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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. I wish they remade the 50s series The Rifleman as a movie starring Jacob Tremblay and Brad Pitt in those roles. Jacob does bare a strong similarity to Johnny Crawford and I could see that happening. I know it is hard to top that series due to the father son chemistry between Chuck Connors and Johnny Crawford, but if done right I could see it happening. I am surprised no one in Hollywood thought that up.
  2. Yeah, JTP!!! That was just poor advice, Pops! No way Barry would be forgiven that easily for the shenanigans he pulled on the group.
  3. I hope it's not bullying because that crap needs to stop. Just because someone loves ballet doesn't mean that so-called person has to use derogatory names on-line. 14 is too young. I feel for his parents. What a sad loss.
  4. He came around the same time as Scott Baio, Jimmy Baio, Jimmy McNichols, Kristy McNichols, Leif Garrett, and all the rest of the teen idols that got their start in the mid 70s. He was also a good team player in the $20,000 Pyramid. It might seemed stage in some of those episodes, but he seemed to want that contestant to succeed. RIP McKeon.
  5. Very sad. And it was all within a two month period. Stay strong, Nancy.
  6. 55 years old is too young! Nancy must be devastated. I know what it is like to lose a sibling. It's happened to a relative of mine more than once. RIP Tommy.
  7. Paul Rudd looks like he will steal the show here.
  8. If you see her without the makeup, you wouldn't know that was J-Lo. Her makeup does wonder, but without it, nobody would think that is her. That is the power of cosmetic procedures. They know how to hide the flaws there. She does not have great skin, but she has all the products that help her be the person she is.
  9. Now that would be awesome. I am shocked that Jude Law has not hosted since 2010 since he has that show The Last Pope. You think they would have asked him to host prior to season 44 at least. He should host. Jacob Tremblay would be interesting, but I wondered if the writers would use his talent to the fullest or it would be another you are so great, etc. scenario. The kid has great facial expressions from crying to horrified, so anything is possible. And he seems to love being the center of a joke. I could see a Kyle Mooney skit with him. Not sure which SNL performer would work well with him. Probably a McGruber sketch would be awesome or I'll settle another Californians sketch. I have so many ideas.
  10. Girl with glasses looks like a dead ringer for Annie Potts.
  11. Next Stephen King remake: Needful Things! Christopher Plummer as Mr. Gaunt would be so awesome. He could be play nice characters, but he could play creepy disturbing characters as well. I could see him in that role. The Brian character could be played by Jacob Tremblay. That is one Stephen King book that deserves another remake. Possibly with this director.
  12. What is up with that? One character would make one appearance and they would not be seen for four or five episodes. Is it really that expensive to have the whole cast there? This seemed to be an ongoing thing with this show.
  13. I am not disagreeing about that. There has been fawning over to celebrities as far back as I can remember, even during the show's original run. I have no quips about that. I could see old episodes here and there to remind me that nothing has changed too much. I appreciate J-Lo as to what she accomplished, but her key ingredient is good makeup. Without it, I don't think anyone would give her a second glance if she didn't have it. Everybody can say she looks great for a 50 year old, but makeup plays a huge role in her entire life. She is payed to look good. Not that I am against it.
  14. It takes money to look that good and it's not cheap..😉
  15. I wonder if that's in her contract....I kind of laughed at the audience response to J-Lo's monologue. There was some awkward moments there.
  16. He should have won for Bates Motel! Norman is the greatest character he ever did. Since Anne Rice is doing the VC series starting with the 2nd book, hire this guy as Nicholas de Lenfent! I know Freddie could dedicate a character like no other. He's a tragic character in the book, but Freddie would be the scene stealer. Why Freddie never won at all is something I'll never understand.
  17. It is kind of like that with Jackie Cooper. He looked old as a kid then. I sometimes joke with mom that he was blessed with old man genes. I am not ageist, but it is funny how Jackie Cooper looked old in Superman, but he looked old even when he was a kid. I know around that period people aged fast and looked mid-late 30s when they were in their 20s or later teens. It is kind of like that with Olivia DeHaviland in the 30s when she was in her early 20s then. But then again my grandparents looked older as kids, too. I know the smoking and drinking was the in thing then, but I was always shocked as to how older they looked, even as kids. Even Silent kid actors! And today's young child actors should be lucky because these child actors from the Golden era of Hollywood worked like dogs. They would had wrinkles and bad skin, so thank goodness for skin care.
  18. Pacino's face scared me. I was expecting him to go Norma Desmond on us.
  19. Watching those early Joan Crawford films, it's weird how different she looked then. It wasn't until Our Dancing Daughters that Crawford seemed to make her eyes more prominent than they were earlier. And the 30s look with the makeup becoming more prominent and the 40s with the Max Factor look. The 50s is where she looked kind of mannish which is the hairdos that made her so severe looking. The 60s and early 70s were much softer to her appearance, even though you could tell she aged. It's weird that even though we noticed the stars of today changing their looks with plastic surgery and whatnot, Crawford seemed to change her appearance for over 40 years until her retirement. I know she hated aging and was a health nut, but it is so interesting to see how she could altered her appearance compare to people like Bette Davis and Clark Gable who were approaching their age as the decades went on.
  20. I should have told you that beforehand about the runtime. I'm sorry.
  21. And the whole story as to what happneed in those final hours of his death makes it more tragic.
  22. What the hell, Pete? Is fame getting to his head or something...
  23. Be sure to see it. It's pretty good.
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