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The Companion

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Everything posted by The Companion

  1. I feel like there must have been something I watched as a kid that did it to me, but only the phobia remains. Google eludes me. I cannot put my hand anywhere near one, though.
  2. Even demons get bored. Who doesn't look for a little distraction at work. A little Facebook before turning in that report, a little side trip before crashing the plane. Same same. Lol
  3. John is here and I have trouble reconciling his desire to protect and his willingness to put his sons on harm's way. I am definitely Team Sam with regard to his father's attitude. You almost have to have vampires in a show like this, but they felt pretty meh to me. It also seemed inconsistent for them to turn the random woman they picked up after talking about how few of them there were. If they aren't making vampires often, you would expect some thought behind the ones they make. I do like the continued tension regarding what could have been. The yearning for something different, while recognizing what Team Winchester has done.
  4. Funny story: we have a picture from the turn of the century that has been passed down in my family of my Great Great (Great?) Aunt Victoria. The picture is old and creepy. She is staring straight ahead unsmiling with old school ringlets on either side of her head. Her eyes follow you. The picture is made creepier by the fact that she died shortly thereafter, in her early teens, when she was thrown from a carriage and drown in a creek. She didn't know how to swim. I always loved the picture. I identified with Victoria as a kid and later appreciated that she was remembered. Her life was cut so tragically short, but her family keeps her memory alive. My brothers, on the other hand, hate the picture. It was in the guest room where we slept. They would make my grandmother hide it in the closet. After my grandmother died, my grandfather had the house painted. When my uncle asked if he needed help rehanging the paintings, my Papa said no, some of the pictures felt like they were staring at him and he didn't want them back up. When he died, we all went through the house for items we wanted. I wanted Victoria but nobody could find her. Several people looked for the picture and it was missing. I was about to give up when, on a whim, I opened the closet that housed the AC unit. There, faced away from the door, was Victoria. I guess we know who was staring at Papa. 😂 Also a super creepy sewing machine that I wanted nothing to do with. It's probably a good thing I found her. Imagine how she would have creeped out the new owners of the house. I hung her in our hallway upstairs, but my son finally told me months later that she scared him. "Why did you buy that creepy mirror?" He asked. 😬 So into the closet went poor Victoria. I won't lie that I got a little freaked out when my husband moved her to the other side if the closet without telling me. 😂 Anyway, some of us love our creepy art, thank you very much. I loved Sarah and the disco hotel and Dean trying to keep his brother from closing himself off without talking about feelings. Unfortunately, I hated the use of the evil adopted kid trope too much to get past. I am a mama by adoption and the stereotype that adopted kids are bad or dangerous is harmful as hell. The adoption element didn't add to the story. Having her kill two families didn't add to the story. They could have had the same episode without making her adopted.
  5. I think this sums it up well. It was a little sad to me. This tiny rebellion from this kid who gave up his lucky charms and he can't even have that. My heart broke a bit for both of them. Dean for the amount of pressure and expectation, Sam for his yearning for normalcy. We saw a glimpse of who they could have been. I am still forming my opinion (and trying not to let my dislike of Negan color it) but this was pretty terrible. I have gotten the feeling throughout that his relationship was largely overshadowed by the hunt, but this brings it home. The MotW was pretty meh and the doctor reveal predictable (though I did love the fake out with the woman (who is receiving some pretty shitty care if she has been in her chair in the same place all day 😂. Also, the two queen jokes by the kid were super cringey and awful. As a kid who works in a motel, I would expect a lot fewer comments on who is checking in. Just saying.
  6. Well this was my favorite so far by leaps and bounds. I clearly love the horror stories, but this one in particular had a legitimately creepy feel and a super interesting monster. The idea that it was believed into existence, the mutability of the creature, the inelegant solution? All amazing. Pair that with the humor and this one was really fun. Loved to hate the douchey ghostbros. Loved the dumb sibling prank war. The pacing and tone of this one were perfect, particularly after Shadows, which was so serious.
