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Everything posted by orangeiguana

  1. Lemme preface this by saying I am completely supportive of transgender people and topics. In my 50s, I've been an arts performer my whole life and have known two M-> F transsexuals (post surgery, which is really saying something for someone our age (we're all three about the same age). I also have a 19-y-o nephew who is exploring and identifying alternately as TG and queer. But this show brings up two issues for me, and I wonder what everyone else thinks about these. One is how Jazz the person is doing psychologically; this show is a lot to process for such a young person, not to mention the process. The second is wondering how women and men are perceived by transgender people. The first: Jazz is a strong person and extremely brave and articulate. But Jazz seems increasingly troubled and has talked about depression.Jazz's physical appearance -- and this is not in any way meant to be nasty -- has changed quite a bit (I realize part of this is coming of age). But Jazz is not a fan of the family exercise program (hey, me too! lol) and seems quite puffy and a bit chunkier than might be healthy. I realize this is part of natural aging as a teen, and hormones may be having an effect too. Jazz just seems to be acting out (the blaring singing in the car, etc) and perhaps the hormones are contributing. If I'd acted like that for a second, my mother would never have put up with it. The other is extremely troubling. What is it about "femaleness" that attracts M->F transgender teens? Jazz is so intelligent and thoughtful and grown-up in Jazz's statements and speeches! But then in a driving lesson, Jazz turns into a giggly, inept version of a silly girl. I learned to drive, on a stick shift, at 15, in 20 minutes. My father, who taught me, would not have welcomed such inane "I'm just a girl, how can I drive?" behavior. It turns back the feminism clock by a long shot, impressions of femininity meaning you're stupid, like this, when Jazz is clearly very smart. We worked to hard for equal rights to see this. What do you guys think?
  2. The first three seasons dropped in December. They are shooting season 4 right now.
  3. Also, don't these people watch TLC? There aren't any genders anymore.
  4. OMG the mozzarella incident! Jeremy has a hard-on for finding "fresh" mozzarella so buys a whole 5-lb block. Of commercial, preservative-laced, industrial-wrapped cheese that will keep until the end of time. In a Mexican market. And they're using it in Mexican food. Plus he thinks a carrot parer is meant for shredding cheese. Really, where did these people grow up? Oh yeah...
  5. Maybe Daphne is working on a book or other project. Clinton took time off for his book and fashion TV show. I don't think they'd let her go after they've reached such a good dynamic as a team -- although I could never figure out (besides the obvious) why she was there.
  6. Thanks, Clarewalks, this is all very helpful.
  7. I am supportive of Jazz and that individual's quest to find their way. As someone in the arts, I've always been around TG people my whole life, am completely supportive, and know two who have completed all surgeries -- one, I know well. But I am a bio woman in my 50s and have some questions about how young people are now defining male or female. Women my age worked SO HARD to have equal rights, even to wear pants at work (I'm a full-time musician and we were not allowed to wear anything onstage other than a floor-length gown until recently), not to mention being allowed to work at all. But now it seems females are defined as giggly, brainless ornaments who wear pink doilies, earn $0.69/dollar and have few aspirations other than shopping for makeup. TG males make more sense, as identifying male will increase earning potential, being taken seriously, and participating in activities that will advance professional life and the ability to support oneself and a family. I don't understand what happened here. Thoughts? It just seems to set women back half a century -- including transgender women. I'm straight, but the transgender phenomenon seems at odds with lesbian interests too. I'm not trying to stir a pot here, but I'm honestly interested in others' perceptions so I can increase my understanding.
  8. Good lord, what's the fascination with all that long stringy hair? And where did they find a trumpeter *quite* so dreadful?
  9. I only just now discovered this pair. Wow! This is outstanding television!
  10. Honestly, she's so large it would be very frustrating to find "English" clothes that fit, not to mention figure out how to style her hair, etc. So I'd bet she's sticking with the Amish garb out of ease and comfort. Her behavior does put Chester in a bad position, since the Amish cannot divorce. I can't tell how old she is...early 50s maybe? But she is clearly at high risk medically, and Amish don't seem to see doctors much. As horrible as this sounds, she may leave Chester widowed soon at the rate she's going. I wonder why he agreed to participate in the show at all.
  11. Sabrina desperately needs, and deserves, some help. I hope the network might have someone reach out to her. She's very earnest but lost and could really use support and direction. Imagine being unleashed into the world with an eighth-grade education! I wonder if living in a sober-living community or some sort of halfway house would help, so she's not so alone.
  12. On the trailer Mary defiantly states that "nobody's gonna stop me..." from drinking and gambling? Gee, what noble pursuits. On the other hand my hat's off to Rebecca for not letting anyone stop her from earning her GED! Now that is something worth pursuing!
  13. So disturbed by this Jeremiah development. It's so obvious he is taking huge advantage of Nate and insults him at every opportunity. And now that they're married, Nate's up for an unpleasant $ surprise when boy toy moves on. Sorry Nate got roped into this relationship. J is terribly arrogant and bossy and complaining about his "daughter" doesn't help much. Nate is a sweetheart and deserves better.
  14. Good heavens, the monotone whining is getting old.
  15. I've gotta wonder what happened to the worm -- maybe it had healing powers after getting radioactive in space?
  16. It will be between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
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