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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. That's Audra McDonald singing, correct? Her voice is pretty recognizable.
  2. Pure MSTK 3000 material. I loved the first season, but this was where I needed Mike and the Bots to make it more fun than this slow-paced mess. Every director has a flaw and I believe this shows. Like what he did with Dr. Sleep and the 1st Season of Haunting of Hill House, but he hit a bump in the road and never recovered from it. Let's hope that never happens again. Here is a great review of Bly Manor.
  3. I am praying for a revival for this show. It seemed like a missed opportunity when it landed on Netflix. Any word if they move to another channel?
  4. Lucille Ball's great granddaughter dies of breast cancer at age 31
  5. The early 1980s was a continuation of the late 70s fashion craze. It wasn't until 1983 when artists like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Duran Duran, and many of those that changed the outlook of what is the 80s. People always have a perception that the 80s started in 1980, but it really took a good three-four years to become the 80s. Lacrosse shirts, jeans with the cuffs on the heel, etc. were still a continuing trend that started in '78-'79 and onwards.
  6. The thing is that I recognized some of the mean tweets shown and one of them was Scott Baio, who was very vocal about Michelle around that time. It makes me shake my head that people paint that stupid stereotype and get away with it. I had no dislike of Michelle. She achieved more than what she had to and she was a classy lady all around. People going crazy over a fistbump and thinking it was some kind of terrorized calling card. Get out of here. So stupid.
  7. The look the Republican senators gave her was telling.
  8. That was so scary! With a pandemic and the recordings from the men planning to do the unthinkable, just plain unbelievable.
  9. And the White House is a hot spot as well. Crazy.
  10. Man, three drugs to fight Covid! What could go wrong?
  11. I remembered the Anthrax incident in 2001! Let's hope everything is okay since this is the new norm with masks for audience members.
  12. Thomas Jefferson Byrd, actor in Spike Lee films, killed in Atlanta
  13. But that shoulder to shoulder thing bothers me. There was a huge chubby man who was close proximity with two small ladies and those seats are not comfortable at all. Sounds like a recipe for disaster and New York is already having a spike in the boroughs. Who knows where most of the audience comes from...they are either New Jersey or tourist related.
  14. And in Action Jackson as the woman hitting on Carl Weathers in a seductive way. And who could forget her performance as the Red Queen? I hope Whoopie puts out a statement.
  15. I was a little frightened at the way it was set up. I always wanted to be part of the audience, but now I wouldn't feel safe to be close to whoever was there. Especially the AC and the amount of talking/singing going on, I just pray this is not a superspreader.
  16. Lestat's mom(Gabrielle) should be played by Connie Nielsen! Woman is ageless. Very regal. Love to see her in 18th Century costumes. She would definitely rock since Anne is focused on the 2nd book instead.
  17. I wonder why he was taking this unproven cocktail on such a higher dosage. That is very suspicious. It reminded me of MJ's cocktail drugs from the doctor that administered him in the later years of his life. So many questions and so little explanation.
  18. The Rose Garden! That should clue you about community spread. I felt Rachel's anger as she was reporting this. Nearly everyone maskless and shoulder to shoulder, what could go wrong? Total disregard of safety procedures.
  19. I had to laugh at his interpretation of an Italian mobster. It was so unnecessary. He acted more Jewish than Italian.
  20. Just be glad that his career never took off. As for his Twitter account, let's not go there. Oh, boy!
  21. I just don't know what to make of this show. It looks it is destined to be only one season and that's it. I could see it now.
  22. At least, they got his posture right for a change. I actually laughed at the comment about him moving like a mafia boss.
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