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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. It's possible that the entourage and equipment required for filming would be disruptive in the type of establishment you describe. Or, all those high brow joints have seen the show and want no part of it.
  2. Cilantro is from the leaf of the plant, coriander is the seed.
  3. I'm curious if the end of the binge on Netflix will pertain only to new releases. Would seem strange for them to limit viewing of already established shows. Or not.
  4. I didn't undrstand the draw with Patricia in Season 1, and I understand it even less now. She is the epitome of that overused word privilege, and she deserved to be pulled down from the pedestal far more than any statue. I'll give her this, she has a talented wig maker.
  5. Imagining that contractually, they wouldn't be able to do that.
  6. Well, Im pretty serious about my choux pastry, but yes, if what you say is true, it likely will be held I would imagine.
  7. Filed under: HR Nightmares man-reveals-he-learned-he-was-denied-job-after-he-was-accidentally-cc-d
  8. Thereby quite effectively cementing in place, the strong likelihood of a second generation of nuttiness.
  9. Wish I could tell how many times this has happened to me. I have no semi-professional insights beyond what you have mentioned. It'll turn up, which doesn't help you now. I did order a replacement TV/Roku remote from Amazon, which arrived a few hours after I found the lost one. Maybe try that, lol.
  10. And posted this image on sm, of her kid (then 6 years old) holding her silicone bags -
  11. Yeah, considering that (like it or not) production controls what these scenes/events look like, one has to wonder what agenda is being pushed here.
  12. I agree. If it's a catharsis they need, then let them vent to a psychologist/psychiatrist.
  13. I don't make that assumption basd on a scene set up by producers. I thought that convo was awkwardly arranged.
  14. I think I like Paige. She seems bright, and not altogether pointless. We'll see how they evolve her role going forward. Thinking Craig either needs a long break from social media (that's what marketing interns are for), or stiffen his spine against cancel culture. He's paranoid. Kathryn continus to be nothing if not awkward. Seems they're delivering her script copy 5 minutes before the camera rolls.
  15. I want it put into Austen's contract, that he cannot utter the word "like" for an entire episode. I suspect that his colon would explode ****************** Craig: "I know what I'm doing, I've just never done it before." They should all program Ask A Nurse onto their phones before taking a bite. Ooh! Fun thought: if Ashley Jacobs would answer the Ask A Nurse inquiry! lol ******************* TTW you were 35 years old, and you had to borrow a relative's place to have a party for more than 4 people. ******************* I've decided that I'm uncomfortable with and dislike the phrase "love you to death". Probably because I've just had a bit too much death in my life this summer. Just don't like it.
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