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Everything posted by Kiddvideo

  1. Their house is a gorgeous Victorian with all of its original woodwork, it’s just the way they’ve chosen to decorate it. I think she’s always reflected her insecurities about her appearance and how she’s settled for the boy who loved her when she couldn’t get the football captain. She did what he wanted because he was the best she thought she could do. They’re using the color to show her growing confidence. At first it was in only her gardens. She was good at it. Next it was her clothes and make-up, and now it’s her home. I’m seeing parallels to Pleasantville. Their crime, unnecessarily hiding Mrs. Yost’s body, has me irritated with the entire season, though. It would’ve been so much better if Bertram had stepped outside his euthanasia mission to kill the person who posed a threat to it. Mrs. Yost wasn’t a sympathetic character — it wouldn’t have affected much how viewers felt about him.
  2. I believe they’re raised scars, like keloids, not etchings on an artificial leg. The screen was really dark. I guess we’re supposed to be too stupid to figure out by context that it’s a dark, dramatic moment. Better to not be able to see what’s happening. 🙄
  3. Where I think he crosses the line is by making the decisions unilaterally. Speculation:
  4. I’m not certain where I’m coming down on Bertram. I mean, the serial killing is wrong (😂), but I can still see him thinking it’s a genuine kindness. It didn’t take Alma long to put her interests ahead of stopping the murders.
  5. I think that flat was shown only to make the boat seem like a good idea in comparison.
  6. London houseboat: So I wondered if houseboats were like mobile homes and lose value every year, and it appears they do depreciate. Plus you have all the unique issues of grey/black storage tanks, electricity from batteries, blah blah blah. I can see why that flat wouldn’t work, either, but this episode really amplified my awareness that they’d already chosen their home. I only watched to see Richard. 👏👏👏
  7. According to Wikipedia Sean Giambrone will be 22 on May 30th. He could've done a 5th year and still be a college graduate by now. Maybe the show will end before he's eligible to run for Congress?
  8. Thailand: I got weird vibes and turned the channel before they even showed the first property.
  9. I felt the marble was a little Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous but I think I saw they covered it with white tiles, like the ones people use on kitchen counters where you have to be careful your drinking glass isn’t perched on the grout? Given the choice I’d stick with the green. And I hate when someone refers to decorating as their “own personal touches.” Whose personal touches would you use otherwise?
  10. That might've been the best episode of the season. George Segal got it right when he asked if we were charmed. Yes, Pops, for the first time in a long time, I was charmed. The basement scene when Adam laid out each rom com scenario took the joke a step too far, but at least it was the last one. Murray had the best lines this episode. Definitely felt this was written to be the series finale if needed. Nice to see everyone. (Though I feel Johnny and Carla were MIA forever and just came back the last few episodes?) Patton Oswalt is a terrific voice actor. ETA: You know who I always thought they should include in more episodes? The Villanova pothead "show me your boobs" frat bro. I liked him.
  11. Single woman, San Francisco to Sonoma: I’m glad she went with the Townhouse, but I feel like both the buyer and her friend were just parroting every cliche they’ve seen on other shows. The kitchen cabinets need painted, she likes the double vanity, you never get everything you want in your first house, blah blah blah. And the buyer complained that her friend and the realtor were trying to convince her things could be changed...but what if she just wanted to move right in? Then 10 minutes later she’s going to rip up the very cute and serviceable kitchen of the place she bought.
  12. I’m out as of the next episode. Renewed, 9th season? I don’t care, They’re all idiots. If they renew the Pops character will die and we’ll have to watch Adam at college and Erica getting married. I like Judd Hirsch, but he’s not someone I’ve spent the last 8 years with. They’re all idiots.
  13. I think the show was better without the kids (I won’t watch episodes with Violet), and I think the show was better without Christy as they’d written her since she’d become a gambling addict and cigarette fiend. I said months ago when we learned that AF was leaving that the show needed a character to take the place of reigning Bonnie in. Maybe all this time Christy was the enabling crutch that allowed Bonnie to be so horrible? It was only 1 episode, but maybe next week (if there were one) Bonnie became a voice of reason or maybe she reverted to me-me-me.
  14. I’m not going to watch a comedy where the Lazy Slob George thinks he’s so special and deserves so much better that he cheats on his wife and family. If he has an affair with Brenda or the next desperate woman who comes along, I’m done.
  15. And they even let Wendy play their reindeer games!
  16. I just ran across the titles of the final two episodes: which I have no idea what that means. The description is the placeholder text “A geeky teen has a video camera...” And we’ll get high jinks and hopefully
  17. There was a fun celebrity appearance in "New York Lonely Boy." I think having the show set in NYC is one of the reasons I liked it so much. I've been sticking close to home and have missed going out and about. I'd even /shudder/ go to Times Square again.
  18. I used to work special events for a publishing company in New York City. The owners of an upstate NY grocery store chain, Price Chopper, attended one of our conferences and Mr. Golub repacked his and his wife’s gift bags because they were “packed wrong.” They were the best couple. For dinner Mrs. Golub asked if they were seated together and was “disappointed” because she’d seen a “nice young man” she wanted to sit next to. They were so charming and fun. I worked that job around the world for 10 years, and they were my favorites. Rachel Ray had worked for them, too, and they had the nicest things to say about her.
  19. Promo for next week’s season finale we’ll “talk about all Summer.”
  20. Ymmv, of course. I’d tired of the character before Anna left, and I feel like I feel about how (and likely why) Anna chose to do it. I’m not suggesting Chuck Lorre should drop a piano on her like he did Charlie Sheen.
  21. I had to rewatch it and turn on cc because I couldn’t understand Dr. Sturgis when he was trying to talk Texan. Other than that, this one fell flat for me. The season has been about changes, and the alternate universes and Sheldon/George scenes emphasized how quickly life can turn. Yeah, yeah, yeah, bad changes happen in reality, but I prefer my entertainment to be funny escapism.
  22. I found the first half insufferable, but Tammy’s crush on the driver turned it around. I’m glad Bonnie realized how poorly she treats Marjorie, but Marjorie wasn’t getting the Napa Valley Community Award for saving Bonnie Plunkett. I hope Christy doesn’t come back. The cast and writers did a pretty good job of writing around her absence, and why should Anna Faris get the honor of returning? She left right before filming started — how many hours had the staff spent mapping the season or even actively writing episodes. I’d be ok if they didn’t even mention her. She lives in DC and will be a big lawyer. The end. Everyone but Wendy has gotten their moment/living their best life. C’mon, Wendy!
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