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Everything posted by brillia79

  1. Well, she is “looking for a new love...”
  2. Because Ashley’s mom has shown the men in her life that she will abandon her kids for their attention. She’s “safe.” Or she was until this stunt. Bet she’s now blocked on social media.
  3. Great. But Ryan does. And maybe his “difference of opinion” is based in racism. But he sure does have his victim act down. She never said she wasn’t. She just doesn’t want to talk about it on camera. Andy has indicated that OC and NJ are Trump supporters in the past. But Tamara may be trying to mind her money. If talking about it on tv is bad for business, then she’ll play neutral (but will throw her son under the bus in the process).
  4. And cabaret. I never want to hear that word again.
  5. Right? This is the same guy who told her last season he didn’t want a baby with her because she’d parent like her fucked up mother. And changed the locks on her the season before that. Sexually harassing the cameraman (I think he did it) has costs. I’m sure he had to pay hush money, he has to pretend to respect his wife, and sire a secure the bag baby that he never wanted. Not grabbing asses would’ve been cheaper.
  6. I doubt Candiace has a trust fund and seeing how Dorothy is, I wouldn’t count on an inheritance. She could leave her money to the others sister or a dog rescue. Look at Tori Spelling.
  7. Russ “was” a catch. If he left Pao, he’d be a divorced guy who has to pay child and spousal support to a vindictive wife. By getting it so completely wrong the first time, he’s moved himself way down the list of eligible bachelors. Who am I kidding? As long as Love After Lockup exists, a man will always be a catch.
  8. I don’t care for snap back pressure on new moms, but for someone trying to be a “model” and looking at her latest pics, she doesn’t have the snap back. Shes stuck with Russ or some Russ-Like guy forever. That’s her comeuppance for being a piece of work. Juan will disappear quick if he’s expected to do any actual child-rearing.
  9. The whole time he was with the lawyer, I kept thinking Nicole should just find her own American husband. But then I remembered that she doesn’t like to do work. Mom is rode hard and put away wet, so that plan won’t work for her, no matter how many tight dresses she puts on. Lydia yelling at Pedro to find a faster way and get more money together makes it look like Family Chantel was right about ulterior motives. And it makes Lydia look like a selfish cow. Who really believes Pedro wouldn’t do everything in his power to get his mom and sister to the US? Even as he hypocritically insists that he can’t be around Chantel’s family while trying to move his family into their home? Even as he neglects to tell his wife that without her, Lydia and Nicole will have to wait a decade or longer in Nicole’s case before coming over. I, for one, cackled when the lawyer told him he absolutely needed Chantel in the interview. Even as dumbass mom and sis are telling him to leave her. Especially after mom was talking about “He who doesn’t see America is forever blind,” or whatever.
  10. Because he’s trying to bring his family over. Family reunification takes longer without an American spouse. Especially for siblings. It is also harder to save up the money needed on one income when you have to pay all of your own bills, legal fees and wreck your credit rating because of a divorce. Pedro can’t evacuate the drama. He causes plenty on his own. Drama-free people don’t spend 3+ years on reality tv. All the 90 Day drama free people get pushed off the show.
  11. Says Candiace. What ghost job money has she been paying that mortgage with? I don’t believe for a minute that Candiace is paying anything on that mortgage. Her mom let that slip when Candiace quickly closed the laptop to end that Skype call and then pulled out one of her 90 degree tissue squares. Candiace is a freeloader. Now she’s got bum ass dude with 3 kids and child support payments reaching in her mom’s money bag for a come up.
  12. That’s not a “keep a dude baby.” It’s the far superior “secure the bag” baby. The latter gets your money right, with or without the dude. Keep a dude babies leave you a single parent waiting on back child support payments or in a relationship with someone who resents you.
  13. Men do like good food. They can eat it on Real Husbands of the DC Metro Area. But the wives are the main focus of this show. And no one was gonna care about his food anyway. The food was just a producer driven excuse to get the ladies together so Candiace could play Jack the Ripper and label Michael as a gay man (remember quainter times when Michael was branded a hetero sex pervert for hypothetically “trying” to see the women in their panties while they were at his beach house for a girls weekend?) Is the implication that men aren’t catty and know how to behave? It’s not like the men on these shows aren’t messy too. We’ve seen BBG and Mike get snippy with each other on air for various reasons. Juan would’ve been trying to leave early to go meet up with another woman, someone would’ve called White Chris a deadbeat, and Black Chris would have to hold him back to keep him from throwing hot risotto in someone’s face.
  14. Chris has not been her husband long enough to prove he’s a good one or can handle this dysfunction and her therapist is conducting sessions on reality tv. This does not bode well for any progress. She needs private individual therapy. Because no matter how awful her mother is, she didn’t make her throw a knife at someone in anger. And she definitely needs to work through that without her mother sucking all the air out of the room.
  15. Baby boy and ownership in her home with her husband. Is Candiace still living in her mom’s house and driving her mom’s car? She was a White House intern and came away from that with no opportunities? The people I knew who did that went on to become attorneys or lobbyists. She’s a hostess at a restaurant and trying to launch a crappy wig line with less ambition than known kept woman Kim Zolciak’s. She threw away a chance at independence and a good career to be somebody’s baby forever. But her mom money comes with strings and her husband has 3 kids to support on limited funds. So now, she’s blotting tears, starting fights and throwing knives. Stay mad, Candiace.
