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Cobb Salad

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Everything posted by Cobb Salad

  1. I’ve gotten these from time to time - some of them were calls according to my caller ID from my town hall. I don’t answer them figuring if it was them they’d leave a message, none are ever left. A while back I’d answer some of these calls and they were almost always someone trying to sell me solar panels. Why they can’t identify themselves properly on caller ID is a mystery to me - it feels like a scam right from the start. These days I don’t answer the phone unless it’s from someone I already know. For my cell phone I don’t answer a call unless the phone number is in my address book first.
  2. I haven’t seen it happen enough to my liking either but I’ve heard stories once in a while, or the ones where other drivers road rage the offender. Texting while driving is illegal in NJ too but lately when I’ve been driving on the highways the road signs are COVID related, not about putting down the phone and drive.
  3. Yes! They’ll stop you if you’re violating the speed limit of course but if you’re going with the flow of traffic they’re not going to stop you even if it’s going slightly above the speed limit, at least from what I’ve observed. They also stop people who impede the traffic flow by going too slow.
  4. I forgot about the duct tape so now I’m wondering how useful Gwen and Wes found it as time went on. Sorry to see Ryan go the way he did. He seemed like an okay guy as far as his ability to get along with people and in those cases I’d say hope we’d see him again. However with the things he was saying about big game hunting, I don’t think so. Bulent, on the other hand would look at first to be a great addition to the team since he was doing well on his own getting food. The previews for next week seem to indicate he’s not going to last long with this bunch and with the way he got along with Kate and Malkani I’m not surprised. I’m mystified why he’d even be interested in participating in this 40 day challenge.
  5. 100% of the bad neighbor issues I’ve had in recent memory can be attributed to this. I’m talking about issues other than a neighbor’s dog. I’d talk to the neighbor and try to explain but they’d do it again and sometimes another time or more. In one instance I had to contact the property manager through a rather tersely worded email which resulted in her talking to the actual unit owner (the problem neighbor was a renter who I spoke to initially, continued to do the offending behavior and avoided me when I tried to talk to them again) who took care of the problem for me.
  6. I can usually take walks around my neighborhood without incident. There are a couple of “regulars” that I exchange a nod or a wave with from time to time and that’s it. Then there have been a couple of incidents with dog owners. I was passing one who was off to the side when he said the dog is friendly. I made the mistake of saying I don’t care. This guy proceeded to follow me down the street matching my quick pace while muttering some insults which made me stop which I guess was his goal. He didn’t let me say a word while he went on some rant that ended with “and that’s sad because you’ll be dead soon”. That prompted me to hurl some insults at him that got him riled and that was the end of that. I had never seen this guy and this dog before and over 2 years later I still haven’t run into him. It was the end of a holiday weekend and I suspect he was visiting someone in the neighborhood. My attitude is if I don’t know who you are and where you live I’m sure not going to engage in anything to do with your dog. Then there’s the woman across the street who let her little dog run around off a leash - I was passing by when the dog saw me and started barking and running toward me. I was enough of a distance away and walking fast enough that the dog was never able to catch up with me. When I got to the spot where I cross the street, it was clear so I crossed. I think the dog followed me across the street then stopped. All the time the owner is yelling for the dog and trying to retrieve it. I never said a word to her about this. After these incidents and a couple of others I try to have tunnel vision while I encounter these types. They’re not going to change their ways.
  7. Also if you can wait it’ll probably come out on DVD/rental before you know it and maybe available through your local library. Seems like anything worth watching on CBS is being aired on All-Access. I don’t like being nickled and dimed to death with all of these streaming services. I bought into cable a while back so now I’m supposed to subscribe to these other services too? Also I checked out Peacock the other day. The limited free stuff is okay but there’s other content that I’m interested in that you have to pay for 😡.. when will it end?
  8. Yes this is great advice. A job search should always include an inventory of yourself such as what working conditions you’ve excelled in and the ones that are killers. These become questions to ask when it’s time and the answers will indicate if this is the perfect match. “What Color is Your Parachute” has worksheets that can help.
  9. I think Wes made a comment that if it didn’t work out with the larger group he and Gwen would banish themselves or something like that but since the 4 who showed up built their own boma nearby I’d imagine it would become a “neighbors not roommates” deal. I don’t see that happening though.
  10. Seth should watch the other XL challenges that took place in Africa. They included events like eating monkey piss fruit and the production team joining the XL challengers in their Boma while the dangerous animals roamed around nearby. All of the challenges are tough. About the pot lid, what use is it to taking it (or giving it away) without the pot? Then working without a pot lid, isn’t it better to have a partially filled pot with water in the blind instead of no water at all? He should have been the one with all the food when Bulent showed up. If he’s complaining about food hoarding by someone who pretty much just showed up then he can’t admit how poor he is about surviving in the wild with nothing. The wrap up show should be interesting.
  11. I’m not a fan of Bulent either but he was spot on regarding Seth and his call about him tapping. I’m wondering if he’ll do the entire 40 days alone - he seems to be doing ok so far when it comes to getting food. People like Seth unfortunately are not self aware enough to realize they are the source of their problems with people. I like the new six pack team and it was nice to watch an episode without Suz-ahnn complaining so it seems that she’s found her “birds of a feather”. I watched Ryan’s first episode today and IMO no doubt if he had a partner that didn’t tap so early he would have easily made the 21 days. Given the environment he was in it was the right call for him to leave early.
  12. I was wondering what it would be like if Bulent and Seth were a team, now we’ll find out. Suz-ahnnn was less annoying once she joined the other team. I hope it continues.
