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Everything posted by UNOSEZ

  1. Cecile being a Meta on that bus would be fun.. But I don't see how she wouldn't have said anything by now and def by the next episode as im guessing by then Joe would have at least made a comment abt where the metas are coming from... I don't mind Joe having another kid... And I don't think it means he or Cecile will die but if does that's hardcore
  2. I get the sentiment... But then I guess I have to ask what is the limit?.. Zari is gonna be a middle eastern woman who practices Islam that's 3 big parts of her identity so when she eventually runs into some situation when it will come up I'm sure I'll be reading the "no agenda" and "keep political stuff out" etc.. Etc.. I'm just trying to understand when does having scenes about what is central to a character become too much... In the four years of the flash.. Has Iris ever mentioned being black woman and the myriad of things that come with that and if she did have an episode where issues dealing with being iris west.. Would we see the same complaints.. Because I do.. Everytime minorities start to speak abt being minorities there's some kind of pushback especially it seems in Sci-Fi.. At least in my opinion
  3. Good epi.. Zari was cool.. Not sure about this Muslim meter that a few posters are ecstatic abt her not going over but w/e... Excited that Amaya will have a big role to play this season with her mentorship of zari and having to take on her grandkid... Someone upstream mentioned it but I also adore the relationship of Jax and Sara she's like his cool older sister that he wants to emulate I hope they continue it partly because with Wally getting benched on the flash and Curtis just being unbearable like 80 pct of the time ain't too many younger blk dudes in the arrowverse to watch out for.
  4. I knew I wasn't bugging.. Thru that whole last scene I kept waiting for Wally to pop back up and be useful... So when he revealed he wasn't around I was relieved... Too bad I always liked Wally.. Thought he was mercilessly criticized for "being whiny" and having "the wrong look" from the very beginning.. That said they never seemed to know what to do with the character... So I hope he pops up again soon either on the flash with a good story... Or some other dctv show.. And when he does.. It's with a new haircut
  5. I like her well enough but I’m not sure IMA fan if the character… OR at least how some of her choices (and Jughead for that matter) are rewarded… Chuck was a scumbag.. But she drugged assaulted and left a teen-ager handcuffed in a dangerous situation… And got high fives… She blackmailed a girl to speak on behalf of the criminal who not only disposed of her dead brother’s body.. But knew she was in the house with a murderer and said nothing.. She also just forced Josie and her friends to perform at Pop’s even after Josie said she could get in serious trouble with her controlling mother (something you would think Betty would get) and no repercussions.. All that and Jughead might be worse.. He’s passive aggressive.. Judgemental… Quick to accuse or fly off the handle..with a bit of a superiority complex . I’m sure he has some jealousy of Archie swimming around in his psyche… He also assaulted Chuck.. Then his criminal father put his hands on him… Yet nothing happened… Don’t get me wrong I still like the show.. I just hope some of this behavior is at least addressed.. And maybe even handled in some way
  6. I enjoyed this episode.. Hippy stamets was a riot... Loved Michael and Sarek.. Hope they at least have Michael talk abt her relationship with her foster brother... Maybe in the nxt star trek movie Spock and Uhuru can have a convo abt how she and his Foster sister share a somewhat similar aesthetic
  7. Are we supposed to like Jughead and (Betty).. I'm like 30 mins in and he's ambushed the mayor demanding the govt save a private business.. Then he yells at the mayor to help out his dad... Then he goes to ask the family of the boy who's body his dad dumped in a river for mercy and he barely has any humility or remorse.. Shit it was barely an ask and more of a demand... The attitude on him has been trash since this show started... Even with the snake lawyer he was condescending... Ugh. And by his side the entire time was Betty.. Who should know better.. She even points out to Cheryl that it was her dad who killed Jason and not F.P... These two deserve each other
  8. Loving the new season... But IMA need them to do somethin abt Wally's hair... And as horrified as I am To be saying this IMA need Iris outta the pencil skirts and heels all the time... It just doesn't make sense...
  9. This better be the last episode saru is so damn pissy with Michael... After this a d he'll deserve a tounge lashing and an ass whipping... Also poor Ash... HE was raging out on his rapist.. That's prib gonna be an issue for him going FWD.
  10. Jax is two years away from his masters... Cool... I hope they give him a bit more to do like expand on his brotherly relationship with Sara or maybe finally give him a LI...nit that I'd enjoy it all that much but just to be fair.. Still wish they would just made him a Brit so he could use his accent...
  11. UNOSEZ

    S01.E01: Pilot

    She also called him an action figure.. It's been pretty trash so far but IMA support fir a bit longer.. One.. Cuz it's a show with mostly actors of color and two.. Charlie barnett
  12. Damn I guess I'm not gonna get what I wanted.. Which was James being angry about the way kara ditched him to "find herself" or some such bs and immediately fall in luuuurrrrvvveee with Mon El.. If not angry at least a proper talk about maybe his feelings on the issue.. But nope we just breezed thru like a year and change and I guess everyone has moved on... I do hope we get a James.. Lena pairing.. If only because I'm sure Kara would have something to say about it and then maybe I get what I want
  13. Both saru and stamets seem kinda bitchy to me... Stamets kinda cleaned it up a bit by the end of the episode... But saru still seems offended by Michael's presence.. I hope he doesn't let being the first officer get to his head
  14. UNOSEZ

