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  1. It was bad. Although as a couple of the other queens said, she brought what she brought. OTOH as Yvie said, there's a wall full of fabrics and we've seen Vanjie at the sewing machine before. I'm not a creative person and don't know exactly what changes she could have made in the time she had, but at least stop with the body glitter/shiny fabric or whatever it is she's been wearing. My guess is that she's covering her chest tattoo, but there are better ways. Michelle also wasn't wrong that Vanjie's headpieces are stale and boring. I was happy to see Vanjie do well in the dance challenge, because her tears about not doing her best made me sad. Second time that the final performance number we saw looked nothing like the rehearsal choreography.
  2. I wanted to see the juvenile officer (or whoever) prosecuted for telling children they didn't need an attorney. What was he/she getting out of that if not money? I suppose having access to Gramercy Park might be viewed by a jury as something weird that rich people do, but the place isn't that nice -- small two acres of pathways and foliage. Nothing a person would drive across Manhattan to use. I like that both side are being presented pretty evenly -- the prosecutors aren't just heartless hardliners and the defense aren't just trying to get guilty clients off by any means possible.
  3. That's a good point. Alec was significantly older than Alison and perhaps both his parents were deceased, but did he have no extended family at all? If people are enjoying this, I'd recommend London Spy, available on Netflix. It's a similar-ish story of a man hellbent on investigating what really caused the death of his partner who worked for British intelligence. Or did he? Lies and spies.
  4. Roy has some new gigs that will likely mean a lot less of him on TDS. Happy for his success but he's become my favorite correspondent and I'll miss him. "The cable network has signed a first-look deal with Wood to develop new projects for television and digital platforms. In addition, Wood will star in a third stand-up special and a digital series for Comedy Central. Comedy Central will begin production in May on Jefferson County Probation in Wood's hometown of Birmingham, Alabama. ... the show will star Wood as a probation officer who bends the rules to help the clients he monitors, to the chagrin of his partner and everyone else in his life."
  5. My complaint about judging on any reality show is how frequently the panelists all parrot each others' opinions. Are there really no different takes or disagreements at all? It seems especially dubious on shows like this with guest judges who have no prior knowledge of the contestants. And if there is the rare variance, the snake rattle sound effects come out. Which is all kind of a prelude to Silky, because I don't understand why the judges are letting some of her ratty looks go unchallenged when the same garment on a thin queen would put her in the bottom three. Edited to illustrate and memorialize my distaste. Would anyone who didn't watch the show be able to match the runways for Trampy Trick or Treaters, Witch, Please, and Monsters I'd Like to Freak?
  6. I mostly wondered how Samir managed to remember the names of so many "they done me wrong" people all the way back to high school. Either my memory sucks or I wasn't bullied enough. My instinct would have been to disappear a few dictators and such.
  7. Luke's verbal workarounds to avoid giving Kate a direct compliment are so fucking weird! "I like home-brined pickles and you live in a world where they exist, so that's something I find attractive about you." He's a thorough gaslighter and manipulator yet can't be bothered to make up something nice about Kate. You lie all the time, dude. Just lie!
  8. I think it will likely turn out to be a bunch of nothing. Luke will whisper that he created the account as a joke, playing into the idea that people he meets IRL sometimes assume he's gay. No proof otherwise and leaving it up would seem to support that. In any case I'll be tuning it to find out. Damn you Lifetime!
  9. The only thing missing is this episode is -- not enough ring twisting!
  10. I do not mind product placement in TV shows. A character pouring from a generic carton of "Milk" is much more distracting to me than a real label. Nor am I fussed when cameras zoom in on car logos or store names (typically on reality shows). Any and all of it is preferable to me than watching dedicated commercials. I think it could even be useful to have a separate video track similar to Amazon's X-ray feature where viewers could bring up purchasing info if desired. Let's lean all the way into it.
  11. I don't enjoy intrusive soundtracks and mostly end up muting and watching with closed captions. Not for me!
  12. I assume everyone is on the edge of their seats to see Flagg and Altman working together next season to sell that mysterious, expensive co-listing?
  13. The thing with Flagg's house hunt is that Bobby doesn't want to live in a suburban neighborhood with good schools; he wants to be in a hipper area with other people in their 30s. Which he calmly explained to his palpitations-having spouse. Flagg's "compromise" was then to offer to buy a house where Bobby doesn't want to live and remodel it to suit him. So an updated Spanish style house in a family neighborhood. Win for Flagg, I'd say, and directly opposite his dad's advice that marriage sometimes means giving in to make your spouse happy. It's interesting that when Flagg and Colton were arguing about where to live, it was Colton who wanted a sweet suburban house whereas Flagg was adamant about staying in a hipper condo or hotel. Thus ends my overly-enmeshed musings on TV reality show stars.
