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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I'm old enough to remember when Southwest was the shining example to which all others were compared. Things do change don't they?
  2. The aesthetics are the least of it for me, but still a factor, yes. We're asking more and more from The Grid, while not having the intestinal fortitude to prepare for it in a meaningful way. Solar? Hah! We've had about 15 minutes of sunshine since November.
  3. I raised this point when we had a power loss this summer due to a storm with downed trees etc., and was swiftly lambasted by people who informed me of how expensive underground lines were to repair blah blah. I honestly haven't done any research on the subject, so I'm just spouting through my blow hole, but it would seem like the maintenance might not be all that frequent if underground, no? Our neighborhood is newer, so the power supply directly to the homes is undrground, but of course the supporting infrastructure is still ovrhead, weaving among old, untrimmed trees. In the 26 yrs since we built this home, we have only lost power for more than a few hours a handful of times, so it hasn't been a chronic problem for us, but how many freezers full of expensive protein does one have to lose before it becomes a burden? How many family members relying on oxygen does it take? One can only "prep" just so much. Like it or not, we are slaves to the grid. I can't even think about plugging in an automobile.
  4. Which is completely in-character. That's how good he is.
  5. Toasted bread crumbs with lots of garlic, chopped walnuts, and raisins. This will top our angel hair w/marinara, served with chicken thighs, pork ribs, and potatoes which have been stewed in tomato sauce. My Italian family's traditional Christmas Eve dinner for longer than I even know. Mangia! 👩‍🍳🍝
  6. omg! Thank you so much! I had forgotten about Simon's Cat. It's obvious that this artist has cats and studies their behaviors. My Onyx had that little chirp. 😢
  7. Today's PP - CIOS / Chronic Inherited Overthink Syndrome (not a thing) Manifesting today by me wanting to take down the outside Christmas decorations in advance of the coming snow storm, predicted to arrive 3 days before Christmas. Keep thinking they'll get welded to the ground by snow/ice, lol It's a curse I tell ya.
  8. I actually believe that we, the viewing public, need to search for activities that don't involve a big black screen in the middle of our homes, or worse, ruining our posture and eyesight by viewing on a portable device. These bait and switch tactics coupled with rapidly escalating costs of viewing entertainment, have left me with an incredibly bad taste in my mouth over the lot of it.
  9. I wonder if said sports highlighting was done in green or yellow.
  10. A happy Chanukah to you and yours @PRgal! May the light of the season shine throughout the year! 🕎
  11. He's never displayed the ability to consider consequences, so the answers would be 'yes' and 'yes'.
  12. Summer is flipped already. Whatd'ya know. I'm not really understanding this year-long cattle drive. It's 2022 ffs; what takes so long? I've been passively watching this season, so perhaps I've missed some key points, lol. Monica is furniture. That is all.
  13. John deals with a problem with his herd; Sen. Perry delivers news to Rainwater; Jamie and Sarah plan their next move; the entire Yellowstone enjoys a rare evening of fun together; Beth discusses a new business plan concerning the ranch.
  14. I mostly agree with a couple of notable exceptions which are awesome when dunked in something; gingersnaps and oreos.
  15. Our county shelter often solicits donations of food to distribute to those in the community having difficulty feeding their pets. If anyone is in need, perhaps your local shelter is doing the same, especially if your pet was adopted from them, though I don't think that's a requirement. They would rather help with food than have to intake another pet.
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