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Jeebus Cripes

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Everything posted by Jeebus Cripes

  1. Well, at least that article answers that burning question.
  2. Just read this and ITA. I'm inarticulate as all hell, and this sums up perfectly my feels and what I'm unable to adequately express when someone presses me about why I'm so bitter. This shit hurts my soul. How was this film written by the same thoughtful men who wrote The Winter Soldier & Civil War? I would love to know the truth behind this ending. Did the writers seriously drop the ball this badly and dismiss their previous work, or did Marvel freak out over the "Cap & Buck are gay" fan base? Homophobia is not a good look, Marvel. And also, two men openly expressing affection towards one another does not automatically equal gay. They effectively ruined the best damned male friendship I've ever seen in film. God, I'm so salty.
  3. YES! All of the above! You can't just show me two films where Steve turns his whole world upside down to do right by his best friend, and then toss that relationship aside for a What-If? By the way, they could have used the ending to this film as an episode for that show they have in the works instead of making it actual cannon, but now we're stuck with this. End of the line my ass.
  4. I very much enjoyed the hi-jinks and shenanigans going on with the battle of New York heist. For all my bitching about the end, I was immensely entertained throughout the movie. I'm haunted by Nat's death. At the time when it happened, I was shook but assumed this would be undone somehow. Now I can't stop seeing her beautiful, very dead corpse at the bottom of that cliff.
  5. I'm pissed that they weren't asked about Steve on the bench in particular. I need to know what their intention was here, because there's only one right answer IMO, and I'm almost certain these jokers are gonna say the opposite. I can't abide any version of Steve Rogers just sitting on his ass while his best friend is tortured for decades. Alternate timeline is the only plausible and sane explanation.
  6. Yes, word to all of this. I'm in agreement with the poster upthread who mentioned he should have gone back, got his dance, then returned. This would have caused the least amount of timeline weirdness, and it's super sweet, and it doesn't screw up Cap's arc. He needed to replace that hammer back in Thor: The Dark World.
  7. You know, the way they handled Steve & Buck in the last two movies really saddens me. I realize these aren't Cap films, and I'm not saying their scenes should pull focus from the plot, but their interactions were so minimal and so very casual that it felt cheap. Their encounter in Infinity War was basically: "Yo, what's up?" Then Buck is dust. Endgame: "See ya later, bro." Then Steve is gone. Regardless if you ship Cap with Buck, Peg, Sharon, or no one in particular, it's insulting to anyone invested in their friendship that the last scenes we see with them carry no depth. This is very likely the last time we see Buck and Steve share the screen, and it felt hollow. This depressed me almost as much as Tony & Nat being dead.
  8. Bwah! This is my new headcannon.
  9. There are folks on YouTube maintaining that OldCap has been married to Peggy this whole time in the current timeline, and that Steve travelling back just completed the loop. This theory doesn't hold water. Even if we pretend Peggy was lying in that video Steve was watching in The Winter Soldier, you mean to tell me that she kept her marriage to Steve Rogers a secret from her entire family and trusted co-workers? How would one manage such a thing? Or, even more absurd, pretend that her family knew. So, here's YoungSteve carrying her casket in Civil War, how damned awkward for everyone in the room in on the "secret." This is too dumb. If the Russo's confirm this, I will lose my shit.
  10. Widow's backstory is compelling, and I normally would be super interested in seeing a film about it, but watching it now would just depress the hell out of me. I'm not here for a prequel if she's dead in the now.
  11. LOL. This film is breaking hearts and minds. I've been nerding out on comics and sci-fi my entire life, and the timetravel logic in this film is for shit. I'm sorry but it just is. You have to fanwank the crap out of it to make any sense out of it. Forgot to mention this, but was I the only one who thought the shield OldCap gave Sam looked a little different from his usual? It looked more like the comic book shield in that the usually metallic colored star and stripe looked more white.
  12. But PastGamora is now in our present and presumably that's A-OK with the current timeline. If that's how they're gonna roll, then I say we bring Tony, Nat, Vision, and Quicksilver into the present. It's a get out of jail free card and sloppy writing, but they've established it can be done with Gamora, and now I'm like a dog with a bone and will not let this shit go. Gamora being in our present because of timetravel is the biggest game changer aside from undoing the snap, and they're actively ignoring it in the film. Jesus. I kind of want Wanda to go batshit in the next movie and create her own universe. Everything is wonky as hell now anyways. Might as well descend full on into the madness.
  13. Word to all of the above, and I would love this post a thousand times over if I could. This article sums up all my feels really well. It's a shame, too, because I was enjoying the shit out of this film up until Steve's dumbass time travel shenanigans. I adore Peggy, but it feels so out of character to me that Steve would chose to flake out on everyone in his life just to get that damned dance with her. The motivation here is purely selfish. Peggy lived a full life without him, and this ending is a disservice to both characters, IMO. Also, I don't buy the theory that Steve was her husband all along in this timeline for one second. That's just a hot damned mess of retconning, and just, no. No. I never thought I would say this, but holy shit, I think Steve dying would sit better with me. I feel like they ruined his arc, and it pisses me off to no end. This is also bugging me, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here, but why in the hell could they not have just used the time machine Tony built to snatch up previous versions of the dearly departed? After the timestones were restored at the end by Steve, could they not have just gone back to before Tony, Nat, Vision, etc, were killed and bring them into the now? That shit worked like a charm for Gamora. I mean, they already created multiple diverging timelines, might as well do a few more, nay?
  14. Wait... WHAT?! I've had so little interest in this inevitable shitbomb that this escaped my attention entirely. Good lord...
  15. I'm glad you guys are mentioning these other Creed kids. I almost thought I'd imagined they existed, in spite of seeing Rocky IV probably 80 times in my life.
  16. There's apparently talk that the director is interested in a film about the Drago family. I'm certainly here for it. I really liked that Viktor refused to go down (usually the hero trope), and Ivan had to throw in the towel. Good and unexpected writing there. Kudos to some solid acting by Lundgren as well. That scene with him and Rocky in the restaurant had emotional heft and really delivered for me. Also, this was the first time since Rocky IV that the opponent was a compelling character and physically scary AF. Kudos for that as well. I continue to be obsessed with the Rocky/Adonis relationship. And I may or may not have shed tears on that scene with Rock, his son, and his grandson. The bit about him looking like Adrian, and the way Stallone delivered the line, broke my heart.
  17. There's something so bland to me about Brie Larson. I kind of find Carol Danvers to be bland as well, though. So.... good casting? I guess.
  18. Yes, this! All of the above. Steve's life is so damned sad already, my heart can't handle him dying without ever having found some sustained happiness in his life. Also, I don't want to make a complete fool of myself in the theater with the hysterics, and the wailing, and the whole miserable, sobbing mess of a wreck that I will become. Shit.
  19. I always thought Jeff was overall a funny, handsome, likable guy. His dumbassed homophobia is a damned shame.
  20. His patience is astounding to me. I would've lost my shit so many times on him.
  21. I actually like Tyler and Angela but ever since Brent left, I am 100% TeamGoodFeeds. Also, the schadenfreude is delicious.
  22. Fuck!!! Damn it all to hell, I did not want an Angela win. So much for #TeamGoodFeeds. I was all about that troll JC winning just to spice things up. Balls! I already miss Brent. :(
  23. I don't want Brett to go, but this might make it worthwhile. I want that shitstain on the block something fierce. I wish Sam would win and put him up against Angela.
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