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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Monetizing your widow maker - for the win!
  2. Robert Redford as Hubbell Gardner - biggest yes ever! Robert Redford as current facially reconfigured / orange Julius doppelganger - uh, no.
  3. About the time she wanted more air time. Andy Cohen's nose was getting too pale me thinks.
  4. I feel like I need a visit with the dentist after viewing this ad. Also, she was an actress, right? You would never know it from this gem.
  5. I must be a cruel b____, because I see this in my head whenever she is featured -
  6. When the top material is also used as the side/cabinet end treatment, creating illusion it is waterfalling down to the floor.
  7. A little about the Eli Manning / Odell Beckham Dirty Dancing spoof, but that's the only one I caught any residual buzz about.
  8. Yeah, it's not like we don't have enough real conflict bombarding us daily, that we should need this manufactured nonsense. ymmv You know, that is a much better name than Bravo Network...Manufactured Nonsense. lol
  9. He allegedly did, yes, and is now removed from The Chew and from his Eately restaurant business. Also, Daphne Oz is no longer with the show, as she left after becoming pregnant with her third child last year. They're down to three.
  10. edit - ...and force her to wear it or something similar every week or else."
  11. ...is totally, completely, Wow, K's has a lot more consultants than I realized. Only a couple pictured that I recognize from the show. kleinfeldbridal.com/consultants/
  12. The innerwebs has (or had) her dating GB Packers' QB Aaron Rogers. Emmerson awfully big egos for the same room.
  13. There were several, but probably Freshen Up most widely known. google
  14. I'm referring to the series of ads that have featured numerous different Colonel Sanders actors. Can't even remember them all, but Reba McIntyre is the latest. They're cringe worthy imo.
  15. Checking in here for the first time in quite a while, so forgive if I repeat an already-discussed ad, but does anyone think that the wheel of fortune-style KFC Colonel selector is driving business in the door? I'm so totally annoyed by that whole campaign that I have vowed to never utter their name let alone patronize that grease laden place. p.s.: Didn't think they could scrape the barrel lower than the Norm MacDonald iteration, but yeah, Reba tops ...er bottoms it.
  16. Almost as much as "bae". We can't be friends. You're dead to me. Stupid kids. Don't they know there are licorice and strawberry Twizzlers in the basement? In the breaker box?
  17. Nothing, but nothing makes me angrier than hearing these two things; "I told my kids they had better never put me in a nursing home" and "I would never put my parent in a nursing home". Being someone who like millions of others, had to make that awful decision, it is insulting, unrealistic, and frankly cruel. You're exactly right. Some folks have life situations that don't afford the luxury of staying home or paying someone to privately care for their loved one. Pretty sure that the only folks that make such inane statements, have never faced it head-on, or never will have to. *rant ended*
  18. It's the unattainable, smart yet dirty, chain-smoking, alcohol-fueled nut busting, reminiscent of James Dean thing that must amp up Showtime writers/producers Chicago south side girls. And north side university professors.
  19. Ah, okay. I couldn't remember how they handled the crossing.
  20. Exactly. Because they can. I'm imagining that talent agencies have to keep aestheticians on call, just in case one of their crop of extras get an audition for Shameless. They wouldn't have to be Brazilian, amiright?
  21. I don't recall how the show handled the geography of it, but from Chicago to Detroit on I-94 is about 280 miles. Two border crossings in Detroit area to Ontario.
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