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Everything posted by orangeiguana

  1. Oh Lordy, Kate, put on a one-piece already. Urp.
  2. These people have the emptiest skulls.
  3. The airport app is ridiculous. I travel all the time and usually look up the terminal amenities online --EVERY airport has a website and map. Also, most frequent fliers like me have an airline club membership, so we find out where it is ahead of time. And then, wait, wait, there's more! There is ALWAYS a terminal map listing all the restaurants and other businesses right after you exit TSA. Has this moron ever BEEN in an airport? None of this is an issue. Also, if you fly often you pretty much have every terminal's offerings memorized.
  4. This is a popular bride move, like she just won a boxing match, and it's SO unflattering and inelegant.
  5. Carla, hunbun, can you not end EVERY sentence with the Valley Girl uptalk, "RIGHT????????" News flash: English has lots of words.
  6. The climate is so much calmer without Jed, plus I think producers must have read Whoopi the riot act. It's actually an adult, reasonable conversation now. Do they *have* to have a conservative? Maybe it would be fine to be a liberal talk show. Sunny was irritating at first, but I got used to her prissy demeanor, and she is a good solid voice at the table. And Sara is a terrific, sharp journalist.
  7. But vaginal accessibility is essential with this bunch.
  8. Why on earth would anyone travel to Central America during the second trimester? And I thought you are not allowed to fly during the third? Also, that's not a house. That's a double-wide mobile home.
  9. Daphne just didn't have the goods and obviously Daddy-O got her the gig. I'm sure Dr. Oz got her a ginormous trust fund so she can just stay home and breed a Dugger-size brood. When you have such a fantastic job in your early 20s, it's absolutely ridiculous to ruin it by pushing out 3 million babies in your 20s. Really, get your professional life going and THEN get the hen yard overrun with lil peckers.
  10. She had obviously been crying; her the inner corners of her eyes were caked with that white highlighter
  11. JedCanGetAGigAsAnAuctioneerWithThatMachineGunArticulation
  12. I hope he has dumped her spicy ass by now and just goes back to OK and enjoys his house. She will have to go home.
  13. Hahahaha me too. I'm a musician who has actually taken Tupperware to wedding gigs.
  14. There was a discussion about suing Mo and what a judgment means, but now I can't find it. Well, lucky me, I have a HUGE one against me from my ex, who has more money than sense and spent $225K suing me over pretty much nothing. The judgment is $88K, in Caifornia, which is one disorganized state. I am incorporated and he doesn't know in what state or the name of the corporation. I rent and if I buy a home, can do it in the corporate name. No assets that are in my own name, so he got nothing and the judgment expires in two years. That said, the plaintiff can drag you into court for a debtor exam, where you have to show your finances. The court papers indicate I was served to show up for this. Well, I have a camera doorbell and no one ever came by my home. These process servers often charge $150, claim service, and never bother to do it. So as a result, there is a bench warrant for my arrest for not showing up. That's about the worst that's gonna happen to Mo. And the judgment doesn't automatically show up on credit reports. The agencies have to sift through court filings to try and find them. Mine only showed up with one of the three agencies. I disputed it, and, unbelievably, they deleted it from the credit report! My credit is now 793. So it's really unlikely to harm Mo.
  15. I recently did it in one. With a musical instrument, concert clothing, regular clothes and toiletries...as I had.a broken leg and was on crutches. It can be done.
  16. Boss Lady Blues: whoa, stuff your fat boobs back in your dress! Ick!
  17. And in "Mother Knows Best," WTF with the single mother of 11 kids? Did it not occur to her she will have to feed this zoo? How about ONE kid?
  18. Rockin' Rhonda is clearly mentally ill and. has no business RUNNING a business. Someone get her the help she needs. She's also a dreadful singer. If it makes her happy, great, but do it somewhere else and don't drive customers away. And Cajun Belle lady, snark alert. I guess it's the new trailer trash fashion, but ratty, straw-like hair extensions arranged to either side of the shoulders to frame your breasts is...just gross.
  19. They mentioned her departure today, Sept 6.
  20. Since they keep focusing on Myriam's stomach, I'm assuming she's preggars.
  21. Why does this couple disapprove of Mimi selling her house? She has no income, it's totally logical.
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