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Everything posted by Snapdragon

  1. Am I insane or did this show already have an episode where some kind of animal was lost at a party? Like a lizard or a tarantula or something? Not sure if I'm thinking of a completely different show or if this one is recycling plotlines from five season ago.
  2. Okay, I love Sara but why does she have four (four!) pillows of her dog on her couch?
  3. She's a friend of Chen's and a social worker (I think). They had her in a few episodes at the beginning of the season but she's been MIA for a few months now, so understandable that you didn't know about her.
  4. While I thought the episode was hilarious, I'm really disappointed that they killed off Wunch. The episodes with her and Holt going at each other were always brilliant. I mean, if they were going to kill of a reoccurring character, why couldn't it have been Doug Judy?
  5. The stunt casting of Pete Davidson was just dumb. Especially in a role that has the potential to be a reoccurring character. And why didn't they make the character's first name literally anything else? And in what world could Nathan Fillion and Pete Davidson be siblings? Even half siblings? The entire thing was just...blech.
  6. I found it odd that Chen put concealer on her tattoo everyday instead of using a bandage or large band-aid to cover it. And yes, there is something very wrong with Abigail because her reaction to that body was not normal.
  7. So...the kids are in second grade this year but Graham is nine? Okay.
  8. If their account accidentally got reactivated, would the info on it even be up-to-date? For instance, does their bio state that Cam is a stay-at-home parent to their six year old daughter instead of Cam is a full-time football coach and Lily is in middle school?
  9. I feel like that's because they're missing in situations that make no sense. When the show first started, if the kids were missing while the adults got up to stuff during the day, you figured they were at school. And when they got a little older, you figured they were hanging out with friends, or at their part-time jobs, etc. But now that they're all adults, it's weird when they're missing from certain situations, for instance, when Phil's dad died and none of Phil's kids were at their grandfather's funeral (but Manny was because he'd been featured otherwise in the episode).
  10. Was that...a clip show? Ugh, thank goodness this show is almost over.
  11. This is interesting to me because MASH was all the rage when I was in middle school (93-96). Maybe because that was when all the hormones were starting to kick in so crushes were hardcore? Anyway, in freshman year of high school, I remember MASH being replaced by the True Love test, which is where you write down your and your crushes names, then count up how many letters the two of you have from the word "true", then the number you have from the word "love, and that's your true love percentage (ex. Tim Brown and Anne Lowell would have a 46% chance at true love). Obviously the best way to tell if you were going to be compatible with someone long term. LOL.
  12. Maybe the smell diffuses after a little bit? Or all the locals have developed a tolerance to the smell? Honestly, I know nothing about manure so not sure how likely either of these two explanations are.
  13. I don't know that we would. I'm glad the show stuck with Mark being emotionally abusive instead of physically (except for the last part with him locking her out of the cabin). I don't think enough emphasize is usually put on how bad emotional abuse is. When I was young (late teens/early twenties), I remember more than one female friend being in a crappy relationship and saying, "Yeah but if he ever hit me, then I'd leave." I think we're taught growing up that physical abuse is unacceptable (which it is) and that you should immediately leave a relationship if that happens but emotional abuse isn't discussed in as much detail. I feel this leads to people staying in emotionally abusive relationships much longer than they should since they don't recognize anything except physical violence as abuse.
  14. I totally thought this last week when they showed the preview of them digging up the time capsule. I knew that wasn't going to happen because of the type of show this is but there was a part of me that was hoping that after the Big 3 all got in the car after rescuing Kate that Rebecca was going to go back in, hit Mark over the head with a frying pan, then bury him in the backyard.
  15. I'm totally bummed about this. Season 1 was kind of all over the place but Season 2 was fantastic. I was hoping that Season 3 would give a better ending for Bob but I guess I'll just have to accept the dark ending of Season 2.
  16. I actually really like Pimento (though I do think he's best as a reoccurring character instead of a member of the main cast) and miss him and Rosa as a couple. Their weird, crazy love was one of my fav relationships of the show.
