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The Companion

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Everything posted by The Companion

  1. Bad Blood may be my all time favorite X Files episode. Between the magic fingers in the prior episode and this one, I may have to track it down and watch it again. I am a sucker for Rashomon episodes, so this one goes to the top of the list for me. The blah blah blah and the purple purples alone had me giggling. Throw in the slow dancing alien and this had some much needed levity. This show does heavy well, but sometimes you need a break. The trickster demigod was awesome. I enjoyed that he was going after bad guys. The interpretation was certainly a lot more enjoyable than Reynard on the Magicians.
  2. I liked this one. It was heartbreaking to see the young priest realize he isn't an angel. I loved the resolution. To have the older priest give him last rites. The contrast between Sam's faith and Dean's skepticism was amazing to watch and heartbreaking. I think both reactions are so understandable. Do you see all this evil and come to the conclusion that there is no good, or does it give you faith that there is a.whole fight you can't see?
  3. Unsurprisingly, I loved this episode. Being a Whovian, the reference was probably enough to do it alone. Honestly, I think most of my comments are covered. It was about time that their past caught up with them. The guys are wandering around crime scenes, picking up potential murder weapons, etc. I loved the story and the tension of being stuck in the bank. This was a really really good one.
  4. I guess so long as the process didn't break the circle.
  5. Well, we have seen spirits stick around and haunt a subsequent place like No Exit. The spirit on that episode was able to inhabit the sewers and upper floors of the building put on top of the field where he died.
  6. Yeah, the drunk acting wasn't that great. I totally thought he was possessed instead. The hangover acting was, though. I thought he was possessed too. Agree about them pretty casually leaving the ghosts. This wasn't a kind and benevolent spirit. They should have had a throw away line that they thought the grandmother had banished the spirit like their mother did that poltergeist. Then they have misinterpreted events. Agree on the CPR. Hell, nobody even calls 911. They all just stare at her. This seems like a pretty useful tool for people who are in danger every 5 minutes I addressed this above and totally agree. It wasn't clear if this was a cursed object situation or an inn haunting. Maggie seemed to think she couldn't leave but they sure panned to that freaky doll several times. 😬 All the nopes on nopesville. I hate dolls. I think it is because I had a talking doll that spontaneously went off even when turned off. Or I am just logical and hate those dead dead creepy eyes. My new baby is a girl and people have already sent her dolls. They creep me the hell out. Sadly, Netflix is super spoilery in its descriptions so I knew she was imaginary. Not sure if I figure it out otherwise. I am a fan of the classic horror tropes, so this was obviously a good one for me. I liked the guest actors and thought the story overall was pretty entertaining. I did want to see what happened next. Do people start mysteriously dying during the demo? Do the ghosts follow thr doll? Inquiring minds want to know. The resolution was surprisingly touching, though.
  7. Because plot reasons? I am told that happens. Lol. I was thinking the anonymous tip was pretty precisely timed. I guess they would have found a kidnapping if they came early enough.
  8. All of this. Yes! The mixture of hope and fear and despair. I think we are meant to contrast this with Dean almost shooting the potentially infected kid the week before but it just doesn't work. Partly because he doesn't only because of Dean as the good angel on his shoulder and partly because the kid represented a potential immediate danger. They mentioned the murder, so I suspect the anonymous tip also indicated the guy was the perpetrator. I agree it was a good solution. I did love how Dean was rooting for his brother to get laid. That was on brand lol.
  9. I don't understand how a pseudo zombie/virus outbreak episode was so boring, but there you go. Part of it was that the infected just sort of walked around. They tried to infect others and did so violently, but then they just went about their business. It wasn't clear how much of them was even lost when not in infect mode. They had their memories and could carry on conversations. So becoming one wasn't as terrifying as most variations of this story are. They could have at least done us a solid and used the molotov cocktails. A little Jason Mendoza problem solving. Prior posters nailed most of my feelings but I do want to make fun of recently arrested Dean for coming upon a bloody car and immediately picking up the potential murder weapon. I did enjoy "Have you seen my parents?" "Awkward."
  10. I am an attorney in house and I have been on both of those calls. When legal said no romance did make it more complicated, my spouse turned to me and said, well, that is you. 😆
  11. A MySpace sighting! Before this, I watched Veronica Mars and it was like a time capsule. Supernatural is much less so (some fashion trends, the old cell phones, etc. being exceptions), but the Myspace callout really dated the episode. Well, she and I are currently in a one-sided fight over certain decisions made with regard to the Magicians, so she is getting a lot of mean thoughts from me. I really liked her. She was substantially better than Meg. I enjoyed this episode. It sounds like we get a lot more of it later? But at least here, I thought it was well executed. Also, as a lawyer, I appreciate a well written contract. 😂
  12. Right but that assume there is only one way water, etc would get in.
  13. I like Jo, so this episode worked for me but it did feel a little convoluted. I also don't understand how the cement is supposed to keep the spirit trapped. Presumably the spirit can move through the cement if the salt gets disturbed. Also, how did it get the women to the sewers? It dragged them through the walls to an opening we didn't see? Did they just leave the body of the poor third girl? I don't know, I just found the entire thing a little messy after some of the tighter episodes in this season so far.
