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The Companion

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Everything posted by The Companion

  1. This! Typically, fraud statutes run from discovery of the facts that would lead the victim to know fraud occurred. They mentioned a statute of limitations, but it might be worthwhile to look at that a bit more closely before Josh comes strolling back into town.
  2. I really don't get it. He is unapologetically awful and she is just like: "oh, you." Yeah, Veronica is way off base. Madison's crime was handing Veronica a beverage she spit in and losing her shit when she sees an apparently drunk Veronica all over her boyfriend. Veronica doesn't even get the high ground there since Madison did non permanent damage to Veronica's car while Veronica paid someone to steal and permanently destroy Madison's car for sleeping with Logan when they were broken up. The person who roofied you, Veronica, was Dick. Dick who you are comfortable having live with your boyfriend. You can believe he would slip a woman the morning after pill and still be civil, so get out of here with blaming anything on Madison. This. It cannot be said enough. This was petty jealousy and there is no dressing it up. As for the POTW, I cannot handle the awfulness of it. Miscarriage is an incredible trauma and intentionally causing it in another is legitimately unforgivable.
  3. I hated this episode. I hate the way Veronica is being written. She has known Logan for a long time and she knew what she was getting. He has slept with a lot of people, and he has a tendency to run from his problems by getting drunk and having sex. Veronica has become increasingly jealous and it isn't fun to watch. I still don't love Logan (Leo is probably my favorite of her men) but I am struggling to believe that the thing that isn't working here is the face that he has a history. I could buy the suspicion with the trips to Mexico, etc. but jealousy about who he slept with when they weren't together? Not so much. I buy it more for Max and Wendy. Max hasn't had the same experience with Wendy. Still, it was disappointing and sort of boring to watch.
  4. I agree on just about all of this. The idea that donors wouldn't be all over the Greek vote was ridiculous. It would be a huge issue with alumni, not just current students. The reasoning behind the rapes and the tag team approach didn't really come together for me. The moustache twirling monologue was a stretch. The fake rape and entire way the feminist group was portrayed really bugged me. Mostly, it was the inconsistency. They had a number of complaints about the Greek system (the sex partner ranking system, the fat shaming, etc.), so why was the possibily unaffiliated rapist their only talking point? They were portrayed as illogical, humorless jerks and then you add the bizarre and problematic fake rape on top. My first time around too. I was confused why there was no physical evidence if the rapes weren't being faked. It felt like there were just a few too many illogical twists for the sake of surprising the audience to me. I think Logan and Veronica are both wrong when it comes to navigating their relationship issues. Veronica has taken almost no steps to protect herself. Not even basic "have a buddy walk you to the car" or "have the taser out while walking" or "tell someone where you are going" steps. She asked Logan to take I to account her history when it came to trust issues, but ignores that he had a girlfriend who was murdered. That his best friend's ex girlfriend was also murdered. Meanwhile, he is asking for blind trust he hasn't earned, making demands, etc.
  5. Yeah, it was not good. The reference to the homeowner who did not testify was particularly galling. Also, I did not understand the theory presented. What was the explanation of the fire? there had to be physical evidence.
  6. Yeah, I was joking around but it was weird because they could have just set it to read like 140.
  7. I know I am supposed to be Team Logan or Team Duncan but they are both kinda awful and I love Leo (Max Greenfield is so likeable). Agree that it was really nice to have him talk about his sister's personality first. It felt more authentic. The lawyers definitely failed on several levels. Agree that an involuntary termination of parental rights requires a lot more than they seem to have. Interestingly, I am not sure it was even kidnapping. He was the sole surviving parent and would get default custody barring some legitimate showing in Court that he shouldn't. This plot point would have made more sense if Meg was alive but incapacitated or something. Grandparent rights don't override parental rights. Maybe I missed something. I was surprised that Veronica wasn't suspicious regarding Meg's death after she basically said she was in danger. At the time of their discussion there was no reason to think she would develop a blood clot.
  8. Allyson Hannigan was a delight in this episode. I appreciated a Deaf character whose story wasn't about her status as a Deaf character. There was one miscommunication but it wasn't central. I think the Magicians is one of the only other shows I can think of that really nails writing a character who is Deaf without making the character a trope, stereotype or Very Special Episode. Agree that Veronica has blinders on, but that is consistent. See also the episode in which her favorite teacher couldn't possibly be banging a student because she likes him and dislikes the accuser (for spreading gossip of all things). It would be easy to miss at full speed. I didn't pay attention to what she signed, but I would assume Veronica missed it. So, IS she in a coma? The end was a little weird with her opening her eyes. I would actually have assumed they were keeping her alive for the baby had she not responded. Guys, I am CONCERNED about her baby. 180 is a really high heartbeat unless the baby was moving and then it should be variable. I am kidding, of course, because I doubt it was intentional, but it seems like such an easy thing to get right.
