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Everything posted by 2727

  1. Nice to spend time with these folks again! I enjoyed Det Vega a lot, especially her casual explanations to a shocked Pierce about polyandry and her husband's boyfriend. <breathe> It's very hard to believe that the D.A.'s office would give Maddie the run of the place while there's an ongoing investigation against her father. How many times must Bosch be attacked before he secures his freaking house? Motion detector floodlights on the stairs, alarms, reinforced glass, exterior cameras, etc.
  2. Instead of the victim being "probably dead" when he was dumped, I wanted him to have died during the time Sandra wasted dithering around like the chump she is. Live with that on your conscience, ya nitwit.
  3. Oh, Brooke Lynn. If you're not good at accents, pick a celebrity who doesn't have one. I think she could have done very well with someone like Bea Arthur/Dorothy Zbornak. Wear a short gray wig, tunic top, and be bitingly sarcastic. Everyone: Please brainstorm these things with friends before the show, see what suits you, and practice! Also, I'm pretty burned out. This show needs to be on once a freaking year, including All Star seasons. There's too much repetitiveness (and tiresome shouting) to be airing 8 months at a time. I watch a lot of competitive reality shows that highlight creativity, but it's asking a lot even of me to sit through the 300th runway look of the year and still maintain any sense of excitement or anticipation. I stick with it because I love seeing what the queens come up with, but please give me time to recharge and anticipate!
  4. Would she, though? I guess Ru thought Silky's Snatch Game was enough to make up for her boring runway, but Shuga and Nina both had great challenge performances and runway looks. Like others have said, I'm really tired of Silky's pageant gowns. BeBe and Latrice never got called out for the same thing on All Stars, either. Can someone explain why the judges were blown away by Brooke Lynn's runway? Was it because the reveal included different wigs? That's been done many times. Also, most runway reveals include a scanty garment underneath, and Brooke has done the bandage-y barely there wrap look before. I mean, I liked it and Brooke always sells it with her graceful movements on the runway, but Ru was acting completely gagged.
  5. I'm not sure how long Nina's going to be around since the judges have been generally lukewarm towards her. I can't force them to like camp, but I also think it's a bit unfair to criticize her basically for not being fishy enough (eg, costumes not "proportional") when that's not what she's going for. Same with Yvie Oddly, whose esthetic is right in her damned name. She's never going to serve pageant glamor.
  6. Nobody's nasal tissues get dry, either. A slow trickle of a nosebleed indicates supernatural forces at work. You thought too hard!
  7. So beige, it was! The bedspread and draperies were not only bland but looked thin and cheap. Hopefully they're better in person. The homeowners at least pretended to be happy with their mid-level hotel room ambience. Overall, I think the show needs to find its purpose. The earlier episodes were about helping "worthy" people with remodels gone wrong whose budgets were so low that N&J had to beg, borrow and call in favors in order to finish the projects. Then the show morphed into more straightforward design with realistic budgets. I prefer the latter because I don't enjoy putting contractors and suppliers on the spot and its repetitive and boring to watch, but I also gotta say that the guys wouldn't run out of money if they didn't buy such freaking expensive furniture in the first place. Some of these high end designers (hi Thom Filicia!) can't seem to understand that a $1K couch may be a perfectly reasonable couch. Nate loves him some accessories, but that stuff ends up costing thousands of dollars. Also, viewers understand that these shows have an large staff of design assistants so there's no need to pretend that N&J are doing the installs all by themselves.
  8. I guess it's unpopular in the sense that so many people point to online discussion as something they look forward to (and that binging has somewhat spoiled), but a lot of said discussion is irrelevant or even irksome to me for one reason or another. I like hearing different opinions and do not begrudge, at all, that sci fi fans enjoy getting into the weeds with canon, or that others live to ship, or to snark about reality show contestants, or to hate watch. It's just that those things aren't of interest to me and can overtake some forums. Unfollow! Reddit is a bit more forgiving since comments are threaded and I can easily collapse parent remarks that I'm not interested in, which also hides the children.
  9. I think I'm out, too, and agree that extensive fast-forwarding is indicative of my increasing indifference. See: The poll-watching scenes where the "might as well have been wearing MAGA hats" guys were portrayed as oafish thugs. It's tiresome. Jay not being immediately fired drove home that the show no longer has the faintest grip on reality. For the People will have to satisfy my legal drama fix; it's a pale imitation but at least is primarily about the cases.
  10. Did anyone catch Big Texas Fix on DIY? It's set in Galveston; one episode has aired so far. The couple buy old houses that are ramshackle to the point of falling down and concentrate on restoration. Interesting Victorian styles. Really nice results from the episode I've seen and the show's introductory shots. Pleasant hosts and low conflict. Saturdays at 9pm
  11. Poor cash-strapped zoos doing whatever they can to bring in money/supporters -- of course the big daddy had to join the party. And @walnutqueen can go check things out in person and report back! I of course welcome all zoo shows but none so far have been able to top my favorite animals, keepers, and Jim Breheny at Bronx. That production team just seems to put the stories together a bit better for me.