  7. Ha! I thought the same thing. Agree that they did great work in this episode. I am going to need some time before I see John and not Negan and therefore don't hate JDM when he shows up. The shadow monsters were pretty great. I wish they would have played on the shadow aspect more. Something like the Doctor Who episodes Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead.
  8. The bad guys were nice and creepy, if not a bit cliche. The sound effects while he cut up the body were particularly gross/disturbing. It was weird to go from an episode with some forward momentum to this one. Also, two episodes in a row with a human as the had guy element. That is probably more noticeable on binge watch. I enjoyed it. It wasn't deep or groundbreaking but it was creepy. It kinda reminds me of Asylum. Old school horror with the set and props doing a lot of the work. Agree with everyone else that Kathleen was a good character. I particularly liked that she knew they weren't totally legit and let them go but wasn't going to go out of her way to help them
  9. It was weird because we really didn't get a handle on her. After the interview, her face changes and I couldn't figure out whether we were supposed to interpret it as her being stone cold, relieved, or something else. About halfway through this episode when that abuse story comes up, it gets both uncomfortable and a little slow. You think they are wrapping it up and then you get this huge curveball about Max's mom and Sam moves the cabinet! I was really excited to see some of the underlying story progress here. I like the MotW format (though I understand I don't get it for the duration of the series), but it was time for some escalation. Agree with everyone on the thread about the good parts and the uncomfortable ones. ETA: As a new mom watching this on maternity leave, could they stop killing of moms by their baby's crib. I am gonna freak myself out in the middle of the night. Lol.
  10. I definitely have to stop thinking of him as Dean from Gilmore Girls first. It is very confusing. 😂
  11. Apparently I really am an outlier because I really enjoyed this one. It was a little clunky and the racist possessed car was a bit hard to take seriously from a monster perspective, but I actually love that they tackled a story about race and I like the contrast between the hidden manslaughter earlier in the season (where the boy was drowned) vs. the self defense here. As a viewer, you feel very differently about them (justifiably). I feel like 15ish years ago, when this was written, there was a real tendency to gloss over race, so this feels like it has actually aged pretty decently to me. I don't know if Cassie ends up being terrible, as everyone here seems to hate her. I liked her out of the gate. She seemed smart and capable. Not super damsel-y. I reserve the right to hate her upon further viewing or rewatch of the 4400 where I have apparently blocked her from memory. 😂 Mostly, Ioved Dean and Sam's interactions. I loved Sam's gentle ribbing once he realizes how important the relationship really was to Dean.
  12. That makes total sense. I did like the brothers' interaction. Honestly, I liked the concept but something about the execution was off for me. It may be the disjointed nature of the story as you mentioned. I think it is also how the secondary characters were painted with such a broad brush. I get that you aren't going to get a lot of character depth when you only have a character for a week, but somehow it bugged me more in this outing. I did love how Sam did the research and told Dean the truth even though he knew it would be upsetting. I also liked that they were becoming a team. I am looking forward to seeing where it all goes.
  13. I AM impressed that so many fans are commenting on my thoughts 14 seasons ago. I sorta expected to be talking to myself. Perhaps, if it is a turning point, I will like it better down the road with some hindsight.
  14. I did not like this one and I can't really explain why. I liked the reaper and I liked the concept of a preacher who doesn't know about the reaper. I just didn't like the way the elements came together for some reason that I can't totally articulate. Perhaps it was that the preacher's wife fell into this moustache twirling evil persona. They could have given that scene some additional depth. It might be that I found Layla and her mother boring. There was just something about the dialogue and the characterization that missed the mark for me.
  15. Ha! Well I like my shows about mythical creatures firmly based in reality, so . . . . Kidding. I don't mind a bit of hand waving. 12 episodes in, I see that some resolutions seem a bit more rushed than others. I was probably okay with not watching a ton of social engineering to get the co pilot to the back.
  16. I really enjoy the episodes that feel like love letters to traditional horror movies and this one definitely felt like that. The ghosts were suitably scary. The asylum was duly creepy. Speaking of horror movies, had nobody seen one? They must have said let's split up at least 3 times. Even putting aside horror movie lessons, I can't imagine that is police protocol.
