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The Companion

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Everything posted by The Companion

  1. This is great! You clearly love your source material. I am always so impressed by the creativity and dedication it takes to create stories like this
  2. At first, I thought the same thing, but then I thought about the implication here. When his Mom died, Dean was what, 4? At that point, his life turned into a string of hotels and watching over Dean. His bedtime stories were about werewolves and white ladies rather than the Big Bad Wolf and Cinderella. He missed this shared cultural experience and he only heard about these stories in horror flicks and porns (hee). Well, maybe it was something they did while keeping her in an acute care facility instead of a long term care option. 😆 the entire episode was a little depressing. There can be no justice against a stepmother who died years ago, so now you have a father who has nobody left. He has the tarnished memory of a wife he loved who it turns out tried to kill his daughter and the guilt of knowing he brought her into his home plus the guilt of inspiring a string of murders. We have several innocent people who are accused of murders and assaults they don't remember and several traumatized victims including a child whose grandmother had custody of her. That is legitimately dark even for a show that routinely has innocent people suffering and dying. That being said, I loved the concept of a girl acting out fairly tales. And I liked the ending. Sam taking out the crossroad demon (though, poor human hostess).
  3. I did like the world building, so to speak. The establishment that the demons are cross purposes. The demon religion and romance. It gives the demons depth beyond: we are demons and we do bad things. Totally agree on shooting the meatsuit. It isn't like he doesn't know what will happen to the possessed woman. To shoot her so carelessly is pretty awful.
  4. The twist! Of course the twist. Reboot the world. It was so amazing and hilarious up to and including the ridiculous song about missing everyone. Plus Disco Janet! She was everything I ever wanted. But the heart of the story was those funerals. The love and affection and ridiculousness. Janet explaining why she loves Jason. Eleanor and Tahani's friendship on display. It was amazing. I changed my mind. Forget the pitcher of margaritas from last week, I need the bottle of tequila to face the end of this show.
  5. Totally agree. The scream was particularly overdone horror scream and campy. I don't necessarily mind a big horror movie scream, but this was particularly cheesy. I really enjoyed the multiple misdirected holy water splashes but most of this episode was just okay for me for the reasons already identified.
  6. So I guess I have never heard her speak in her real accent. I knew she was raised in England and that her accent on TWD is fake. She actually has a bit of a hybrid accent in interviews.
  7. You sure you didn't happen to lose a rabbit's foot? Yes to all if this. The physical comedy was amazing. I laughed out loud at the lost my shoe line and the nose scratch. It was good to see Maggie. Weird to hear her real accent. I expect her to sound like Maggie. I am a sucker for physical comedy and for final destination type scenes where you are just waiting for something to happen. Each moment of tension and fake out. Looking around for what is going to get the character. That is twice in three episodes that Louisiana is mentioned. I am in New Orleans and take it as a personal shout out. Obviously. I was intrigued by Bella (Bela? per closed captions). Not everyone who finds out about this stuff would react by becoming hunters. Interestingly, I think her cynicism lined up with Dean's in some ways. I really enjoy Bobby. I loved his commentary about them being idiots for touching it, etc. I don't need the rabbit's foot to be a complete mess. I describe myself as the protagonist of a Roman comedy before the montage. So Sam was pretty much me.
  8. Even when you have a creepy changeling kid, you can't get a moment alone in the bathroom. Ben was a delight. I want to watch a spinoff of him eating cake and ruling elementary school. 😆 Obviously none of what the kid was doing was genetic anyway, but people make these connections all the time. My son is adopted and people comment all the time about the resemblance, even though we are not biologically linked. Dean missed that he was a potential threat to her. If he was Ben's dad, he would have custody rights and she would have to co parent with a one night stand. The changelings were creepy in kid form and in monster form. So was drowning the little girl. It made me think of that awful case with the women who drowned her kids. Susan Smith. I could barely watch it. It was identical, so I am sure that was intentional.
  9. Agree with a lot above. The entire plot never quite came together. Why would Jake comply? Wouldn't he at least try to get his family into the area where the demon indicates he can't go? Why would they all approach Jake at the same time from the front and try to talk it out. I really don't buy the delay from Dean after watching his brother die. Why just one and why the hunger games? Why exactly did opening the gate break the demon trap? Isn't that the point? Wasn't it built for that reason? All of that being said, they really sold it. The emotional beats were spot on. I can see how this could have doubled as a series finale in the event of cancellation. The plot was messy but ultimately satisfying enough.
