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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I thinking they're referring to Becky's husband, rather than saying Mark, because of confusion to (new?) viewers. With Darlene's son being named Mark? Just speculation. Not wringing my hands, even for a second.
  2. Well usually both parents are involved in the naming of a child. I'm assuming it is a homage to his brother.
  3. I just don't remember the girl thing. Thanks.
  4. Thank you. I sort of wondered if he was named in honor of Becky's Mark, but Darlene? Naming her kid after him? Kinda weird. They're either going to be covering a lot of chit in the next few eps, or we're left to build the story in our heads.
  5. Yes, and I think John Goodman does the same thing. His voice and look are so different, he should be quieter, you know, like OG Dan.
  6. I didn't catch the first return episode, and only saw part of the 2nd...have they said when Mark died? Like how long ago? Also, I assume Darlene and David are divorcing?
  7. Becky wasn't slutty. Boy crazy, yes.
  8. Happened across an Irish publication, on the life and death of Glenn Quinn. the-tragic-closing-act
  9. I don't know how social she was prior to the last 10 years, but for those 10, during the filming of RHONY, her tolerance for the level of drinking she's done would appear to be very low, and past the level that many would consider social. The boozing that got her arrested for assaulting a police officer was done off-camera. If I were her family, her attorney, and her AA counselor, I would be hugely concerned with: "Everybody around me says 'Luann, you're not an alcoholic.' I don't know if I am or not. All I know is that not drinking works for me right now. Will I drink again? I don't know. I miss good red wine. Not to say that I'll never have good red wine again. Who knows where we'll all be tomorrow. For today, that's the choice that I'm making for myself." ymmv
  10. Welp, I'll say it again...28 days only serves to check a box with a judge. Clearly, she didn't learn much.
  11. Narcissist / noun A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves. "narcissists think the world revolves around them"
  12. Sorry I didn't ask a Q after I answered one ^up there. I've never been good at following directions.
  13. Boy, isn't that the truth! Also, if this show is her best work, Sara Gilbert is better suited behind the camera, or in a talk show format (though I think she's dead wood there as well - yes, I know she's an EP). Off topic, found this photo. David Galecki looks wonderful here, and this is an awesome photo of the two of them!
  14. If they're donating money at a black tie gala, they're doing something philanthropic.
  15. I've never watched Summer House, and I stopped watching VPR somewhere in the 2nd season. Thank you for affirming my choices.
  16. FTR - I thought Naomi was an attractive girl before her rhinoplasty, and I think she is an attractive girl after. If she is happier with the new image in the mirror, then I guess that is the important thing. Look at me being all supportive. ?
  17. "Tornadoes". Every liquor and a 1/2 splash of ... cola I think. Basically a LI Ice Tea, lol.
  18. Very thoughtful and smart. Good that she took the break and educated herself.
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