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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. Baxter works at Candace's family Car Dealership, if Candace left Baxter, he would no longer have a job.
  2. I think most of their crimefighting has to be vetted be the company first before they are called out to fight it. I think the majority of the crimes are faked by the company just for PR opportunities.
  3. I really thought Red Horn got sliced in half by the doors, but the only one Mando killed was the droid. I think the droid had two strikes against him, he was a droid and he tried to hurt Lil' Oda.
  4. What! a robot killed a human! Their mama ain't programmed them right!
  5. If you could elaborate more about what and when these puzzle pieces occur. I might be able to do some screen grabs. I have no idea what you are referring to.
  6. Or even funnier if they gave all the credit to Sandra and made her the union leader.
  7. I don't hate Kate. I have been watching Kate Micucci since her Garfunkel and Oates TV show, I not mad at her for taking her clothes off in the TV show "Easy" and again in the movie "The Little Hours". Any actress that I have seen naked gets a lifetime pass in my book. I love her as Webby on the new "DuckTales". She was a downer in this TV show, but I think that was the point. I really liked the scene when they were Christmas Caroling and Christy spots a potential new boyfriend... until his wife and kid comes out.
  8. I liked Claire's roll out of the window while Jay was distracted. Too bad she wasn't on the second floor to give it some "Gravitas", they could have showed her sticking the landing in the backyard and raising her arms like an Olympic gymnast.
  9. I doubt that scene was from this episode since people are actively Trick-or-treating so this is probably from the Halloween episode, Evil season 1, episode 5 “October 31”. Strange things: Leland breaks the bottle, jagged edges, but when Grandma drinks from the bottle, the edge is "smooth as a baby's bottom". Heath and Safety. Liquor Guy (not to be confused with Lick-Her Guy AKA Leland) hat was blurred out what was on their so bad that they could show what they filmed for TV on TV. My guess was product placement that they could use because they didn't air it on the TV. The old subway car going into the tunnel as a metaphor for someone having sex. If a subway car happens every time someone has sex, no wonder the realtor sold Kristen the house for $12 dollars. What!!!!!! The girls weren't screaming this episode? I stabbed myself in one ear with a pencil and the the other ear with a pair of scissors before the episode started to prepare myself for their scenes. Thank God for closed captions. I was thinking that Leland might have had the guy that stabbed Michael in the duffle bag. The guy was too afraid to attack Michael the first time, but with the proper motivation, he came out swinging this time. I think that may be the older version of the lyrics, I remember learning it that way ( a LONG time ago). Yeah, I imagine they had to sing it that way when Jesus was alive, you know out of respect and all.
  10. Edited 10 hours ago by luvly The "Official" title of Episode 1 is "Genesis 1". OMG, I solved the puzzle!, Oh wait, I got nothing.
  11. No!!!!!!!, If they turned the other girls into cats it would be like those cats in the cartoons sitting on the office roof howling (in harmony) all night. You know the type of cats I am talking about, the ones in the alley with the shoes flying over their heads.
  12. I thought the severing of the daemons was to curb rebellious thoughts. By removing the way Free Thinking appears to manifest, the ruling party can maintain an active society without creating a vigorous society. Their citizens would be more like a high functioning Zombie class. Of course the Elites and their progeny get to keep their daemons. I think the show does a poor job of expressing the importance of the daemons, since a majority of the time I don't even notice that people have them, especially in crowd scenes. I also think a lot of the dialog is stilted, like a person giving a grand important speech when they are just talking to one or two people. The haunted village scene was very bad, it made it seem like the village was deserted. A few people scurrying away from their windows (curtains moving) or lights going out as Lyra approached houses would have been way more dramatic. I am not enjoying Lin-Manuel Miranda's performance, he channeling a flim-flam man or carnival barker type that makes him seem insincere and untrustworthy. Needs to be less sing-songy, he is not auditioning for a part in "The Music Man".
  13. I am not sure I agree with they did the time traveling part. Didn't it say something like Earth-666? Anyway not enjoying The Crisis on Infinite Earths, to much fan service, not enough plot. Just one big FanWank.
  14. That's a little weird since I thought all the Earths were running at roughly the same current time frame. They did a lot of story time twisting to get the Batwoman time frame into alignment with the rest of the CW Earths.
  15. @arc shouldn't your clock be closer to midnight? I wonder if Dr. Manhattan's life is like you have seen the movie and the rest of your life is like sitting through endless credits. Probably not. Maybe it is more like the worst case of deja vu ever. Or more like the second viewing of a TV show? I have no idea. No wonder Cal was so deadpan, been there, done that. Maybe his life is like a long to-do list where he spends all his time mentally checking things off. I am clueless.
  16. Yeah! How cute will you guys find Lil' Oda when you see him with some guy's hand sticking up his butt! You guys better "steel" yourselves now!!!
  17. or burn him and send him back to his Master!
  18. Next episode, I would like to see Jo walk up to Helen, Benny, and Piper and say "You all are nothing but a bunch of AI's". Helen and Benny explode into a piles of goo, but Piper survives! Or is that not a thing anymore?
  19. It was even worst that it worked. I was thinking that entire Marcus house scene was total BS. Esme lying around unconscious in the van without being Purged until she recovered was even more than total BS. Esme's stupid plan got one of those totally safe from The Purge geeky girls killed and Esme didn't even care. Oh well, you have to break a few nerds to make an omelette. Would the NFAA let people Purge right outside their building if they have to send troops in and out to handle special situations. Their security is total BS. Nobody noticing that Ryan has disappeared long enough for some weak, rich guy to dig a 6 foot long by 2 feet deep grave (using his shotgun?, at least he remembered to bring a his wheelbarrow). That was some next-level BS. The most realistic part of the entire episode was Ben forcing the weak frat boy to Purge his Fraternity Brother and leave the safety of his Frat House running unarmed into the murderous streets on the deadliest night of the year. That can't possibly be true, and yet is!!!! Whoever wrote this steaming pile of an episode really insulted my intelligence and I was fairly satisfied with the story up until this point! Season 1 was nothing but mindless violence, Season 2 has very little. Why would I have chosen an episode filled with mindless violence over the drivel they force-fed me this episode. The engines are on fire and plane is going down, will they crash this puppy or pull a Sully? I still think Season 2 is way-y-y-y better than Season 1. Those scenes with bridesmaids and the high school girls planning their Purges are those short vignettes about people getting excited about The Purge or are they relevant to the story some how? I am glad that nobody from Season 1 has shown up in this season, are they even in the same city? I think they are in New Orleans and Season 1, I think, was in New York.
  20. I liked that SantaMonica adopted the correct "Christmas Spirit" after receiving her gift. This was one of the times when her over-the-top attitude was perfect.
  21. The Crisis on Infinite Earths writers seemed to have given Lucifer the attitude of "Chloe, Who Dat?".
  22. How many popcorn shrimp are too many popcorn shrimp? I am sure somebody has counted.
  23. I don't think it will be Chloe that complains, but her friends, as they tell more and more people what happened, the rumors will start to spread like wildfire. The same with Brendan, he wouldn't tell the rest of the campus Chloe punched him in the balls, Sanjay might do it defending Brendan. Since each side only heard one side of the story, they will be biased. Brendan and Chloe might both be at home and by the time they come back to campus, a shitstorm might be brewing.
  24. General Hospital's Jason David Joins New Series!
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