  10. Ok, so I figured out the demon was making the psychic kids, talked myself out of it and then settled back into it. I also figured Ava was evil but was assuming demon possession because of the memory loss. You would think after Sam that a hole in memory would trigger distrust. I was, however, excited by the twist that their mother knew the demon. I really enjoyed this episode. First of all, HARDISON FROM LEVERAGE. EEEEEE. I liked him as Jake. Honestly, I liked all the psychic kids. The ending was, of course, heartbreaking. I loved the western town and the mystery of it. I loved Sam wishing Dean was there. I thought it was interesting how different the powers were. Killing with touch and visions are pretty different
  11. And the show always chooses the perfect music (with the exception, maybe, of not playing Black Dog after mentioning a black dog approximately 100 times in Crossroad Blues) but Lady in Red was particularly genius for some reason.
  12. Bonus points if it features Lee Pace (RIP Pushing Daisies).
  13. Yes, sometimes ths strategy seems a bit deficient. I guess I could buy that they would only find Molly if she was being chased by Greely (she runs onto the road being chased by a bloody man per the legend), but that is really a fanwank that could have been canon with a small tweak to the script. As a larger observation, the Winchesters boys tend to be a bit reckless sometimes for plot and entertainment purposes.
  14. Ugh, I quoted some stuff and it messed up. I thought this was a really good episode. Dean is a boy of a pessimist in a burned one too many times way and I think the world he wished into existence reflected it. As someone who went through hell to get pregnant, I was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop and I recognize the same thing in Dean. I think his relationship in this reality represents a fear that Sam only shares the hunt with Dean and maybe some residual feelings from when Sam was in school and not hunting. There was also this deep desire to see Sam happy. Sam is an idealized version of himself in an idealized version of a relationship. Dean has this very paternal, protective big brother relationship with Sam and I think his temptation to stay so a version of Sam could be happy was heartbreaking and sweet. The interpretation of the Djinn was really interesting. He does grant your wish but there is a catch in an interesting way. There was something really neat about the way the monster tried to grant its victim's dying wish, basically.
  15. I guess I don't understand why they wouldn't have the guard poke around. He would be able to wander around the old cell block looking for stuff. I mean, before risking their freedom indefinitely.
  16. The Deacon reveal was awesome, as was the back and forth regarding this plan. I am not sure I understand why they concluded that they had to be prisoners. They have an inside source who could have investigated for them. Ultimately, sure, they had to observe the ghost, etc., but initially it seems like they would have at least tried to find another way. RIP Tiny and his self esteem issues. Overall this was a fun and funny one. I am not usually a fan of prison episodes, but this worked. The lawyer was a bit unbelievable, particularly in the way she approached someone trying to convict her client, but tv lawyers always are. I liked the character.
  17. That is impressive. I am a Whovian and I have rewatched certain episodes so many times, it is embarrassing, so nothing but respect over here. 😊
  18. Well this episode was delightful. The Gilmore Girls reference, the hilarious line about ghosts having good hearing, the brainstorming to replace salt. It was really fun to see Dean having fun as part of the team and totally geeking out over horror movies. The ghosts were sufficiently menacing and gory to bring the horror as well. The reference to Ghost Ship reminds me how cool the opening sequence was and how awesome the special effects were. The rest of the movie was okay, but the first scene was amazing. Now I sound like Dean in this episode.
  19. Definitely a good policy. He tried to get her alone by using his position as her boss. At a minimum, I would have talked about what a skeeze he was when he left. 😆 As an aside, do you remember all these details off the top of your head? I am so impressed.
  20. Yeah in werewolf form but at the bar she is just like: "oh you, I already called you a cab."
  21. Agree with all of this. Madison was written really strangely and unrealistically so that the plot could be moved forward and I think having them try to save her for some period of time and then having Sam shoot her would have been a huge improvement. Instead it was like, welp we made one call and it didn't help so I guess it's time to shoot you. Not to mention the weirdness with the way she casually mentions her stalker and seems not a bit phased by her boss's gross advances. I mean, he literally used his position in an attempt to get her alone (also, wtf Madison's friends or co workers for laughing this off). She wasn't a character, she was a walking plot point. Meanwhile, poor Dean just wanted an uncomplicated werewolf hunt. Poor guy.
  22. I figured it out and found myself surprisingly emotional when they said her husband was alive, knowing what would come next. It was sad. This poor spirit running around looking for her husband. The bad guy was generic monster boring and there were some sort of odd notes. Something about the interplay of the ghosts was off and I think it is largely that the entire thing doesn't entirely hold together under scrutiny. Also, the suicide piece was a little weirdly shoehorned in (nope to any place with that many spiders, by the way). Overall, I will forgive some of the warts because the story was well done from an emotional standpoint and fairly satisfying.
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