  17. I am assuming a lot of the opinions on this thread are colored by subsequent events. As a new watcher, this episode had a good amount of creepy old school haunted house horror to it. I could barely watch the sink scene. I admit that garbage disposals terrify me. The dramatic tension was amazing (though that was an awful lot of blood for him to have lost his hand only). The kid seemed a bit old for the playpen set up, but it was still harrowing to watch. I really liked this one.
  18. This episode was sort if fun and final destination-y. I liked the claustrophobic feel of the plane. The actual resolution, and particularly convincing the co-pilot to come to the back, seemed a bit unrealistic, but I will forgive the writers because the resulting drama was pretty great.
  19. The "instadawn" was so weird that I actually thought I had missed something. It felt like there were 100 ways to fix that. Honestly, this episode was a bit of a clunker from the Native American curse trope to the sort of boring MotW (even if the spiders grossed me out). The ending felt forced.
  20. So, I watched the pilot years ago and never picked up Supernatural. I am on maternity leave and decided to work my way through this show (having done the same with Veronica Mars). I have to watch something while feeding the baby/pumping in the middle of the night so I don't nod off and VM worked well. This episode made me realize that Supernatural may not be the best choice for those middle of the night tv sessions. I have a serious fear of Bloody Mary and mirrors freak me out. Watching it in the dark in the middle of the night wasn't the best choice. I agree that the premise here was weak. The victims' stories didn't align well enough to make it anything other than arbitrary. I think they could have at least dug into the idea that she targets people who blame themselves/feel guilty. Then the lack of objective culpability would make sense. Still, the overall episode was creepy and definitely freaked me out in the middle of the night.
  21. Yeah, I liked the quiet nature of this one. They can't all have twists. It should not be as funny as it is. I love the juvenile humor from Bad Janet. It makes me laugh every time. I agree. Not sure it is the actual goal of the experiment, but I think it will be the determining factor or at least come into play. For those of you who find Brent unrealistic, I am very jealous. I worked for a real life Brent. He was the VP of a company because of his unique qualifications: being born the owner's nephew. Sample story: a saleswoman came in to tell us about a new product. She mentioned that she had just gotten back from vacation and chatted a bit about the pool during small talk after the presentation. After she left, he said he would have liked to see her in the pool. He also said she had her own flotation devices and cupped his hands and held them out over his chest, just in case you didn't get that he totally meant her breasts. Working for Real Life Brent could have been it's own department in the Bad Place. Butthole spiders are too good for the Brents of the world (plus, they get bored).
  22. Truth. Team Leo Max Greenfield is just so delightful. He has this natural charm and charisma that makes it hard not to love him. I have been binge watching the entire show, so I already knew him as Schmidt, but I loved him as Leo and still think he was the best. As a Louisiana native, I feel your pain. I guess non Southerners can't hear the distinction?
  23. Yeah, I am struggling to believe that Veronica bristled that Logan was trying to interfere with her career and wasn't respecting her competence but she is a-ok with Piz acting like a baby about her pursuing this opportunity. Yeah, eff that noise. If you don't fully support your girlfriend in her career, you aren't a good boyfriend. I really enjoyed this episode. The story was interesting and there were more ensemble scenes. I really love the relationship between Veronica and Weevil.
  24. Yeah, sorry, but if he thinks Dick is the best, I am afraid you are going to have to talk to a lawyer. This is my first time watching the show and I am glad i can stream it because i am not sure I could get myself excited for some of these episodes otherwise. The show has become so focused on romantic relationships. One of the best parts if the early seasons was the focus on friendships. I would far prefer that. I am enjoying it and I am glad I am finally getting to watch it, but I wish there was less focus on who is dating. I did really like this episode. The reunion was really touching, particularly after. confirmation that the heartbreaking stories Apollo told were true.
  25. I don't necessarily ship Logan and Veronica the way others do, but this annoyed me. It is the type of request that is meant to make the asker feel better. What is Veronica going to say? She can't exactly say no.
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