  14. Exactly how many calories do you burn grave digging, cause I would mind losing a few pregnancy pounds. 😂
  15. Fair point. The ethical vampire probably doesn't expand but they seemed worried about extinction. Certainly the Dead Man's Blood vampires, though. The scarcity could have been justified any number of ways, but wasn't.
  16. I loved this one. The brothers aren't exactly careful about prints and such, so the run ins seem inevitable. That poor ghost. All handcuffed and walled in. She was terrifying enough that I had to nope her till morning. 😂 I liked the detective a lot and I am a little sad they don't continue their relationship. Seems like she would be a good source, if nothing else. I loved the unreliable narrator contrasted with the truth. Also that apparently their stories matched up even though they couldn't compare notes.
  17. The laugh and the almond milk were the highlights for me too. Also, I am gonna need Janet to show up with a pitcher if margaritas at the end of this show cause I am not going to be able to cope.
  18. I don't think we necessarily need to interpret the scene as him using his powers to get her into bed directly anyway. He could have used them to give her a really good date (backstage at a concert, really expensive meal, etc.) It didn't take long for the powers to wear off. She probably wouldn't have been that happy. See, for example, how quick Dean went from: here is the car to what just happened? I loved this episode. Absolutely loved it. I loved the power and the mystery. I criticized this show for the adoption = evil trope last season, but there was a narrative reason here. Splitting twins would never happen today, but it very famously did in the past. Interesting that only one twin got a visit. That indicates genes or something similar rather than the powers coming from the demon at the 6 month visit (a possibility that I was entertaining). The idea of controlling people isn't new, but I thought it was well done here. There were some light moments (loved Dean singing) that were a bit of a welcome tone change at this point in the season. It was also visually a good break from the four prior episodes which had a lot if darkness and shadows. To me, this was a really strong one.
  19. This is another spoiler filled thread so I am gonna comment a little blind. I am happy to see a little nuance in the monsters. I suspect the Winchesters have largely killed malevolent beings given that they usually find them based on the occurrence of bad events. Typically we see something like: "there has been a string of unexplained deaths," to start a hunt. They expressly acknowledged that the natural reaper was neither bad nor oustable. That being said, I can see this shaking Dean's confidence. He is definitely a black and white thinker. Dean is definitely spiraling and I think it is realistic that he would try to throw himself into work and would look externally to process his feelings. The vampires worked a bit better for me here than in the prior episode but I still don't understand the scarcity. Is it because there are a lot of hunters? Why don't they make more? Even the ethical vampires could target the sick or something.
  20. The MotW is interesting but not terribly compelling but that isn't really the point, is it? We are still watching the guys come to terms with everything. Dean's grief and trauma at the end are really heartbreaking. So is watching Sam try to deal with all of his feelings. I liked the concept of the MotW, they just didn't delve very deeply. It felt rushed. I was fine with that, because it was really just meant as a backdrop. How amazing would it have been, though, if she actually killed herself with the accidental impalement. They come busting in and the monster is already dead lol. On a random note, it did occur to me that both guys have pretty spectacular bodies despite never working out that we see. Clearly, their fitness regime is largely digging up and refilling graves and it is working for them. 😂
  21. Poor Impala! I thought the kids were hypnotized or otherwise being compelled to open the door. They seemed to know the clown was there and wanted in. Such a sibling thing to do. This was a bit of a meh episode for me. I don't find clowns particularly scary. The real value was in the fallout from John's death, I suppose.
  22. I had to skim comments cause their are some spoilery observations, so sorry if I repeat anything. This episode got mentioned multiple times as an example of the best Supernatural has to offer, so I was excited to watch it, and even waited until morning to watch it. I can see why it garners so much praise. It was awesome. Funny and sad and compelling. There were some great moments. The ouija board scene was amazing. They played off each other so well. I loved the concept of the reaper, and thought it was done perfectly. She wasn't bad or good. I couldn't help but think that their mom's spirit remaining means she said her boys needed her and she wasn't wrong. Awww This was obviously an emotional episode. The scenes where Sam is talking to unconscious Dea and where John is talking to Dean were pitch perfect. Overall, the episode was one of those rare episodes of a show where everything comes together perfectly. Now onto Season 2, which I understand is something to look forward to.
  23. One of the good things about waiting for 14 seasons to play out, though I did come post before playing the next episode, which I am very excited about given the number of times I have seen it mentioned. I knew a crash was coming because of the spoilery description on Netflix and it still scared the hell out of me. I liked the unspoken interaction between Dean and Sam. Poor Dean, recognizing the demon because his Dad was too nice to him. I know the demon was too strong for holy water, but why not run past the salt? Do we know if he could have gotten past the salt?
  24. Yes, the character momentum makes up for an uneven episode, imo. Part of it is that I find Meg to be a little boring and not particularly scary. But the confrontations among the Winchesters were fantastic. I am happy to hear that I have another 5 months before the baby is old enough to worry about being sliced and barbecued by a demon. Of the two storylines, that one worked more for me and I particularly liked the husband misinterpreting intent. I would speculate, but everyone else already knows what happens. The perils of watch 14 years late.
  25. Somehow, despite knowing someone who lost half a foot to a lawnmower, we are cool. Phobias are so weird.
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