  16. $4000 may be for all living expenses: mortgage, car payment, utilities, etc. Plus, I’m not believing Candiace and Chris have been covering 2/3 of anything. That’s a whole lie.
  17. I don’t think they are in DC though. I’m pretty sure that’s Fort Washington or Oxon Hill/National Harbor in PG County. A condo there would be significantly less than in DC (still pricey compared to many other areas of the country).
  18. Look at how people (Giselle) come for BBG. At least he had some actual success in his lifetime. Jon B and his duck quesadilla are getting off easy. If he wanted to be financially independent from Candiace’s mom, he’d be paying his own way. He’s getting undeserved cookout invites for doing less than the least.
  19. Nope. You’re right. He seems as grimy and opportunistic as his child-like bride. I guess he can split up those child support payments if his rent/mortgage is covered by someone else. Having said that, here’s to many more people slapping Candiace across the face with purses. Bonus points if there’s A grapefruit in the purse. And here’s to those cookbooks selling as well as: Caroline Manzo’s sauces Ramona Singer’s pinot and skincare lines Cathy Wakile’s cannoli kits She by Sheree Gretchen Christine Boo-tay makeup and bags And any other housewife product flops that I missed. Candiace will be lucky if she can afford a house in Cap Heights or Suitland.
  20. Right? Fuck her! She’s as much a monster, murderer, kidnapper, abuser and rapist as her husband or any of the other commanders! Her regret is that she wasn’t exceptional and got locked into the subservience she planned for other women. She has done nothing to earn sympathy or redemption.
  21. I think it’s a stretch to assume Lidia rarely speaks to her son and that she only got the events of the fight from Nicole. Someone so hellbent on paying his mother’s way through life wouldn’t likely let significant amounts of time lapse between conversations. But if we go only by what we saw on the show, we saw Lidia call Chantel’s family “Stupid Americans,” and behave despicably before the dinner fight ever happened. The prenup triggered her. Im not giving Pedro credit for protecting Chantel, because much like the title of the episode, he insisted she go right into the lion’s den. Chantel never had to set foot in Lidia’s apartment. Pedro insisted on that. What a great protector. Lidia, Nicole and Pedro are all going to be on that spinoff show. Family Chantel aren’t the only thirsty ones seeking fame. i could care less about Chantel’s breasts. They don’t make Pedro do things. That’s old news for him now. I care more about Nicole offering her married brother a new pair of breasts in the form of her friend. If Pedro’s wife makes him so miserable, he can divorce her at any time. He’s so miserable, he keeps being on this show and agreed to a spin-off. Misery pays well, I guess.
  22. Pedro is not always at work. He’s not Andrei, but I’m positive he has non-working hours too. He has time to talk on the phone while not at his job. Same with Chantel. They have time outside of work and school. We know this because we see them on this show in non-work settings. Keeping people apart when you are the one who fed them relationship destroying info (like the prenup Lidia flipped out over), or how Chantel’s family acted when they found out about the marriage is not noble. It’s Libby style shit-stirring. Keeping her away has been more about his fun than protecting his wife. Everyone needs fun, but telling her not to come wasn’t for her benefit. Lidia has hated Chantel since the prenup business. She served Chantel’s family chicken feet she would never dare to eat before that fight took place. Before Family Chantel refused to get out of the van at grandma’s house. She was big mad about the prenup first. The rest just adds fuel to the fire. Aside from that, Chantel’s family is allowed to be upset about a fly-by-night secret marriage where their child married vacay peen who is cagey about finances and plans for the future he doesn’t mention to his wife. My problem with them is that they blame it all on Pedro without looking at Chantel’s role and her own choices. They make some incredibly outlandish claims, and then there’s Shockey, but their initial concerns about the future of the relationship and their child being taken advantage of aren’t without merit. Plus, Chantel and Pedro act too childish to be married. We’re watching a show where most of these couples are failing because they aren’t at all on the same page and made impulsive decisions without thinking about the consequences.
  23. Generally speaking, if you book travel a few weeks in advance or more, it’s not crazy expensive to go to DR. For Pedro to visit his family and vise versa, the travel time is comparable to a trip from Savannah to Atlanta. He would stay with his family, and they would stay with him (or in a hotel because a couch bed is not good enough for Nicole). There would be no resort cost. For him to visit is not an undue burden. Nor is it for him to communicate regularly with them. They aren’t so far away that they can’t interfere. Tell me they’ve moved to Antarctica or anyplace where a satellite phone is required and I’ll reconsider. Chantel’s last minute DR trip doesn’t even factor into the fact that Pedro and his family have plenty of access to one another and always have. I’m not even the one who brought that up.
  24. Keeping his family from her isn’t noble. Least of all if he can poison the well from afar by running his mouth on the phone. She is being torn down and shit on by Pedro’s family and friends. This is the same thing Chantel gets savaged for. The only difference is the method of communication. He, like Chantel, could just as shut his mouth and keep marital business away from those who don’t intend for that marriage to last long. This is what marriage counselors were made for.
  25. She’d been to that house before on an earlier DR trip with no problem. She was wrong not to get out of the car when her family refused, but it wasn’t because of voodoo and feral dogs.
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