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Jeebus Cripes

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Everything posted by Jeebus Cripes

  1. I'm not one to cry over films very often, but Tom Holland gets me every single time. If I even suspect he's gonna cry, I start getting choked up. That doesn't follow the film's established rules, though. Basically, Bruce's argument proves that Steve created an alternate timeline. Steve's past is that he didn't come out of the ice until 2011, and Bruce states that one cannot change their own past. If Steve travels back to the 40s and marries Peggy, he absolutely changes said past. There is no way around that. An alternate timeline is the only way his life with Peggy works if you follow the film's time travel logic.
  2. True enough. I guess I don't personally know that many casual fans who haven't nerded out on every film. I suppose most people who don't pay too close attention to the timey-wimey stuff walk away with Stark's death being big talk.
  3. I feel like Steve's bizarre ending did a disservice not only to his character but also to Tony's sacrifice at the end there. I'm sure the makers of the film wanted the major, OMG moment to be Iron Man dying, and everyone is all hung up on the Steve absurdity. Every now and then I think to myself, shit, Tony is dead. 😥 I think about Nat's death more often because it pissed me off, and she's got that movie coming up. Anyhoo, thanks for stepping all over Tony's moment, Steven!
  4. Was the Time Stone really utilized properly in this film? Having watched what Dr. Strange was able to do with it in his movie, could they not have used that stone in conjunction with the gauntlet to literally change time? When Thanos unkilled Vision, we watched that unfold in the current timeline. Seems like the Time Stone used with the Reality Stone could just undo the past 5 years and reverse the snap like it never happened at all. No branching off into an alternate timeline, just manipulate the prime one with the stones. I don't know if I'm making sense... it's late. It makes sense in my head, though. LOL.
  5. Seeing Joanie running the Bella Union made me sad. She tried so hard to escape that miserable lifestyle.
  6. I felt trepidation after the credits rolled in regards to the fates of Alma and Trixie. No way does that cocksucker Hearst forget about these slights to his ego. Evil bastard. I also question why the new whore got so much attention and agree with the users upthread about her taking up too much time. I perhaps would have asked for more Al/Dan or some Al/EB interaction, which was always gold. Otherwise? Huzzah! Sorry to see some of my favorites pass on, but unlike the many, many deaths of a certain show that will go unnamed, these deaths made sense and were written in an organic way that added to the story. The Garret Dillahunt cameo delighted me! This will always stand out as the best fucking TV show ever made, and I'm amazed that this movie happened. I always thought the rumors would never amount to anything. Two fucking thumbs up to all involved!
  7. I loved it, too! I thought it was borderline genius, and I nearly got chased away with pitchforks by my fellow comic fans. Oh well.
  8. Killing past Thanos in the present opened up an alternate timeline where Thanos is gone after 2014 (it was 2014 Thanos, right?). So, the Battle of New York did happen in 2012 (?), but the original snap didn't in that alternate timeline. Loki, Vision, Heimdall, anyone who Thanos killed post 2014 is still alive in that timeline. It upsets the GotG lineup dramatically, but otherwise, sounds like a cool universe.
  9. I am aggravating the crap out of everyone around me because of this and probably a lot of people on the boards, but damn it... shit needs to be said. LOL.
  10. I completely agree. There are a lot of layers to Steve's ending that bother me on different levels, but this is a major one. For anyone who might relate to what Steve is going through --feeling out of place, dealing with grief, the struggle to move on from the past-- this is a terrible message.
  11. This is both awful and hilarious! You have my sympathies.
  12. Ah! Shame on me for forgetting Groot!
  13. Anyone know who the fella in the mocap suit is (the one who isn't Ruffalo)? I guess she didn't consider the cloud, but it was pretty damned shady not mentioning Gamora and the Soul Stone.
  14. Indeed. Now, if only you had been sitting in the room with the writers and directors when they created this mess. 😉
  15. Damn, I really wish my scumbag brain could just chill like this. I'm all hung up on whys and what-ifs.
  16. That would have been nearly perfect. I honestly don't understand why they regressed his character and had him pining for her throughout the film, but since they did, having him get his date and come back would've worked for me.
  17. LOL. Damn, that's a lousy manip. Shame, Marvel. Shame.
  18. OMG, I should print out that article and hand it to everyone who asks me why I'm so upset.
  19. It really is a hot mess no matter what. Steggy shippers are happy... I guess? I don't see how you could really be happy with how this paints Steve, though. This is a character fail on some level no matter which version of events you choose to believe (Writers vs. Directors), and there is no way around that.
  20. If you listen to the directors: Steve is in an alternate timeline/parallel universe. There would be two Caps there: One who crashed and is frozen just like what happened in our timeline. The other is our Cap who is living his life with Peggy. Maybe he's fixing a lot of the wrongs he knows will happen, I'd like to think so. The directors are vague on how Steve ended up back in our main timeline on that bench. If you listen to the writers: Our Steve went back into our timeline and completed a loop. In other words, he was always Peggy's husband. This would mean that older Steve knowingly let a lot of bad shit go down for the sake of living a peaceful life with Peg. It gets even more confusing when you consider that there are still two Steve's in this timeline, yet they are the same Steve.... Or some shit like that. I don't know. This version of events is dumb and doesn't follow Endgame's time travel logic at all.
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