley grab those mushrooms…. always need to be careful with them in the wild.
  2. One of my neighbors around the corner from me has a little one who I think is around 2 or 3 years old - I saw him running back and forth around the common area about two weeks ago. Last week I was out on one of my walks and I encountered him and his family coming from the opposite direction so when he spotted me he yelled “HI!” several times. I said hello when we passed then he had to yell “BYE!” several times. So cute. 😊
  3. Maybe it depends on the makeup of the clog? My slow drain issues are with the bathroom sink.
  4. Matt survived by himself for around 20 days on his Africa XL experience so I’d agree of any of the Naked and Afraid people he could do it. Maybe #2 would be Bulent who from his behavior during last year’s XL made me think he would be better on Alone instead. About Tim, how anyone would go off into the wilderness with his health condition is mind boggling. Biko’s makeshift nose ring - I couldn’t look when he was putting it in. Ugh.
  5. Along with baking soda, white vinegar can be used to clear out slow drains. Much better to use than something like Drano.
  6. 😆 You know since this is XL and everyone has participated in at least one challenge that several or all of them have seen each other’s episodes so they each have a “reputation”, good or bad. This would be an interesting twist on the show if it ever happened.
  7. It’s a Tide commercial. I like “The Susie” too.
  8. I have a hunch it’ll be Steven and Jeff based on how the distance they told us Max and Gary traveled combined with how far apart they are telling us the teams are in the beginning of each show. Otherwise maybe they found a preexisting shelter. What EJ did .. pretty foolish. I’d go for the sterile environment to get my injury taken care of. Having to rely on only yourself plus dealing with an injury he only made it harder for himself. I hope Riley is okay too. I like this team as well. It’s funny that Steven set all those snares to catch that nutria and didn’t get it while Ryan got one last week with only one snare. 😆
  9. Good question. Anything I’ve seen online mentions only the movies and television shows potentially involved in the deal. I did a search and an article came up on the Financial Times site saying the head of Sony said the film studio is not for sale as Amazon buys MGM. It’s behind a paywall so I don’t know if this article is from after the sale or earlier this week before the sale was announced.
  10. Sorry to see Amber go the way she did. I wonder if we’ll see her again. Wanting to stay despite the health warning and possibility of death was reckless. Someone I worked with a while back had suffered through DVT that included a hospital stay for several days. Ryan’s trap to catch the nutria was genius. I hope there are not any more in the area for their sake. I didn’t know they were that great to eat, my knowledge of them came from the Seinfeld episode where Elaine tried to pass off a nutria hat as an expense hat and her company’s accountant told her it’s a rat hat, lol. Thinking about the potential of a merge, now it seems unlikely since the teams seem to be far enough apart that moving is risky. Each of the teams look to have sturdy enough shelters to keep them warm at night plus it took them a while to build. They’d have to do that all over again in a new place plus there’s the possibility of having to deal with trying to make it through a very cold night without a warm enough shelter.
  11. Yes! I talked with a recruiter yesterday about a couple of jobs in my area, each with a different company. The first one had a rate that I’m looking for and the second one was much lower. I told them I’ll pass on the 2nd one, they asked why and I told them the rate was too low. They were able to get the client to raise the rate just to get my interest. I’m waiting back on hearing whether or not either place wants to interview me.
  12. I’m looking for a job at the moment. I have a profile on LinkedIn and have been hearing from recruiters about positions they think I may be interested in. My profile has a summary of my work history along with locations I would like to work in my state. My peeves are recruiters who ignore the location and send me something where I’d be required to relocate (I don’t respond) or they send a note with a job title and location followed by “send me your resume and I’ll contact you”. No, I don’t think so, tell me the details first and I’ll decide.
  13. Re: Jeff, yes he is religious, several times in this challenge I think I’ve heard him reference either God or Jesus, I can’t remember exactly what he said or in what context. I thought it was interesting since it’s the first time that I know if since his first challenge. About the weight gain strategy, the only woman that I know of that’s been on Naked and Afraid who’s done it is Laura. If you know going in your food supply is going to be iffy for 2 months it’s not a bad strategy to follow. Sarah, Suz-Ahn and Lacey should have done it. I’m wondering about EJ and his ability to last 45 days on his own. Last night’s episode did say that but I’d be disappointed if there wasn’t some team merges happening sometime during this challenge. Gary throwing up in the shelter is disgusting. It happening so close to the end of the episode seems to hint that it was a fake out IMO.