    S01.E01: Pilot

    Well he's consistently lied too by his somewhat absent and abrasive drug taking girlfriend who's already messing around with professional handsome scumbag Matt Barr... Hope it works out for him but I doubt it
  15. Maybe captain Phillipa had the telescope at home and the one on the ship was a different one...
  16. I did .... I meant from other posters on a few diff boards... it's not as bad as it was on the old IMDb boards... But the dislike of her character is strong
  17. Another new season.. And another round of Gabby hate... We get it you hate her.. Evenbif she is one of the leads and gets a ton of airtime like Matt and Kelly stuff abt her rubs you the wrong way... But if she's a Mary sue... Then Matt might be Jesus... How many times has he escaped death... I wouldn't be surprised if this season he doesn't single handedly save a bus full of nuns and kittens on his off day from the firehouse in between building a house for homeless teens and doing Covert undercover work for Voight... What did he even get a medal for tonight??...but no.. No stream of complaints for the golden boy...
  18. I enjoyed the two parter and will be back for more... I'm not steeped in star trek lore so the canon stuff isn't affecting me the same as some Long time watchers.. I thought Comm. Burnham portrayed a child raised on Vulcan well... In the flashback to their first meeting she has much more of a Vulcan tone but after 7 years with the captain it's changed... I like that she'll be treated like a pariah for a bit because starfleet hasn't had to deal with any consequences of space travel in a while... It's been peaceful and they've gotten a bit compacent... Maybe even arrogant that everyone will just fall in line and act peaceful...
  19. That was too funny and please more Denise.. I know she’s a demon IR whatever and says it’s because she wants a bigger role.. But I think she’s got an itch for chidi… Can’t wait fir the rest if the season.. I hope we get more of the other demons screwing with our heroes… And if he gets time off from his Fox show Adam Scott as Trevor
  20. I'm not saying I love the character but damn us there a serious hate -on for Madison on this board... I mean in the grand scheme of things she's done allright by the only people she really has to care for... Her and her kids are pretty safe and in relative positions of power.. If the guns stayed at the fingertips of the white folks in that camp there would have already been an attempted coup... Which woulda been bloody and costly... I don't always like her decisions like turning on the light at the hotel.. Or constantly trying to control that maniac Troy... But I get her reasoning... The only metric for a leader in this new zombie world right now at least in the timeline is are your ppl alive... Are they somewhat safe and do they have any control if the world around them... And to that end she's done OK...
  21. We really need an "Adventures of Victor Strand" series... Can't wait for his reunion with nick and I'm sure he'll address the racial tension in a funny way when he gets to the ranch... Also nick needs to stay outta the sun before ppl start to wonder abt his parentage... All in all good epi looking FWD to future
  22. Boy oh boy Aarron... Lol... Man what a scumlord... AJ was right abt dude all along... And poor Kara royster.. From rebound fiance on pretty little liars to rebound girl on the fosters.. Just hanging around waiting for the other girl to come to her senses and take the big back... I still like Monte....i want Lena to take the job screw whatever Jude was about to say... Poor brandon... Ugh Nick is coming back... Yay Matt is back... Logan seems cool hope he sticks around.. And we get that oh so rare scene on TV channels like the cw and free form two young blk guys on screen at the same time not commiting a crime
  23. Well to be fair AJ was going on with his life when callur popped up like a hurricane throwing all the blame on him... Yes he kissed a girl but she did as well and she did it first not only that but she spent all sorts of time with the guy even after she told him she had a man... Even after he made it clear he liked her and after AJ made it known he wasn't super comfortable with it... She ignored him in pursuit of what she felt was right and he stepped out... Mistakes were made on both sides but she came at him like she didn't have a part to play in it and worse she badmouthed AJ to Mariana her moms.. Mike and Brandon...
  24. I'm glad Ana and Gabe didn't torpedo the marriage... Also happy the protest didn't end in something bad... Poor silly Jesus... Good to see AJ and Callie on solid ground of course Callie didn't know AJ was doing other kinds of art she never paid any ATTN to him once cool Motorcycle Aaron showed up... So odds are the show will cause drama... I did enjoy seeing Aaron all jealous and pouty.. Never liked that dude.. I think ximena caught AJ fever but she may get deported OR arrested if u look at the preview... Hope it's an okie dope.. I like her... Good for Emma let Jesus go.. Poor Brandon cuz I'm sure something is wrong with grace
  25. As the seasons go on I like mike less and less.. Everyone is telling him stop.. Ppl are telling him someone could get hurt and he just pushes on becuz he knows what's right.. Even after Alex tells him he may end up going down for it abd can lose his family mike looks him in the eye and says I'm not stopping... And I know the show will find some way for mike to figure it out but ugh.. He's a selfish fella
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