  9. Right? Are we just going to forget his attempted rape that was thwarted by Atkins?
  10. Agree on both. Eleanor has a lot of faults, but she is self confident and doesn't put up with people who are assholes to her. She walks away. I don't see Eleanor, whether original flavor or extra ethical, putting up with that crap. Janet is being spread thin and struggling to keep it all together. It is a lot more than she was previously doing. It is a bit like the stress she had when Team Cockroach was being preserved by her. She is running all the people and the neighborhood and trying to be a not-a-girlfriend.
  11. If Disco Janet and Mindy don't snort lines of coke this season, I am going to be so disappointed.
  12. I think that is right. It is a happy for now ending with more than a little left open for conflict in the future. DSK and Aneela as unchecked powers is a recipe for trouble, no matter how much they try to be "good." Is Jaq enough to keep them tipped in the right direction? But then, the Lady lives, Pip is a mystery, there are still bug babies and as noted at the end, there is always something. That is something I think the finale did right. There is an implication that life goes on beyond its four corners. They were all incredible and this was one of my favorite ensemble casts (perhaps only The Magicians being higher in casting for current shows for me). HJK definitely shines, though, with her two distinct roles. I have enjoyed her in other stuff and I expect that we will see a lot out of her.
  13. LoopA happy ending. I am okay with that. Honestly, this last season had some flaws, not the least of which was the Lady who wasn't particularly menacing. In fact, DSK and Aneela were scarier when being nice. Defeating her was ultimately not as difficult as advertised and a bit anticlimactic but I am okay with that. In the end, it wasn't about beating her. Hell, they even acknowledged this was rereading old ground. The show was about the amazing ensemble and we got to revel in that one last time. I loved the team working together. One last run through spaceship halls shooting bad guys. Aneela being Aneela. Dutch facing down Khlyen and coming to grips with herself and her past. Pree and Gared get their happy ending. Dutch and D'av have a mission. Johnny is going out on his own. And who could forget Pip. A totally lazy handwave by the writers. Complete pandering to the audience by bringing back a fan favorite. I should be annoyed but, well, it's PIP! In all his Pip glory. It wasn't perfect, but it will do.
  14. I am going to miss this show. I loved getting some more backstory on Zeph and the really great moments between her and Dutch. Also the shirts (hee). The prison story felt a bit disjointed, but I enjoyed the moment between the Jacobis brothers and the very poor wingman attempts by D'av. I thought it was pretty sweet and a good way to move beyond the non-triangle. Love the sequence with Lucy. PIP! I mean not really but sorta. I am currently very pregnant, so I may have gotten a little emotional at the talk of babies. I loved Fancy's hidden talents and the meal before the storm. I wish the rest of the gang was there. I am nervous about who will get killed off knowing this show.
  15. Yeah, there is so little chemistry between them and he is so low energy, that I am sort of surprised every time they kiss. He could be a good counter to Ruth's manic energy, but it just doesn't quite work.
  16. Bash's storyline actually feels really authentic to me, when it comes to sexuality. A lot of gay and lesbian people have had relationships with the opposite sex before coming out, especially those in deep denial. In fact, gay and lesbian teens have higher teen pregnancy rates. Being attracted to someone and being able to perform sexually with someone and enjoy it are not always the same thing, and every time Bash has sex with a woman, he reaffirms what he is trying to tell himself over and over: that he is straight and all that other stuff is just a blip. The way he emphasizes "my wife" everytime Rhonda is nearby feels so very much like he is trying to convince everyone, including himself. I had an ex like that. He was the model boyfriend. Bought flowers, wrote poetry (ugh, high school), planned elaborate dates, etc. One day, I realized that he was more obsessed with being a boyfriend than he was with actually being my boyfriend. He didn't seem to particularly like or love me. He wasn't interested in what I was doing. He was going through all the motions, but he could have had anyone on the receiving end. Mind you, I don't think he had any clue he was doing it either. I think it all helped reaffirm a self-image in his own mind. The storyline makes me sad. Sad for Rhonda and sad for him. Both probably have a pretty difficult journeys ahead. On the bright side, I could watch Bash's puppylike enthusiasm for all the performances on loop. I am having trouble really caring about Ruth and Russell. They don't seem to have much in common and the relationship is so obviously doomed that it is hard to really watch. It feels like this season has so many romantic relationships, and I would far prefer watching the GLOW women together than a doomed relationship.
  17. The last two episodes have been closer to what I love about this show, but I agree that I would really like resolution on the relationship part. What I did like was D'avin not getting jealous and talking it out with Dutch. I love a good fight montage, but it was a little boring to have the episode center largely on a tournament. I don't know, it just felt a little like filler? And the team was awfully trusting of a guy who really had no incentive to help them other than "owing a favor." I continue to find the Lady boring. She just stomps around and demands things. Aneela was scarier. Speaking of Aneela and DSK, I never thought I would be happy to see those to reunited. I hope that the pace picks up a bit.