  12. Also ominous? Peggy's offhand reply to his comment that the kids didn't like shredded wheat being they wouldn't know. What was she planning to do to it? My mother would only buy Cheerios, Shredded Wheat (big turd, not the minis) and Grape Nuts. But we had free access to the sugar bowl, so several teaspoons of that got dumped onto everything.
  13. It was amusing when Ra'Jah said she'd been in the bottom twice, conveniently omitting her participation in the 6-way group lipsync debacle. Like that somehow didn't count. I don't even watch Untucked and was still fed up with Ra'Jah and her bitter attitude. She may have intended her confessional interviews to come off as cute gay tea spilling, but they actually were jealously vindictive and deluded. Her drag never bowled me over or made me laugh. My decider with Drag Race queens is always "would I pay to see this person at a club or convention?" The ability to entertain is much more important to me than beauty or expensive costumes.
  14. I believe that feature was removed in the overall update several weeks ago. There used to be a regular search box with a menu of filters (by member, by this forum, etc.) and a second search box with prediction matching. I don't think the advanced search box is available any more in the updated version.
  15. The TLC site has season 3 episode 1 listed as "Luxury Retreat," which aired on 4/6. I've devoted the last few days to watching the previous seasons and goodness. I do not usually cry about design shows (unless it's Hildy on Trading Spaces), but Nate and Jeremiah are such kind and lovely people and their interactions with desperate clients verges on Queer Eye territory for me. Really sincere and touching. Normally I'd roll my eyes at the saccharine Joanna and Chip-ness of including clips of one's children in a design show, but I make a definite exception for Poppy and Oskar. N & J are so smitten and it's brightens my day to see their love for their family. The episodes were so long ago now, but my favorite was the woman with the colorful house that sent a panicked N & J out of their preferred calm palette. I love vibrant colors and thought the result was amazing. Details like the 50s metal fluting on the kitchen countertop edges was perfect. In summation, I love these guys!
  16. Would you be rankled if one of your patients came in wearing a protective mask? I'm immunocompromised and frequently wear one to doctors' appointment, especially during flu season. It's mostly because of the waiting room, but I leave it on in the exam room as well because the doctor has been in contact with all those waiting room folks. At any rate, a new specialist recently took offense and directly asked me why. I said it was because I had a cold, but honestly. He's a pulmonologist and should know from coughing!
  17. Right! A lot of companies have a policy of X days annual sick leave, but employees get dinged on their reviews if they dare to use it. They also may need to take time off to deal with sick kids or spouses. The requirement of a doctor's note is also stupid, IMO. I would never see my doctor for a cold, sore throat or even the standard flu, nor would I want to get dressed and haul myself out when I'm feverish and sick to my stomach.
  18. Wendi's exasperated tone when she answered, "A possum that knows your name?" was everything. It's like her full time job now to school all the Cleary men.
  19. I SO want that to be a life meme! The running gags with the cleaning solvent made me snort laugh: Joey and Timmy passing out twice, not being able to pronounce "pretty", the tablecloth burning a rectangle in the lawn, Joey's fingerprints being gone.
  20. Elisabeth Moss on how The Handmaid's Tale aligns with her Scientology beliefs: "It's a complicated thing." To save everyone the trouble of clicking, it's a bunch of evasive, self-serving BS. She doesn't say that both are works of fiction.
  21. I loved that Mike didn't fall for Peggy's "I want to hear your explanation" trick. All the kids having a guilty conscience may be the most Catholic thing ever. It was fun to see Mike and Wendi together -- there are so many possibilities for amusing character combinations on this show!
  22. I like the kids on competitive reality shows. I think their accents, excitement, squeals, and beaming faces are genuine and adorable. I don't mind the hair bows, colorful shoes, or any other clothing choices. Some of them have big personalities but that's what makes them fun to watch. The derision and criticism that's lobbed at them is undeserved, IMO.
  23. I've been rewatching the entire series this month and am surprised at how mild Jakes' bullying of Morse seems now. I thought he was despicable when the show started but his later friendship with Morse probably influences me to feel kindlier towards him. Also, Roger really takes big bites out of his lunch sandwiches! He's a method eater. I'm finishing season 2 now and telling myself not to get too attached to Monica.
  24. My grandmother married her second husband in her forties and found out after he died in 1967 that he had another family, including kids, in a different state. Also that he was not a "professional gambler" in Las Vegas, but worked for the mob. My sister and I were in high school at the time and eavesdropped on a couple of conversations, but my grandmother and mother never spoke about it directly to us. No funeral! Swept under the carpet! Photos taken off the walls! I think my grandmother's primary emotion was anger, with some societal embarrassment mixed in. As far as logistics, he lived in Las Vegas and only came to California where we were for a couple of weekends each month. His other family was in Oregon.
  25. New show on HGTV tonight: Mom & Me. Mother and son in Oregon. I saw a trial episode last year where they flipped a house, if I'm remembering right. The description of the new eps says they're remodeling for clients, so seems like it's more design than flip. 11pm, two half hour episodes. There's a dedicated forum now for Restored By the Fords. Thanks to @Refresh!
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