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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Yeah, that discussion was had in another Small Talk thread a while back. Someone thought that the deal was more like $25 mil, with the potential for $100, but that it didn't reach that level. I do think by now though, since she's diversified with so many other products, that we shall not be needing any benefit pig roasts in Miss Bs honor any time soon.
  2. As I stated earlier, how many times do I need to say this, I will relieve her of the place. Since she is a collector, I will trade her my '04 RX330 (low miles) which she can place in the stable with her older Mercedes. An unmatched set. I will move in, bring the place back into condition, then sit in the lovely courtyard and wait for someone to throw trash down upon it. Dare even.
  3. I sure don't. Still think this is a poor example of why he may or may not be a cheap fuck. Like you said, let the young man's mother and father figure out how to defend him. Taking the story to social media is likely not going to get the job done.
  4. If his Mom thinks he should have a lawyer, and George is unwilling to unbuckle for one, she should get out there and get a job to pay for one imo.
  5. Maybe he knows a little bit more about the case, and about Josh's potential for a successful defense, than we do. Maybe he isn't interested in throwing good money after bad. Obviously, I'm just throwing out possibilities, but to me, it's kind of unfair to brand George a "cheap fuck" because he hasn't offered up a probably significant chunk of his fortune to defend a (so far) lifelong loser that he isn't related to but by marriage. Everyone has their limit, and maybe his has been reached.
  6. No, don't see Austen, but this really gives me Amy Grant, lol. Without all the purity 'n stuff, lol. Sorry for the poster, lol. Didn't feel like shrinking it.
  7. Oh I know. I wasn't implying... Just meant if it was easy, I'd do it. If not, meh. ?
  8. Whitney looks like Waldo in that pic. Of Where's fame.
  9. Believe me when I tell you that I'm not that invested in the quest, lol.
  10. Do product placements show up in the credits? Maybe they do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. Certainly, anything is possible. I'm not saying that I totally don't believe the story. As I said, I can see TR doing this. What I am saying is that there is room for doubt, which is why these cases are so very difficult, both to prove and disprove.
  12. Totally channeling Annelle at Shelby's wedding reception, gloves and all. (obscure Steel Magnolias reference)
  13. I think she looks like Amy Grant. That's where the similarities end, lol.
  14. Does anyone know for certain about the continued status of new shows? I haven't been able to discern from Professor Google whether or not the show will continue outside of reruns.
  15. So I wonder if Bravo has gotten a divorce from Land Rover USA, or if they would simply like to add to the graft fleet.
  16. Better hope that people never develop an aversion/allergy to the smell of coffee. I'd almost love to see that memo.
  17. Wow. Police officers in our area (and I suspect all areas) routinely break traffic laws, when they aren't on emergency calls. They do it because they can. I guess it's an unstated perk. Brings up a police-related issue I have. Distracted driving? No one could be more distracted than an officer, perhaps rushing to an incident of some sort, while using the in-car computer, two-way radio, and cell phone. We see it all the time on COPS-type shows...officers reading details from their computer screen while screaming down the highway en route to a call. I appreciate what they do for us, really I do, but physician, heal thyself.
  18. "At this moment, she said she knew he wasn’t going to rape her because he was out of his “trance state” and she demanded he take her home immediately where I met her outside. She had called me from the car and told me to be waiting for her." Sorry, but I've got real problems with this statement/line of thinking. If I had just been near-raped by someone, pretty sure that I'm not going to have them drive me anywhere. Unless the mother is a licensed psychiatrist, I'm not really feeling her ability to analyze his mental state. Sad thing is, I can totally see TR doing something like this. That said, the fact that he settled means very little. People settle litigation each and every day, simply for financial reasons. Cheaper to settle than to litigate. It will be interesting to see how or if this plays out.
  19. Beyond stupid. I was embarrassed watching it.
  20. Good lawd, her face! She ruined her face. Terrible what these women will do to themselves. I may have lines and pores and all of that, but geezus, at least I can pull off a smile.
  21. Tried to do some research on RHO salaries, in an effort to confirm Tinsley's ability to afford her own damn rent, just based on her RHO money. Though unsuccessful in my quest, I ran across this story from January of this year, which I found a little interesting. The photo of the original RHONY cast is a gem. Luann about the only one who isn't pretty much completely transformed. Well, Alex could be, but only Oz knows for sure. how-much-bethenny-frankel-made-on-real-housewives-of-new-york-city
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