  14. Oh, dear. I dislike 80% of the storylines this season: Blum and Maia separately or together, Diane's hallucinations, Diane's marriage, Diane's obsession with Trump, the NSA eavesdropping crap. Even Marissa is getting to be too much of a magical know-it-all for me, dispensing advice and solving everyone's problems with a glance. The Reddick sexual harassment predicament and Liz's divorce twists are the kind of courtroom-based shenanigans I enjoy and expect from this show. The rest is bumming me out.
  15. I'm salty on my behalf because of all the stupid clickbait ads telling me I won't believe! what! celebrities! look! like! now! Complete with before and after. You know what? I have no trouble believing it! People were once in young and now 40-50 years later they no longer are. Going bald/gray and needing glasses is one thing, but dog forbid any of the poor schmucks have put on weight because that moves them right to the front of the photo gallery of horrors. (I'll allow that some celebs have unfortunate cosmetic surgery results, but the commonality is still that they aged.)
  16. Buttigieg is impressive and the thought of a multi-lingual POTUS who could represent the US internationally in a calm and intelligent manner is very appealing. But Trevor and company seriously couldn't find any black marks against him? It's depressing that I believe this so strongly, but the U.S. will not elect a gay person in the next two years. The only other president who was a Rhodes Scholar is Clinton, so the bloom is off that rose for me.
  17. I liked the rare callback that there is a baby in the house, and that Peggy told William to watch him when she went out this time. She doesn't automatically make Lawrence do everything. Laughed at Peggy and Mike acknowledging to each other that mocking their kids is a game between them. I'm not sure I'm supposed to be identifying with any of the kids, but I do with William and his bookish, limelight shunning ways. It's a good thing I'm not acquainted with the creator because I'd constantly be asking him which plot points really happened and wanting to meet each of the brothers to size up how well their personalities compare to the show.
  18. Because unfortunately, women/people of color sometimes aren't given the same presumption of innocence, purity, and goodness that Caucasians are.
  19. Thanks! Nothing is bad. :-) If I'm understanding, all reactions add to a person's reputation, but only the "like" option applies towards the total of 25 to make a comment pink?
  20. AJ, that haircut isn't helping. It's one thing for Stephanie to feel embarrassed or on edge when AJ throws a tantrum, but I think the way he talks over her and doesn't listen is much worse. That behavior is aimed directly at her, not the production crew or a roadmap, and is personally belittling.
  21. This was a previous question and answer: I'm unclear if that conflicts with another answer:
  22. In addition to the loosely calculated closing costs, I wonder if salaries for project managers, designers, etc. are excluded from the budgets. Whatever the final totals, I'm pretty sure none of the flippers are making as much as the final tallies would have us believe. I'd love to know how much the flippers get paid by the production companies and if the associated scheduling, slowdowns, and retakes for filming are worth it. In this case, D and P may have even bought a house they otherwise wouldn't just because they need to crank so many out for the show. That occurred to me as well. These shows stick like glue to their standard template, but I think it would be interesting for viewers to hear about legal problems as well as rotted floor joists.
  23. I assume the above-reproach teacher was white...
  24. As our legal beagle @Bastet mused, check your local laws if you regularly back in! Rummaging around online traffic ordinances: Kailua, Hawaii: Prohibited from backing into slots where there are meters. All cars must face the meters. Fullerton, CA: Prohibited entirely. "Police will be able to check if rear license plates are registered and legal. Also, it’s a standard policy to have lot permit tags in the front windows and parking stickers on the back sides of the cars for employees. This prevents motorists from parking in the wrong spaces." Martha's Vineyard: Prohibited entirely. Also illegal to exit by pulling through a vacant slot ahead of you. Bellingham, WA: Backing into angled parking is prohibited. Fort Collins, CO: Prohibited in city limits. Sarasota, FL: Prohibited in public lots and streets. They cite licenses only being on the rear of cars as the primary reason. Also "In some parking areas, like Bayfront Park and the Palm Avenue Parking Garage, there are many pedestrians walking around, so back-in parking is not allowed for safety and operational efficiency reasons." There should be clear signage in the affected areas or you can fight the ticket. :-)
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