  14. @bilgistic I don’t know how things work where you are regarding the legal system and noisy neighbors - one of my neighbors was having severe noise issues with their upstairs neighbors to the point that they called the police. I witnessed one episode on an afternoon walk around my development. The police talked to the person who called and the upstairs offender. After that I found out second hand the behavior did not stop as there were multiple calls to property management involved that included notifying them that a police report had already been filed. I don’t know how long this back and forth went on but eventually property management issued a “cease and desist” letter to the upstairs neighbor. (It was around the time I emailed property management about my problem that got pretty quick action so I wonder if this other incident greased the wheels for me). As far as I know that letter did the trick but the downstairs neighbor had to keep pestering the management for that to happen. Everyone should be allowed to peaceably live in their home and get their rest, etc. Apart from moving pestering the management and/or calling the police are the other options obviously.
  15. Probably the best solution here is to just move. On the bright side you can just leave and let the problem become someone else’s. No worries about selling to someone who is going to be angry because now they have the upstairs noisy neighbor. I live in a first floor condo as an owner and have been here for a while. The unit upstairs has been a rental most of the time I’ve been here. Most of the tenants upstairs have been okay as far as noise until this one who moved in over 5 years ago. A few months after she moved in she started doing her laundry late at night which kept me from falling asleep. It went on enough that I spoke to her about it which did nothing. Long story short I was able to eventually (on the 2nd try) get the property manager to call the unit owner to get it to stop. No problems since. If that didn’t work I was planning to haunt the Homeowners Board until I got my peace and quiet after 10 pm. If I was renting I would have just left. Selling would have been more time consuming and aggravating.
  16. I’ve liked Max in his previous challenges but here he’s coming off more as a jerk. I’ve been thinking about how in his previous XL in the Philippines he swam off alone to get food and how concerned Angela was about his safety and going off alone might not have been a wise move. There may have been a similar level of chutzpah in both instances on his part. I’m waiting for the inevitable team merges and the different dynamics that will come out of it 😊
  17. It’s on Amazon Prime, if you buy from Amazon you can get a 30 day trial, cancel before it’s up and see the movie for free - if you’re okay with doing something like that. I’ve done the free trial before and was able to cancel before I got charged.
  18. Wow. I watched the reair this afternoon. That guy Bruce was a real piece of work. I’ve had to deal with my share of noisy upstairs neighbors but to solve the issue with murder is not the way. IMO he was going to be an ongoing problem for anyone living upstairs from him even if Yvette and Smitty moved.
  19. I agree. I’ve never been crazy with shaking someone else’s hand. The first thought I always have afterwards is trying to figure out where and when I’ll be able to wash my hands next. Plus having to touch someone else’s clammy limp hand.
  20. Maybe I missed it but why is he hosting anyway? Aren’t there plenty of people in the entertainment world they could get? Even someone who has hosted multiple times? I usually watch it through the clips on YouTube the next day so whether I watch or not depends on how well they title the clips.
  21. Today’s 8:30 episode was “In the Soup”, a favorite of mine. Yet again Beaver is convinced to do something stupid by one of his “friends”, this time Whitey Whitney. You can see the look on Whitey’s face when he watches Beaver actually take the dare of checking out if there’s actually soup in the bowl or not, boy is he gullible. Again, Ward has to tell Beaver he doesn’t have to keep proving himself over and over to people.
  22. It might be worth a try and they may turn it down, then later turn it up again. I don’t like that kind of noise either and have had to deal with a noisy upstairs neighbor in the past who I was able to get to be more quiet late at night. During the day is a different story.
  23. Oh, and Gary did not disappoint with his gross eyeball eating. I do find him entertaining though.
  24. Lacey was actually likeable and got along with her teammates. Wow. I was hoping since Suz-ahn got a couple of competent people as teammates this time she’d be more bearable. I guess not. Yeah, day 3, they haven’t eaten yet since they’re still working on their shelter isn’t a good start. It looks like a very tough environment since there’s hints of possible taps early on.
  25. I’ll echo this and add how annoying it is to open the door to the recycling shed to find someone has left a bag of recycling right inside the door where people need to step to leave their stuff instead of depositing the contents into the bins. Then there are the types who can’t push their unbroken down boxes in further to create space that the rest of us need to get inside. I don’t know what people are buying that come in these large boxes but this has been happening over and over this past year. Then there’s the weird non recyclable stuff in the recycling shed like brake rotors and a Barbie Dream House. Ugh.
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