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Hockey Addict

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Everything posted by Hockey Addict

  1. I think that Big Kathy ruled Kyle and K and K with an iron fist. It seems to me that she cared more about Big Kathy than anything else. Thus, Kyle still has the after effects of that years later.
  2. Maybe all of this pillow scene business is just a way of softening the blow for the intense, volcanic, scenes to come?
  3. This might be a bad comparison but it's kind of like sitting in a class that you despise with a teacher you despise. They can try to hammer the info into you no matter what but they can't make it stay. Meghan could try to jam fidelity and kids into Jim but she can't make him stay if he doesn't want to.
  4. Oh and when we throw pillows parties we make sure there's a butt load of ice and utensils to use. And way more food. Oh, and if we want help we just flat out ask without a party excuse then provide food for said help
  5. I don't know how charming it might be but in my part of South we break the balls of exes that talk crap about us screenshot or not.
  6. Cameron can go over and be Craig's pillow maker after work so she won'thave to drink vodka!
  7. Hmmm, I wonder what Lois would have done if Lisa had given her dad the finger?
  8. While watching this epi I just kept thinking these thoughts. First off, if I were Kathryn's grandma, the day that she came and asked for my advice and told me she wanted to be with a fifty year old I would have said (not that it would have made a difference) that Kat was barking up the wrong tree! Secondly, if I were her I would majorly be wishing to have a time machine right about now so that there would have been no Thomas hook up, no getting knocked up, no trying to be a politician's wife, none of it. However, I'm not Kathryn or her grandma.
  9. Dogs are cute but I too don't like people that bring their dogs everywhere. Like on Snooki and Jwow when Jenni brought her dogs along and they yapped the whole time and peed on the store's carpet. That was not fun for the dogs who could have been at home in air conditioning playing or whatever. Plus, it was totally rude to the owner of the store.
  10. Good for Naomi for getting an MBA but she hasn't had the struggles many have because of her parents. Such as having to take out loans, having to work out payment plan until the financial aid kicks in, having to work to feed yourself and others thus not being able to take a full load of classes thus getting said MBA takes longer.
  11. Time has NOT been kind to Tre or Jaquline. Interesting to watch the past episodes when Tre was still knocked up, making sauce, and was still friends with Caroline and Jaq.
  12. Okay, puppy shower=epic fail of an idea. But glad she's not knocked up and it wasn't a real baby shower. Stasi's next storyline should be her getting a real exorcism/deliverance minister then turning into Anelle from Steel Magnolias. Beau wouldn't know whether to scratch his iphone or text his butt.
  13. Yes to the no makeup and curlers. Hockey Addicts face is lucky if it even gets a speck of makeup
  14. I feel like Kyle is too much of people pleaser which is sad. I can imagine (as weird as this might sound) that she still hears Big Kathy's voice in her ear after all these years saying. "Kyle, marry rich and have babies", "Kyle you're going to go on this audition", "Make me look good"! Yada, yada, yada.
  15. Ok, can we let this Lucy, Lucy, Juicy situation die? Teddi? You owned your part which is good. Lisa V? Snobby AF saying a handwritten condolence wasn't good enough basically. Loving Denise so far. Kyle? Cries a lot. That's all I got on her so far.
  16. Some Danielle fans, Tre fans, and Jennifer fans are so delusional IMO it's laughable. Breaking a wine glass and acting as if you intend to stab someone with it while drunk makes you a queen, brave, and a bad ass? Someone that acts like a Bridezilla at fifty something or close to it is good TV? Jennifer honey, if you have to drink tequila to have a personality then you need help. And when you have a public twitter and go on a reality show, people will come and leave comments/opinions. Don't like it? Get of social media or reality TV. Or both.
  17. Agreed on the whole nip is not just a British thing. Hockey Addict down south has always used/heared it to mean a quick, not hard, biting that puppies do.
  18. I have a great book reccommendation for Khloe! Anything that educates on the reality that when one repeats the same behavior expecting different results/effects, there's a problem. Hence, when one gets knocked up by a man that couldnt be bothered to pay attention to his already existing yet unborn kid, said man probably is not going to be the best partner/ baby daddy.
  19. Wonder what would happen if Amber or the twins came back with the current cast. Not sayng I like Amber but wonder how that would go.
  20. We need a housewife that can annoy the living hell out of Jennifer, has real money, can annoy the hell out of Jennifer, is attractive, and can annoy the hell out of tre. Any ideas?
  21. I think all of these shows are like a luxury SUV with three tires gone. On their last legs. Can you imagine what some of the HWs would do if the shows ended all of a sudden? I would love to be a human fly on the wall in BH when that happens or in Jersey. Tre's reaction would be more epic than Dorit's.
  22. I can't stand the double standards either. If Joey/Gino can/can't do something then Antonia shouldn't be treated differently because she's a girl. Oh, and Jennifer's mom's advice to her brother about only screwing American girls/marrying Turkish girls? Blech! Trust me, I've known some conservative people but even in those families the rule was more equal. Both girls and boys were told you don't screw at all until you're married. Take it for what you will but boys were not spared.
  23. So Jennifer was set up to be married to someone, another Turkish guy, then didn't like him and got with Bill. So she did not follow the set up marriage thing. Hmmm.
  24. Tre will do anything to stay on TV so the only way she'd go to Italy is if a camera crew and $$ follow her. Hell, she'd become Kody Brown's fifth wife if it paid enough. Wonder how Robyn would feel about that?
  25. If I were really nasty and had no compassionate then I would have pulled the snark spices out from my cabinet of mental ingrediences and used it on Jennifer. Mail order bride? Ha! How about mail order bride desperate to get the F outta dodge so she can have babies and be not deficient in America where we don't romanticize men that act like animals? Take note Marge. Poor Melda. Well at least here if her husband turns out to be one of those Heckyll or Jyde types that has two personalities our government won't kill her for speaking out.
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