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Everything posted by brillia79

  1. Unless she poked a hole in a condom in a barrier contraceptive or lied about birth control, he was just as much involved in their pregnancy fuckup. He’s a fucking idiot too.
  2. I do think Chantel and her family are gaslighting Pedro about the fight. That’s abuse. Plus, River got physical first. But fuck Pedro’s mom for life. I didn’t forget that Facebook post either and definitely have her number. At the very least, we know she is a racist and supports the deportation of Dominicans with too much Haitian (African) blood.
  3. Um, Debbie, Larissa told the only person she needed to about her children: Colt.
  4. They don’t have Google access in Colombia? She could’ve done some research.
  5. Me neither. Which is why I wouldn’t marry a guy based in Oklahoma. Edited to add: I wouldn’t even marry a guy from Oklahoma/ with family in Oklahoma who was now living in a major city on the chance that one day he wanted to move back to Oklahoma.
  6. Plenty of companies still go with business casual or strict business attire. That lady dresses like the office manager down the hall from me. I don’t think she was overdressed as driven by producers. I think Andrei was underdressed. Rare is the interview where shorts are acceptable. Even with relaxed dress codes and in blue collar industries, you put on some nice pants and a collared shirt, if not a suit. Everything isn’t a vendetta against Andrei. Everything he does wrong isn’t someone else’s fault.
  7. This is why I laugh whenever someone says that outlandish storylines are fake. They just haven’t met the right person in life. Lucky.
  8. I know that everyone has to talk about these things on camera for us to have something to watch other than boring couple thing, but playing runtelldat to your family is the best way to destroy your relationship. You really have to not be on this show to have a healthy relationship. The healthiest, no drama couple I’ve ever seen on this show is Kyle and Noon. And they aren’t on the show anymore.
  9. Birth control is for slut people. Not upstanding citizens like Asuelu and Kahlani. But really, talk to someone who lives in a state with abstinence only sex ed or look up some of the teachings of religious organizations. That’s not far off from what is taught.
  10. But what evidence did we have that he was a hard worker? Putting together a bed? His word is not bond. What we definitely have seen is him being a hothead, controlling and a reactionary.
  11. I’m aware that Pao doesn’t want to make nice with Russ’s family because she doesn’t want to move back to Oklahoma. I even said that Pao uses culture as an excuse where culture doesn’t factor in (re:clothing) But first impressions have already been made and neither have recovered from them. These two will spend the rest of their lives sniping at one another from the side, then playing, “who, me?” Pao was shitty for being inexcusably late to the baby shower. And mom, instead of being direct with why that upset her and how it was disrespectful, spends the shower making snide comments: “You wouldn’t be Pao if you weren’t late.”, “That gift’s from Janet... who teaches night school in the mines. Shame she had to leave since it got so late...” I think Pao is rude, but I do think she can feel that Mom Russ doesn’t like her and didn’t from the time she first came to Oklahoma. I don’t think Mom Russ is evil. She’s a mom who loves her son, and is trying to tolerate someone she wouldn’t have chosen for him - with some legit reasons.
  12. If I were you, I wouldn’t bet my money or my life on that re: Andrei. But you aren’t wrong about Asuelu. I will say in defense of both Andrei and Asuelu, the American spouse had a duty to have their finances together and set up a home for their foreign spouses who would not be able to work initially. Both Libby and Kahlani failed, and their families are choosing to be burdened with their failures.
  13. This! No one in Pao’s family that we saw her visit dresses like her. Much like here in the US, clothing tastes vary. She’s not wearing anything cultural that is unique to Colombia. You can get that same thotwear at Rainbow.
  14. Did she really know him well enough? Do most of these couples on the show? I bet she gets off on Andrei challenging daddy and her sisters, but did she know she was still going to have to go back to daddy and ask him for shelter and living expenses because Andrei didn’t want to work unless it was for easy money? It was all so hot until she realized she was pregnant, had no money and her hubby declared they were in fact moving out of the house. Life comes at you fast.