  18. Same. That one and the Stranger Things parody are actually pretty fun to watch as the adult in the room. He actually plays up the camp in a way that works in the show (and that didn't in Big Brother). Tommy has yet to entertain me, so he should get on that.
  19. It's so funny, because I remember Frankie being obnoxious and camera obsessed, but he has grown on me a bit now that he plays basically himself in Henry Danger (which my son loves). Frankie is a villain called "Frankini" who does things like kidnapping the main characters and force them into his YouTube channel for traffic or placing a musical curse over the entire town.
  20. Next year, they should fill it with actual beer so the houseguests who are behind can get drunk and entertain us.
  21. I am not sure anyone working with him understands the depth of his apathy towards anyone other than himself. Well, I don't know that they DID understand. I think it became clearer as the season progressed. I think they were trying to balance out the characters a bit, but I agree. Being assaulted or being sad that the woman that you murdered is dead doesn't undo the prior actions. I do think there was an attempt to make them less black and white, and to contrast them against Homelander who is a complete narcissistic sociopath. Agree. In the end, Butcher and Homelander get there in different ways but they are the same. They only care about themselves. Butcher was on a suicide mission the entire season, and when his only leverage was gone, there was nothing left to do but blow himself up. Whatever Homelander was going to do wasn't going to be more pleasant. He didn't care about collateral damage because, honestly, he doesn't care about collateral damage. If he did, he would have made the deal with the CIA in the first place. Hughie realized it in this episode, but he never cared about the other supes. He never cared about doing the right thing. He cared about going after Homelander, and anyone who got in the way was immaterial. In the same way Homelander didn't care about the people on the plane (even if he was right) or criminal he killed, or honestly any mere mortal. Vought managed more than the 7. They were negotiating with Baltimore for a hero. In the first episode, I seem to recall at the shareholders meeting discussions of having superheroes all over the country. I suspect Vought essentially takes a first right of refusal over anyone who works with them, and they dump those who turn out to have superpowers that are less impressive. Mesmer, for example, has a useful power for interrogation, but it isn't going to fight crime on the streets or sell merchandise. Also, I would expect admissibility and other issues when it comes to his power. I figured the baby survived last episode when the original story was told. Not faking Becca's death if they had a body, alone, didn't make sense. Beyond that, the story just didn't feel right. It wasn't clear to me whether Becca had a consensual affair or not, but given her non-reaction to Homelander I thought that was implied? I enjoyed that Starlight and Hughie ended up on the same side, and neither ended up on the side of the person they were originally working with.
  22. I think it is pretty clear that, if you are going to take a shot against the 7, you damn well better make it stick. Half a case gets you basically nothing except possibly laser eyes to the face.
  23. Butcher had the sample with him, but referenced other evidence that he hadn't brought with him. If they only take the compound V, what happens then? Their only known witness won't cooperate. Butcher is single minded. He doesn't care about the kids or the other supes. He only wants one thing. I read that, in retrospect, as him lamenting that Homelander doesn't screw up in an easily punishable way. It isn't as simple as some blackmail videos. He isn't going to slip up that easily, and he isn't going to leave witnesses. Butcher is a liar and he has no interest in letting everyone see his cards. That is clear from his actions. He is paranoid to track his associates and his only goal is to get what he wants. My guess was that Becca is one of the made villains or that she found out something that necessitated a choice between her old life and something else. I enjoyed the Deep's exile. I want more from Queen Maeve, who is clearly struggling. Also, what is the deal with Black Noir? For a bunch of superheroes, they sure don't do much heroing.
  24. There were some funny moments, but my favorite thing about this show is when the team is firing on all cylinders and going back and forth. Usually, there are a few one-off episodes to break up the main story, or a few storylines to lighten up the darker stories. I am articulating it poorly, but this season just feels so serious. I wish there were more lighter moments. We almost got there last episode when they were going back and forth while placing the charges, and we got a bit of it with the pillow scene, but I guess what I am going to miss about this show is the banter, so I want more of it!
  25. I am really sad about Lucy and I need them to bring her back. I didn't love this episode and I think it is just that I miss the humor. This season has been so focused on the one story. I understand they are wrapping it up and they are trying to tell this one last story to do it, but I miss the missions and the humor and the rest of the cast. Also, the Lady feels . . . not that scary. I think after Aneela wandering around a ship making demands and killing off people, the Lady feels like more of the same and a bit less terrifying. When she can use her mind control, sure. She was interesting in the green. But she isn't that powerful in this world and that was reinforced when the torture was . . . making Dutch drink tea, etc. The nail coming off was pretty gross though. I am hoping that the change in scenery next episode mixes it up a bit. I am more than a little concerned about D'av. They are playing up his feelings for Dutch and his son, and I am not sure this story has a true happy ending.
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