  17. I'm not going to lie. When Glascott redecorated his niece's locker with pictures of herself so that she could see how the world sees her, I teared up a little. In my defense, I'd had a long day and was super tired (also, Unpretty always gets me in the feels).
  18. So you know how in lots of movies they'll show a young woman's first love who's cute, sweet and just all around amazing? Then he dies in some tragic accident (a la Fried Green Tomatoes) and in the aftermath the young woman ends up with some awful jerk who she later must overcome? That's what I think of every time Bryce shows up. He must die in some terrible trolley accident or something for Bow to end up with Andre. It's the only thing that makes sense.
  19. Since that happened moments before the Janet Jackson surprise, I'm assuming that they were told just to talk amongst themselves for a minute or two while they prepared a surprise backstage and everyone was kind of at a loss as to what to say. Or they were randomly given the Bloomberg topic their earpieces at the last minute (until Janet was ready) and they were caught off guard.
  20. So I'm watching today's episode via random clips on youtube so I might have missed this but did they not mention at all that Yang dropped out? I mean, I get that he didn't have the highest chance of being president but he'd gotten plenty of media attention and had been on the show before, so I found it odd that they didn't even mention that he'd dropped out.
  21. I felt bad for Alec Baldwin. He was trying to have a serious conversation and make a valid point (that Democrats need to stop all the fighting among themselves and just get behind whichever candidate ends up winning the nomination) and all Joy and Sunny could do was interrupt. Then they put a picture of him as Trump up and you could just tell he was over the entire thing. And yes, Jessica Simpson had so much lip injection/botox/whatever going on with her face. She looked ridiculous. I'm guessing she had it done because of all the interviews she's going to be doing to promote her book but she looked terrible.
  22. I found the ending...serviceable? It tied up all the loose ends, made enough sense but overall I just found it to be sad. The entire series, they're working towards being better people and getting to the Good Place and they finally achieve that and it's just not that great? Really? I just didn't find it satisfying, especially because we never really got to see these characters be happy. There were fleeting moments of joy throughout the series, but they were always followed by threats of impending doom or torture. No one ever got to just breath and enjoy their happiness and when they finally did get to a place where they could, the show skips over those years completely and just fast forwards us to when they're all so bored with their existence that they'd rather not exist at all. Not a great payoff, in my opinion. For me personally, a better ending would have been them getting to the Good Place and everything being great for everyone except for Michael, who can't fully enjoy it since he's a demon so Eleanor talks to the Judge and gets him to be reborn as a human (as a baby, not the weird dropping him off on earth as a 72 year old man thing) and we see a montage of his human life that ends with his death, then he wakes up in the waiting room and Eleanor peeks out the door and says, "Michael? Come on in." Series comes full circle. Everyone ends up happy.
  23. I'm glad that they showed that outside of work, Josh has a social life. I'm not a fan of when shows make characters complete sadsacks who get dumped on by everyone else. Also, why would Junior be opposed to hanging out with Josh? Wasn't Josh his mentor for awhile last season? I thought the two of them were supposed to get along pretty well.
  24. Yes, I just got around to watching this and was so annoyed by that! They forgot about the cute/young one. The Joey McIntyre, Nick Carter, Justin Timberlake of the group (because even though Justin became the breakout star of NSYNC, JC Chasez was originally the "hot one" and sang lead until Justin's popularity exploded). What's even more ridiculous is that they had a character that would have worked perfectly for this on the show. Mellor's faux son (his girlfriend's nephew, whose name I can't remember). They could have slid him right in there and it would have been perfect. Missed opportunity show. Missed opportunity.
  25. I feel that Kevin and Sophie finally watching the ending to Good Will Hunting means that they've closed the book on ever having a romantic relationship again. Their "thing" to do as a couple was to come up with alternative endings to that movie and by watching the ending they've made it impossible to continue that. You wouldn't end the flirty little inside joke you have as a couple unless you knew that there wouldn't be a need for it ever again. And I hope that Kevin does end up hitting it off with Madison 1) because I like Madison and I want Kevin to be happy and 2) this show has enough characters and I just don't want to see anymore new ones introduced.
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