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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. You had me at "...20, with kidney disease"! My Onyx is near 15, and her kidney disease is progressing at such a rate, that I'm not sure she'll see the end of the year. She's dropped 4+ lbs (started at 14lbs), and she is just becoming so frail. I watch her very closely for signs that I need to facilitate the final, loving thing. I dread it more than anything. She has been one of the few great joys of my life.
  2. My 100% Italian mother-in-law, and her son/my husband pronounce it that way as well. I have simply shrugged it off for 35 yrs. I can assure you, there is no racist intent in their case.
  3. True, but the entire show and most of the bakes are fairly specific to the UK also, so I hope they don't think those of us outside of UK aren't interested. Clearly, that isn't the case.
  4. I care not about nominations or awards, I just want to know when it's coming back!
  5. Some co-stars react: (ML and TT must use the same pubicist) "Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Dustin Diamond, a true comedic genius," Mark-Paul Gosselaar tweeted. "My sincere condolences to his family and friends. Looking back at our time working together, I will miss those raw, brilliant sparks that only he was able to produce. A pie in your face, my comrade." "Dustin, you will be missed my man," wrote Mario Lopez. "The fragility of this life is something never to be taken for granted. Prayers for your family will continue on." "I am deeply saddened by I the news of my old co-star @realdustindiamond passing," added Tiffany Thiessen. "Life is extremely fragile and it’s something we should never take for granted. God speed Dustin. As unfortunate as it is to acquire a terminal illness at a young age, I feel that he is fortunate to avoid the wracking pain and discomfort that many suffer with similar illness. Hard for his family/friends now, but they will hopefully gain peace knowing that he was spared the worst.
  6. I thought it sounded quite high also, but your last point could be the reason. Plus, I can see folks picking up the varying services that are "only $6 or $8 bux per month", plus being neglectful of cancelling after the "free introductory period", etc., and before they know what they've done, they're spending as much or more than they did with traditional tv providers.
  7. I think you are witnessing the beginning of the end of traditional cable/satellite television. Streaming services such as Netflix, Discovery+, etc. are taking over at a pretty rapid pace. Will we save money in the end? Doubtful, unless we're willing to go on a teevee diet. I heard the host of a technology-based radio show (sorry, can't say who it was) say that research is showing that people who have "cut the cord" by eliminating cable tv, are spending an average of $300/mo to stream. Well that sort of defeats the purpose doesn't it? We have Netflix, Amazon Prime Video (only because we are A P members), and Peacock (which as of now is free, but I doubt it will remain so). I dread what's coming as we will no doubt be making the switch; our cable bill is obscene.
  8. Wait a minute...are we in the same house? <looks around the room>
  9. Yet another example of a woman who doesn't value herself enough to keep the surgeon's scalpal away from her damn face. So sad. She was once and would have remained, a beautiful woman.
  10. So I caught a new show tonight, titled Rehab Addict Rescue; S1, E1. (HGTV, 9pm) I just caught the last 10 or so minutes, but it looks like a retread of Rehab Addict, with a new title and episodes. Though my memory isn't what it used to be, this looked like a new project to me, and it was done for a family who apparently already owned the home. I'm a bit surprised. I thought Nicole Curtis might have been too crazy eccentric even for HGTV. Guess not.
  11. I would advocate this for just about anyone actually. I sort of wish DH would do it. Though he won't acknowledge it, his hearing is not what it used to be, and the volume is starting to become distracting for me. A time honored tradition I guess.
  12. Speaking as someone with a hearing-impaired 89-yr old mother, between the eyeglasses, hearing aids, and now face coverings with ear loops, "older people" may have a difficult time negotiating earphones, whether buds or over-the-ear. Believe me, I've given it a lot of thought. Mom can barely manage with the three things ^above. 😟
  13. Every time I get the notion to sell the house and move into an apartment/condo, I read about these noise issues and remember how much I hated this sort of thing. I remember having elephant herds living a floor above, the couple with the pomeranian that barked from the second they closed their door to leave in the morning until it mercifully fell asleep, nearly 30 minutes later, the young kids that moved in together (last count was 6) in an apartment legally leased to house 4, with barely enough parking for one resident per apt./per building (buildings held 4 apartments), so they just parked in the front lawn space. Management.did.nothing. Rent was paid and that was the extent of their concerns. These were expensive apartments for our area. We had the largest/most expensive of the four, walk-out garage, and in 1992 were paying $800/month, having moved from $550/mo. We naively thought it would buy a certain level of civility. We were dead wrong. The thought of experiencing those headaches/nightmares again at this point in my life makes me nauseated. ~sigh~
  14. I found the "I'm Dead, Now What?" on Azon, and it's described as a man's journey in Jamaica, as his father dies. Is this the one that has archival space as well?
  15. Though you didn't ask for it, you've got it. Really sorry about your travails, and hope your next will be your last needed surgery! Be well, and keep us in the loop.
  16. While not impossible, I would think it unlikely considering he'll be 99 in July.
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