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Everything posted by CletusMusashi

  1. I actually think slingshots are good call... except against humans with better weapons. They're perfectly capable of taking down a bird or rodent for dinner, and you can pretty much go through a zombie skull nowadays by giving it a paper cut or an enthusiastic high-five, so high speed rocks ought to be quite sufficient. If I were traveling in the ZA, I wouldn't want a slingshot as my only ranged weapon, but I would want to have one.
  2. I can't believe I sat through an hour of Henry and Wormgirl for that.
  3. Only Henry could find a chick who runs around disguised in zombie skin and is still boring.
  4. Henry's right, dude. get a haircut.
  5. Does she have any flashbacks that take place in daylight?
  6. Daryl is so stinky and raspy he's halfway to being a cosplay zombie already. He'll just need a little leather mask and cape to disguise Dog.
  7. I want to see Jack Blackish and Zombermom. Which means they'll get like thirty seconds of screen time at the very end, I suppose.
  8. Can you imagine Zeke and Carol having a kid, even an adopted one, that wasn't cooler than this kid?
  9. Hunger is a gift because if somebody gets hungry enough they might eat Henry.
  10. The ones eating raw intestines are probably real zombies.
  11. Remember, take a drink every time you can't remember a character's name.
  12. To be fair, every place did fall.. when Rick was around.
  13. Valid comparison. But wrong genre... and, therefore, flawed analogy. "Dexter" was a deep, serious drama. The Negancycle was playing more by Adam West rules, methinks.
  14. The ears could have been bitten off by a zombie. I assume that any existing packs of large dogs are habitually eating zombies. A lot of their diet could just be scavenging the completely-dead ones that get shot and left behind every week, but based on their aggressiveness toward Negan I would also assume that they often hunt and kill their own prey, only seriously avoiding confrontations with groups of zombies or humans. What I do have a problem with is that, reagrdless of whether the individual in question was a zombie, a whisperer, or a chupacabra, if they or it could be spun around like a ragdoll so easily by Negan then the dogs should have torn them to pieces pretty easily. I mean, we've seen Daryl rip off a zombie's head one-handed, for christsake. You can swing a chain through three of their heads at once. You can kill them by squirting a fire hose! Even it lands a lucky kill bite on one, you really think none of the other zombie-hunting dogs are going to chomp into its ridiculous cardboard skull and put an end to it?
  15. Maybe the zombie in the "Smithers, release the hounds!" scene was actually another zosplayer. I mean, he certainly wasn't a very aggressive zombie. When Negan slammed him against the doorframe he just went all surprised and straight-necked like "Dude, what the hell?" but then by the time he was locked in the kennel he remembered that he was carrying pepper spray and a telescoping nightstick.
  16. If the dogs can't kill walkers, what the hell are they eating?
  17. I wish Negan had died and Gregory had been taken prisoner. Negan's storyline with Negan just says "Hey, look! Negan's here! Isn't Negan cool?" But the same overall story with Gregory sliming and weaseling his way around until he came running home again... that might have been fun.
  18. Well, if she's running around with dead people, it might be a Beetlejuice reboot.
  19. Zombremama? Feh, I got nothin...
  20. Henry and Lydia? Oh hell no do not fucking give us a Hydiaship...
  21. Daryl didn't find Rick's body, but he certainly found his Batman voice.
  22. Wait... He even monolgues at zombies?
  23. Oh, shut the fuck up, Whistle Boy. You know what's kind of funny, though? The last two super hero movies I (re)watched were "Watchmen," which co-starred JDM as a violent but charismatic asshole, and "Mystery Men," which co-stars a protagonist whose superpower is being really good at beating the hell out of people with a shovel.
  24. You can tell they wanted Jack Black but couldn't afford him.
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