  13. I think “I Mudd” is funny too. Harry Mudd surrounded himself with a bunch of beautiful android women so someone pins the sexist tag in the episode. To each his or her own. Everyone has their own list of favorites, some of mine are on the most mentioned “best of” then I have a couple of “favorites because they are so dumb” that many people would put on a “worst of Trek” list.
  14. Exactly. The only way that 1985 Jennifer would be able to learn she married Marty at the Chapel of Love is if someone else (like Doc Brown for example) brought back proof of that happening and she never travelled through time. She can’t see it happening while in the future because she didn’t do it before she made the trip. The best movie IMO that I’ve seen future time travel illustrated well is The Time Machine (the 1960 version) - when George stops for a visit in the future he comes across the son of his friend that we met at the start of the movie. The son mentions how his father looked after his friends property for years after the friend (George) disappeared, the son never knows he is talking to that person.
  15. I thought I saw it as a caption during one of her talking head segments. I agree she’s really not one with the behavior she displayed / you describe above.
  16. @Giuseppe My first time watching Part II in the theatre my thought was when Marty was watching his future self was “I guess he made it back to 1985 ok” then took the rest of the movie as entertainment, but yeah, I’ve been thinking the same thing as you describe. I like Part II for the fun look at what “2015” looks like from the late 80s and that’s it. Part III is a better movie IMO. Realistically if time travel was possible, at the end of the original when Doc returns to 1985 and tells Marty while in a tizzy how his kids must be saved, the real solution is for Doc either solve the problem while initially in 2015 or find someone else to help him. If he brings Marty and Jennifer with him to 2015 then the theme becomes where have they been for 30 years and how have they not aged. I forget where I read it but some scientist also mentioned how what was depicted in Part II was impossible if someone travelled through time. The filmmakers didn’t plan this as a trilogy initially but the success of the original forced a sequel so that last scene shoehorned them into the start of the next movie. I suspect there may have been a different closing/opening scene if a trilogy was in the works from the start.
  17. I see the resemblance now. My guess is if she were paired with different people in the beginning her behavior would have been more tolerable and she might have lasted longer. IIRC I think she got along with her original partner in her 21 day challenge until that partner tapped. Things get bad and she has a epic meltdown - not good for someone who claims to be a survival instructor.
  18. It looked like Gwen, Wes and Kate would work well as a team. Oh well. I guess hanging out in a blind all day waiting for wildlife to show up involves a lot of sleeping and snoring - Seth isn’t doing anything to help. So Makani took a different route and found other people way quicker than Kate did it appears. Although Suz-Ahn’s concerns about Makani are justified regarding what she can contribute it looked like she was interviewing her for a spot on the team. She does know that eventually there will probably be one group, right? Hope Bulent is happy on his own. I can’t see him getting along with any of the other people there.
  19. @Captain Asshat I took German in school. I currently don’t speak it but I do remember the alphabet - the “a” is pronounced “ah” similar to how Suz-ahn says it. I don’t recall any different pronunciation with the umlaut included. According to learn-German-easily.com the a with umlaut is pronounced like a in apple or ai in air.
  20. I agree. Apparently Kate is living rent free in Bulent’s head too. I’m not looking forward to the potential reunion down the road when the teams merge. I hope either one or both of them are gone by then.
  21. At the end of last night’s re-airing of last week’s episode Sarah, Jonathan and Ryan mentioned how well they’re working together and what would happen when others show up - I took that as foreshadowing for last night’s episode and thought Kate would show up, but no (thankfully). Seems that Kate didn’t expect going out in her own was going to be so hard, lol. I loved Lacey’s comment about her own self banishment “10 feet away”. I’m also enjoying Lacey’s self awareness regarding her own behavior on her challenges. Maybe it would be an interesting pairing with Kate??? Yes, aloe is for putting on your skin, not eating despite what they were saying beforehand. I guess if you’re desperate for food you’d try anything as long as it’s not toxic and doesn’t force you out of the challenge. It seems that Makani isn’t there yet regarding eating anything but given where she is I’d hope she eat something to keep her going through the challenge rather than figure there’s something there for her that is within what she usually eats. That catfish looks like a start.
  22. I do too. I can’t imagine anyone on any of the other teams putting up with Kate’s bossy ways for long without a blow up especially after they’re all established and working together well. As the show explained she’s several miles from an available water source so maybe she’ll give up before finding someone else, lol. Makani was too nice to Kate. In her position I would have told her to come and get the water whenever it was ready. I would have enjoyed another former XL commentary show too. Having people coming back to reminisce about their challenge while watching it, meh.
  23. Unless I’m thinking of another team I thought Gwen/Wes had already spoken to Josh about things he should be doing and he either didn’t do it or didn’t do it well. He just wanted to do what he wanted to do - sit and make weird bird noises.
  24. It’s up on the Discovery Go app (obviously for free).
  25. “Clothed and Opinionated” was pretty entertaining. Jake’s always welcome in my opinion. While I didn’t enjoy Lacey’s presence on her XL challenges I did like her commentary here. She called the first tap out from the start (“as an expert tap outer” or something like that) so having already seen the episode I laughed when she said that. About the 2 hour XL show preceding, it was surprising that Dawn tapped so early. Gwen and Wes look like they’re in it for the long haul. The early tappers from their initial challenge being brought in to the team later brought an interesting dynamic to the established 2 person team, especially with the duct tape guy. At least he had the option to stay, either alone or made part of another team. His behavior at being banished was unprofessional.
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