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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Regarding the dead horse that is the Bethenny/Dorinda "you're a drunk" discussion, I'll finalize my comments by saying that imo, Bethenny should have known that Dorinda had the huge potential to embarrass not only Bethenny and her colleagues but Dorinda herself. She was with her in the hours preceding the dinner by her own words, and there is enough filmed history to know the result of Dorinda's excess. Is it Bethenny's job to police her? Of course not, but it might be her job to prevent her from attending a dinner with disaster written all over it. I don't care how many "drunks" Bethenny has spent time with in her life, she isn't a psychiatrist/chologist, and shouldn't make pronouncements like she is one. They're co-workers, not friends. If my co-worker called me a drunk, true or not, there would be trouble.
  2. Filed under: How Selfies Ruined Society *Yes, I realize this isn't a selfie, but is sort of born from selfies. Alternative file name: The Death Of The Candid Photo
  3. There is love, then there is fixation. I'd say he's fixated.
  4. They may not all have had something to promote, but I suspect most did...like guests on a talk show, most are there because their PR people set it up for advertising something or another. Surprised the women didn't all have to wear Marchesa garments, lol.
  5. Yeah, she really ought to try and conquer whole foods first, considering the trouble she had ordering the seed of life ffs.
  6. Not for nuthin', but I don't imagine that Gordon himself lines up the guests for the dinner. He likely gets production notes with pronunciation cues 15 minutes before taping begins.
  7. These ladies should use some of that handbag budget and invest in better eyelashes/mascara.
  8. It's okay to weigh in. You're right about Richard. I'll add that the same could be said about 95% of the people that run the country in any given year. Most of us here in regular people land haven't heard of the hierarchy of politicians, bankers, philanthropists etc. Doesn't make them less important or impactful or worthy of mention.
  9. Maybe I'm too much of a literalist when it comes to language, but I don't see any other way to interpret "you're a drunk", than to be saying that she's an alcoholic. I even think it's a peg or two below alcoholic, by perception.
  10. So you're saying that the Women As Victims channel doesn't appeal to you? Yeah, me neither.
  11. I feared this would happen. Don't trust Bravo to put out a quality product anymore. A couple of their purely scripted original shows have been okay, but this "reality" stuff is getting bizarro. Yes, I watch most of them, lol, but I don't want to see PR reduced to nonsense. Well, any more nonsense than it is already that is.
  12. The Bravo formula: A cast kerfuffle leading up to the premier of a new season. Somebody call Page Six
  13. I have done this on more than one occasion. Almost nothing annoys me more than not acknowledging my patronage. I blame a lack of training in the art of customer service. Salesmanship has always come naturally to me, but not for some. Crappy employees are a direct reflection of management.
  14. omg Gunne Sax! Loved their stuff...in the 9th grade. Fashion victims aren't really victims at all. The rest of us are. Though I give Ramona props for looking really good at 60-whatever, dressing like a 20-whatever smells like desperation.
  15. The single most terrifying thing I have ever had to do for myself.
  16. Wasn't it TR that told Kathryn that it was Ashley's idea? Very odd. Thomas should have just invited her, but I guess he was attempting to gain points for Ashley.
  17. Q: "Where do you see yourself in five years?" A: "Serving time for kicking your ass, for asking questions like that during an interview." Q: "Tell me something negative about yourself." A: "I haven't already kicked your ass."
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