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Everything posted by CletusMusashi

  1. I personally think there should be a time limit. If you're still deciding after ten seconds, then, surprise, you're out for real now! I mean, seriously, do you want to stay in the game or not? This can not possibly be that hard a decision.
  2. One of my guilty pleasures is collecting sharp, functional sword replicas. My favorite is an 1873 model Dutch cutlass, and I'd be pretty comfortable putting it against a machete or spiked baseball bat, but it wouldn't be my choice as an anti-zombie sword. For that, I'd want something short, straight, double-edged, and rugged. You don't fence a zombie. You do not employ feints, because they do not react to them. You do not parry their blade, because they do not use one, and therefore you do not need to employ disengages, ripostes, or, in fact, anything except direct attacks. Chop the hand off, stab the head, chop the next one's head, maybe chop off another one's hand before you can chop or stab the head, lather, rinse, repeat. I'd want something short enough to wear easily, draw quickly, and maneuver when surrounded, but still with more range of effect than the average machete. Something I've been thinking about a lot lately is nineteenth century artillery swords. They were well known not to be a match for sabres or fixed bayonets, so they mostly saw use as a swordy-looking machete type tool, use for clearing brush, chopping firewood, and so on. And sharpened functional replicas are available for less than a hundred bucks, because there just isn't that much nuance to them. They don't have graceful, distally-tapered blades that can change direction in a split second. They're just a sharp hunk of indestructable-ish metal, built to endure abuse that a "better" sword couldn't. Both the Union and the Confederacy had similar weapons to the original Napoleanic model, but the French one was the first one that I could find a video for. I've always liked the aesthetic of these things, but never actually bought one because I do not use my swords to chop firewood or hack through doors. However, in a spur of the moment ZA survival situation, who knows? Oh, I haven't gone "It's gonna happen for realzies!" crazy here, but I do think every collector is entitled to one just-for-shits-and-giggles anti-zombie weapon, and I think I may use that as my excuse to finally buy one of these.
  3. He's on the wrong show. He should have been one of the late-season "Scrubs" interns.
  4. I could see her being voted out just for not fitting in, though. She's got kind of a Manic Pixie Dream Girl schtick going on, which is entertaining as hell, to me, for one hour a week, safe in my living room, but talking to her in real life could well be exhausting.
  5. What if there are no real zombies left, and it's all just different groups of Whisperers (some of whom are cannibals,) who think the other ones are zombies? The reason they don't notice the other groups talking is that, like Lydia, they all have ear infections from wearing zombie masks all day. That's also why Alpha doesn't realize how stupid her accent sounds.
  6. I think the problem is they're too used to him being theatrical 24/7. He's probably tried this idea, but every time he walks out on stage and starts reciting majestic oratory the whole audience just sits like "Duhhh... um, your majesty? Can we talk about this later? There was supposed to be a play here tonight."
  7. I actually kind of love this idea. And the style of the adventure can match the movie. They can put on trench coats and fedoras to follow clues about where the mystery film is hidden, put on cowboy hats and get in slow-motion gunfights over westerns, maybe have some hat-rack-spinning swing-from-the-chandeliers kung fu fights over a Jackie Chan movie, have Eugene exip them with some preposterous new gadgets for a James Bond adventure... the possibilities are endless.
  8. At least Rick isn't here to get romantically involved with Alpha. Although I have no doubt Negan's first question will involve carpets and drapes.
  9. I wasn't bored. Oh, sure, plenty of it was stupid. How about if as soon as a bad guy leader walks up to your gates, you kill them? I mean, they've already had somebody murdered by these people. Kill the leader and those standing next to the leader, and maybe the ones who aren't Alpha will go some place else. They probably wouldn't have come out and waved babies at you. They would have gotten the hell away from you. And that accent... I mean, Maggie's was like an English woman who can't do a very good Southern accent. But Alpha's is like how an eight year old child tries to mock a hillbilly dialect. It doesn't make me cringe. It makes me giggle. But last week I was struggling not to fall asleep[ during it. Tonight, I'm actually gonna stay up and watch it a second time. It wasn't good, nor do I expect it to be any more. But at least it was fun.
  10. No big deal. I think that wig would provide enough padding to save him.
  11. Carol could have taken out the whole roomful by herself, but she didn't want to rub it in.
  12. I love Zeke making dramatic Shakespearian speeches about a lightbulb.
  13. So was that it? Who are the next theme-villains? The Unicycle Gang?
  14. I'm starting to wonder if "Into the Badlands" is the future that TWD universe evolves into.
  15. Either that or they take Lydia and keep Jack Black.
  16. On second thought, leave the popcorn maker.
  17. What are they looking for? A projecter? A popcorn maker? Paul Reubans? As usual, the Kingdom story is what I want to watch for an hour.
  18. Just give her Henry in a zombie mask.
  19. God damn it, Jerry. Do not tell us how many days you are from retirement, please!
  20. I like the idea about familiar stimulus not registering as much as new stimulus. I'll even accept that, if this is the case, speaking in snarly crypt-whispers might blend in well enough with zombie growls to work. But what about before the sound of others becomes familiar stimulus? Shouldn't a new Walker, that isn't used to anything yet, run around attacking other Walkers at first? Then when it figures out they taste like shit, it would stop responding that way. Which implies a little bit of learning ability. Unless maybe they have no sense of "my noise" versus "noise from others," etc... in which case a whole bunch of masses that smell and sound like their own sounds and smells would blend in with their... I can't actually say self, but the gist of this should be obvious enough in context. About the fair: If we do not get to see Jerry jousting, Michonne and Carol joining a quilting bee and losing their atrocious wigs when all that extra gets irrevocably tangled up with the cloth, and /or Negan threatening to monologue everyone to death unless Daryl shoots an apple off Henry's head (accuracy optional!) then I am going to be very, very disappointed with all this buildup.
  21. It never made sense. They are mindless shambling predators who just randomly attack anything that might be food... except each other? Or things that they think, with their shambling mindless brains, might be each other? If their allegedly nonexistent brains can be fooled by Season 1 cosplay, or for some temporary random reason by Wolf raves, then why not by using a creepy scary voice?
  22. I just hope she uses her toymaker skills to build huge intricate bamboo clockwork robots.
  23. I think I might enjoy this season once I manage to keep straight who's who and who's on which tribe, but the shortness and uneven editing of the pilot did not help me with that goal. Hence my use of the word "might."
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