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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. Yes, and the Browns never would have left in the first place.
  2. Or, as it says in The Charlie's Angels Casebook, "Mr. Brady a double murderer? Say it ain't so!"
  3. The late Mr. Shearin is also currently being seen in Retro TV's rerun cycle of the long-defunct NBC soap opera, The Doctors. He played Dr. Mike Powers from 1977-79 (and was the seventh out of ten actors to play that role).
  4. I bought into it, too. Yes, the hype wears off very fast. 😱😝😂
  5. That would be ION. I've seen those bits, too.
  6. THANK YOU!! That guy always bugged me, and you perfectly described why. He was a sniveling little wimp.
  7. Deakins also had some great deadpan moments. He, Erbe and Vance were the perfect "straight men" for VDO.
  8. Not to mention the poor man who had his eyeballs gouged out and was found with one of them in his mouth.
  9. That sounds more like one of the chapters of Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret - which is the earliest YA book I know of that dealt with periods. Still, I've never read all the Sweet Valley books, so I couldn't say for sure.
  10. If anyone wonders why Joe (and law enforcement personnel in general) suffers from PTSD and insomnia, steer them to this episode. 😢😠
  11. What a beautiful post, @andromeda331. Thank you for sharing. I don't know if you are "on the spectrum" as I am, but I am also a night owl who prefers to do chores and other things in the wee small hours. I too am the one who doesn't quite fit in compared to the rest of the family. I'm glad that you had such a wonderful and special person to bond with in your great-grandfather. I may have to check out the BSC books that have Susan in them. I had basically aged out of the series by that point, and obviously much more about autism has been learned since then. Am I the only one who was bothered by how all these girls could have so many adventures and wonderful vacations yet no one ever aged? HA!!
  12. It sure is. I miss the days of Bernie Kosar, Earnest Byner, Clay Matthews, Hanford Dixon, Doug Dieken and so many others from the glory days of the last half of the 1980s. Not only were they focused and competitive on a consistent basis, they played hard and CLEAN. You didn't hear about arrests, drugs, tardiness, etc. (Of course, the internet, social media and TMZ weren't around then.) The Cleveland/Pittsburgh feud was due to both geographic location and that the teams brought out the best in each other. They both stepped up their game and remained professional. Since 1999, that hasn't been the case. We've had a few guys over the years who were both stand-up guys and delivered on the field on a consistent basis (Phil Dawson, Joe Thomas and Josh Cribbs come to mind), but they've been few and far between.
  13. Great article. Thanks for posting it. I had the game on last night, but as the final seconds wore down I was only half paying attention. Then, the sound of the crowd and the voices of Buck/Aikman brought my full attention back to the game. I missed the helmet hit but saw the Pittsburgh player wailing on Garrett. I want to know exactly what Rudolph said to Garrett, because (endless) replays proved that he did instigate things. He shouldn't get off scot-free. With this, the earlier ejection and the parting of ways with Antonio Callaway, I was reminded again that no one on this team really strikes me as likable. From the ownership to the GM to yet another rookie coach, they seem unable/unwilling to stop the guys on the field from making cheap shots and personal fouls. There is no veteran leadership among the players. The Browns don't have to have an incandescent personality like the Indians have with Frankie Lindor to win games, but they can be competitive without having to stoop to cheap shots and they've been doing it all season long. Only the Cleveland Browns could finally win a nationally broadcast game - against the Steelers, no less - and STILL come away from the whole thing embarrassed. Only in Cleveland!!
  14. I know it was his choice to leave, but Jamey Sheridan was really missed as Captain Deakins. He is one of those ensemble actors that really leaves a big hole when he's not there anymore. JS had effortless chemistry with the rest of the cast and good lines ("The Goren Show is back in town").
  15. Chrissy Teigen bugs me. She just comes across as someone who sees peons like us as beneath her.
  16. Agreed on all points (and Reggie Bush's). What was Myles Garrett thinking???
  17. The backdoor pilot of Empty Nest gets my vote. I love Rita Moreno, but even she couldn't save that turkey.
  18. Great minds, @rmcrae. I just checked my On Demand to find out the same thing. Hopefully, it's up somewhere.
  19. My mom calls him Mr. Smug! I really don't care who wins; I don't have a dog in this fight. It would be nice to see Francois pull an upset, but I think we all know how it will turn out.
  20. Thankfully, my teacher in 7th grade knew the meaning of willpower...she always waited until the end of the class period to pass out the books. Then I just had to suffer through the next couple of classes until study hall or lunch - whichever one came first. 😳😝
  21. I had forgotten all about those Choose Your Own Adventure books. Remember the Scholastic Book Fairs at school every year? Getting one of those circulars and placing an order with your teacher? It was always a happy day when those books came in. ❤
  22. THAT'S where my mom should have yelled the questions were too easy, instead of the golden parachute one yesterday. 😂 Seriously...REALLY???
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