  15. We aren’t saying the same thing. As an adult, Libby is responsible for the course of her own life. Her choosing to be lazy and go to get daddy for money is her own fault. Dad is responsible for his enabling. And Andrei is responsible for his laziness, temper and entitlement. There is no Machiavellian plot to fulfill a broken marriage prophecy. Andrei and Libby do that all on their own with pride, deceit, poor decision making and lack of ambition. Frankly, I could care less if Libby’s sisters live in mortgaged houses (like most everyone else in America) or drive leased cars. I never said anything about them being rich. You don’t have to be rich to pay your own way. If Dad is not paying their bills (which he has not indicated he is on this show), and they/their husbands are, then their households are sustaining themselves like able bodied adults should. This is also completely irrelevant and a gish gallop to cover the fact that Libby and Andrei as a couple are unwilling to take care of each other or take responsibility for their actions. And it’s no ones fault but their own.
  16. Libby’s other sisters aren’t married to bums like Andrei. Maybe it’s just her. Libby is almost 30. Her actions are mostly her fault. Dad is an enabler, but her bad choices are her own. Dad has even warned her how this would play out.
  17. Clearly, Andrei and Libby are the victims of a madman... giving them money, a nice home and opportunities. Sure, Daddy’s partly to blame for Libby’s entitlement, but he didn’t raise An-derp-rei, so what’s his excuse? This is getting comical. Well, ok, I’ve been laughing since sexy, manly Andrei opened the season posted up on the couch with a beer gut and doing less than the least to support his household. As for giving Andrei referrals, what??? Who in their right mind would put their professional reputation on the line for a son-in-law who has demonstrated his ability to tantrum/walk off jobs before they are completed, has no proven skills and problems with authority?
  18. Right? How much assistance and helping hands does Libby’s dad have to give Andrei before his laziness and entitlement are his own fault? It’s not all Libby and Daddy. Libby doesn’t need to tell him to dress up and not be a menacing creep in an interview - that is not a uniquely American thing and he has lived in this country before. Daddy Libby should not have to provide opportunities or connections for the guy who caustically told him in their first season that he and Libby don’t need him or his money. You’d thing helping to build his family’s future and a baby on the way would be enough motivation for him to get his shit together. But nah, I guess.
  19. That’s why she works for her dad. Anywhere else, she would have to do some actual work and be held accountable. I don’t see her as a learn the ropes go-getter who wants to take over her dad’s rental properties/ property management business.
  20. That handyman speech is the same one he gave about trucking school 2 seasons ago. He’s not a trucker. He’s not a handyman. He’s a sportsman: couch surfing.
  21. Unless her husband is a complete moron he knows her job is with her daddy and he pays her. Bonuses come from him. They didn’t have enough money to rent a place, but all of a sudden, she gets a “work bonus?” Libby “lied.” Andrei looked the other way while she did it for plausible deniability.
  22. So then I guess they aren’t faking Andrei’s bum status for a storyline. He’s the real deal! And let’s be real. Daddy is the man of the house who she looks to for guidance (and money). Andrei is just there so she can use the phrase ,“my husband.”
  23. Does anyone understand what was happening when Emily Watson’s character looked horrified to find out that the emergency shutdown didn’t work after the power surge?
  24. I get terrible indigestion so even the thought of eating in bed or before sleeping gives me heartburn. But I still watch (after Chernobyl on HBO).
  25. Don’t get me wrong, I think Pedro’s mom is an opportunist and greedy (didn’t she send him to live with Grandma when he was a kid? She didn’t even raise him!) I also think expecting your young son to support you when you are able-bodied and educated is not cool, but that’s cultural. But yeah, I suspect what she makes doesn’t pay for multiple bedrooms, utilities, electronics, pageant dresses, flat irons, or any of the many other things Pedro is expected to bring when he comes home. All of which cost more than $150.
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