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Everything posted by CletusMusashi

  1. I didn't find Tara as annoying as many. In fact, I originally liked her, and my opinion of her only dropped a bit after Glenn's death. Her biggest weakness was a tendency to follow the leader. She made that mistake with Brillip, and self-corrected. Then she followed Glenn, which was fine. Then she followed Rick, and actively enabled him in the sacking of Oceanside. But her default personality was that of a pretty good person, and with Rick out of the picture, that was even more true. I also, for the most part, always liked Enid. And I say that as the owner of a pet turtle, so you know I liked her. The roller skating thing was inexcusable, and I also did not like Enid opening discourse with Oceanside by shooting Grandma. But whoever thought "Yeah, let's take some random kid who's not even used to guns, give her one, and send her as an ambassador to people who have already been raided by us," gets a lot of that blame. Just as Rick himself gets a lot of the blame for things went down there the first time. I hope both actresses go on to bigger an better things. Meanwhile, truth is, I'll miss their characters a bit.
  2. So, how come Alphas's fake accent is noticeably better than her "normal" accent? Is her character actually trying to do that "Scarlett O'Hara explaining communication difficulties to Cool Hand Luke" thing deliberately? And if so, why? Even though I saw it coming as soon as she started skinning the red shirts, I loved every moment of her infiltrating The Faire and trolling Zeke. it wasn't quite as over-the-top as, like, when Catwoman or Penguin would put on paper-thin disguises and fool Adam West, but it was reminiscent of it. And I mean that as a good thing.
  3. I am sad about Tara and Enid, but delighted about Henry. Most of the line-up is either "Who?" or "Wait, you're still on the show?"
  4. Me too. But I love that you accidentally made a hair pun when expressing concern about Zeke's head.
  5. Carol was dressing up as a zombie before it was fashionable. And we saw at Terminus how she deals with hipsters.
  6. Well, now it's time to say goodbye to Henry and his stick we hope when he kissed Lydia you didn't get too sick You're all invited back next week, at this live posting thread to watch a ninety minute funeral for Prince Henry's head That whole arc there? Didn't go well. Y'all come back now, you here?
  7. In Soviet Russia, boyfriend gives head to you!
  8. I'm pretty Alpha forgot how to clean her face a long time ago.
  9. Yes! Henry is dead! Praise Alpha! Some of the others, I'm not as crazy about...
  10. I'm pretty sure the whisperers aren't carrying a lot of loaded guns. Just sayin'. Shoot a few arrows while they're brandishing and speechifying, problem solved.
  11. You can stick a knife in her any time you want, Daryl.
  12. How much time travel was involved in that movie theatre raid? And, yes, I'm spelling it "theatre." Because you know Zeke does.
  13. So she seduces Zeke, and then Carol rips her wig off... zaniness ensues.
  14. OK, the hat helps the disguise a little. Does that mean the pod-Coral who wrote The Letter was a whisperer?
  15. Winter is coming! Please let Dog turn out to be a Diredog puppy.
  16. The voice in my radio show tells me that Lurch is back.
  17. Stop making Shane the lighting director.
  18. These CSI cowboys are growing on me, fast. Sure is gonna be hard to figure out which stitched up Alpha-accented person at The Faire is her, though.
  19. The only source around is hanging with Daryl, for protection.
  20. Carol extracted sugar from beets.
  21. If the Kingdom might get Daryl to relearn humor, and maybe get like a cheesey Robin Hood costume or something... maybe there's hope?
  22. Forget breaking a leg. it's the headshots that kill.
  23. And... Henry is back at Riverdale High.
  24. I disagree. I think she's accepting a position of power while still acknowledging the funny aspects of the whole "Kingdom" thing. Before, even something as simple as baking cookies was a cold, calculated political decision. Now she's relearning the concept of fun.
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