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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. I love how Scollins got called out without Seth actually using his name. "Tank top!" 😉🤣😂
  2. Here's another picture, as well as the blue top she wore last week:
  3. Even better - a payout? 😉
  4. I don't think I've ever seen anyone on TV who speaks out of both sides of her mouth like she does. Unbelievable!! 🙄
  5. I see your point, but then Ana usually goes first because she's not on every day.
  6. Last week, all.the late night shows were off due to Memorial Day. (They always tend to take that week off every year.) I'm going to miss the broom closet as well. I like the intimacy of it, but others seem to find it claustrophobic. I know Stephen, Jon and the rest are chomping at the bit to be back together with an audience. I can't begrudge anyone that. After all, it's a further sign that a bit of life as we once knew it is back.
  7. Yeah, but it's always wash, rinse, repeat. Nothing ever changes. No one *coughMeghancough* ever faces any lasting consequences. I've said this before, but the real acid test will be when they finally stop broadcasting remotely and reunite in the studio. It's one thing to be rude and/or disengaged when you're broadcasting from home - but when you have to be there in person with a guest you may not like (not to mention an audience), that's a different story. We all know that Meghan has a bad temper, a very short fuse and no impulse control - and that's not good for anyone.
  8. Even her giggle-fests (or any laughs, really) don't seem natural. Compare that to when Sara completely lost it when discussing the Jeffrey Toobin scandal (video posted on Sara's thread). THAT was a true giggle-fest. Lighten up, Princess!! 🙄
  9. Hey, he knew he'd have to be on with The Princess. 😂
  10. Or that weird Standards thing yesterday during the pants discussion.
  11. I can see that Ana, Sara and Sunny threw some shade The Princess' way during the cancel culture discussion. 😉🤣😂
  12. Are they the ones who pee in her Cheerios every morning? If Dr. Fauci joined The Squad, her head would explode!!!
  13. Ana's on today (Joy's off) - and she looks fantastic. I love the way the golden-colored blouse she is wearing looks on her. 😊
  14. Ana's here - YAY!!!!! Meghan's still there - BOOOOOO!!!!!!
  15. Here's Mr. Williams with Peggy Lipton and Michael Cole in recent years:
  16. This is the last week in the broom closet! Hopefully, they will have a special farewell episode for it. 😊🥰
  17. Yup, they showed the audience right at the top. Thankfully, they had masks on.
  18. "I see Scollins spent the whole week off in sensitivity training!!" 😉🤣😂 Don't ever change, guys!!!
  19. Was it Angel Hernandez again????
  20. So, today is no different than any other day. Same here!! 😉😝 For whatever it's worth - I think he thinks giant, loose pants make him look slimmer and he's vain enough to believe it. I will leave it at that.
  21. 👏👏👏👏👏 From what I remember, he was born in London.
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