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Everything posted by Destiny74

  1. The coin guy was arrogant and I wouldn't want to work with him. Not to mention that I also Debit almost everything now so I don't have change that I worry about. And I don't wear skinny jeans so that's not an issue for me either. The sisters were obviously looking to dump the company. And that's fine. They shouldn't give up their dreams and desires for their lives to work on something they are not passionate about. They seemed thrilled with the deal. However, in two years when Lori and Mark are raking in the cash, I wonder if they will still think the deal was good. I liked the scooter guy. Although it looked like a suitcase, he said it was a briefcase. Smart because it is a little too small to make for a decent suitcase. I think it would be great for kids at college. Easter egg thing was a novel idea. I might buy one and use it for a few of our eggs, but not all.
  2. Cable is an idiot. You would think with all she has seen and done with computers in the past, she would have checked the flash drive before she opened it for the first time at the FBI. Why would you blindly accept that your old roommate just happened to run into you immediately after your firm was hired to help prosecute her boyfriend. You haven’t seen or heard from this woman since graduation. Gee, what a coinky dink. I would have been a lot more suspicious. I wouldn’t have talked to her again, I wouldn’t have taken the flash drive. No one with any decent discernment would have. Um, if the girlfriend couldn’t give said flash drive to hackers defense team and THEY could hire a computer genius to check it out, then you, as part of the prosecution, shouldn’t have done it. That’s their damn job. I understand Cabel being upset for being fired. Anyone, even if they knew it was the right move for the company, would still be upset at the moment of the firing. However, I would hope after a long walk home, a hot bath, and some dinner, Cable comes to the realization that she was totally wrong. She risked not only Bull’s company but all of her friend’s livelihoods, and was stupid to not check the drive before taking it to the FBI. She then can understand she had to be fired and would not hold a grudge. However, I don’t see this happening. When we see Cable again she will be pouty and angry over the whole thing instead of apologetic, like she should be.
  3. I liked Chris and honestly, his food is the most tasty sounding to me...non-fussy and not pretentious. However, I don’t understand why they think Carrie did not stretch herself but he did. He admitted while cooking that he made they dish often at home. I thought it sounded delicious but he shouldn’t have gotten points for a stretch he didn’t have. I’m glad Carrie won with toast. I hate sassparilla, the only time I tried it was when my family stopped at the Ponderosa on a vacation once. My father loved Bonanza. I find it interesting that Adrienne came on a show titled Top Chef with no real point of view of her own. By the end of the episode I was kinda sick of hearing her tell us that she is finally finding her voice. That sounds like someone who would make a great head chef. They can cook wonders but it is all someone else’s vision. I’m glad Joe Flamm is back. I like him. I think I’m rooting for Carrie. But I wouldn’t be disappointed for anyone to win.
  4. She has been decidedly mean and unfunny lately. I wonder if she's having a moment, if her personal life is dragging her down, or if she is done with this show now that she has other means of revenue? Or maybe, all three.
  5. I think most of them used cookie dough or shortbread dough for the pizzas and I have always considered Lemon bars a bar cookie. Hence, my annoyance.
  6. They need to change the name of this show to Kids Cake Baking Champion. These kids are doing nothing but baking cakes (oh, and some cookies) in different shapes. Those doughnuts were simply cake batter in a doughnut shape. I think if they are going to have a doughnut challenge, HAVE A FREAKING DOUGHNUT CHALLENGE!!!!! Have the kiddies work with yeast and give them time to make a real doughnut. Honestly, I’m kinda getting sick of the same things made every week. Heck, throw in a pie challenge, muffin, pudding... something different. And I hate to admit it but, Aditya it starting to work on my nerves. Not having any idea what flavor he wanted to make until after his batter was made? I just don’t think the kid is that creative. But, his flavors, due to his background, are quite exotic and fresh to America, so he seems innovative. And to put the cornflakes in the batter? Flabby, nasty cornflake doughnut, no thanks. I felt bad that Luke got the Fruity Pebbles. I hate Fruity Pebbles. I would have buzzed up there faster than anyone to get anything else. I may have knocked over others so I wouldn’t get stuck with Fruity Pebbles.... ?. Linsey, his partner, got the chocolate wafers, which would have been perfect for him and, Fruity Pebbles would’ve gone much better with the strawberry doughnut. Just sayin. The judges said they couldn’t share, not that they couldn’t trade.
  7. Ok. So. Aditya, last week, phones in his lemon twist and just puts a slice of lemon as decoration and he wins the week. However, this week, Beverly tries to make ice cream and it doesn't set and she gets the boot? Seems like both of them messed up on the twist and one won and the other, adios. Doesn't seem right. BTW, why didn't Beverly's ice cream set? I don't think we're told. I assume she got it from the churner and put it in the deep freeze? I'd like to know what went wrong. Not that I lovvvvvvved Beverly or thought she had a snowballs chance, but I still think Soleil should've gotten the boot, if only for trying to hide her monstrosity under a foot of pink sugar. Then again, I bake at home and would never go on a baking show because the stuff I make LOOKS VERY HOMEMADE (if ya know what I mean). Oh. And I agree with Camom regarding the time limit. Cakes that need to be frosted need to be cooled. I get that adults can figure out a way around but I don't know if it's fair to ask kids to.
  8. I must be the only viewer who likes th bears. Sure, it is cliquish but they are trying to get through this competition in a way they can keep their spirits up. At least they are positive and supportive of each other. I like ‘em. The people who tend to do the worst on reality comps are people who don’t bother to try and make any kind of friendships. You get to call home what, maybe once a week? You might need a few more “you can do this”and “atta boys” than that. Besides, these people are also living with this huge pressure, who better to understand what you’re feeling. I don’t know that Tanya hadn’t made friends or not, no one seemed particularly upset when saying goodbye. No one was particularly upset when Claudette went home the first time either. And I assume no one will be particularly upset when she gets booted again, hopefully soon. Restaurant wars is always a good time for us viewers. Can’t wait to see who screws up.
  9. I get that dealing with other people’s bullshit is a pain in the ass but, if you have a real problem with it, why would you go on a reality competition show that, to win, you need to be on for months? Meaning, you will be sleeping, eating, working, and breathing with people who will get on your nerves. Either suck it up and put on your biggirl panties, or don’t apply to be on this kind of show. Apply for Iron Chef or Beat Bobby Flay if you just want to show what you got on tv.
  10. This. Totally. i think they should have told that kid that he almost won but because he didn’t take the twist seriuosly, he came in second. linsey made good bars and had a nice presentation with yellow chocolate lemons. She should’ve won.
  11. Regarding Mark Wahlburg. I’m sorry that Michelle Williams didn’t have good enough representation to get the money she should have. Obviously Wahlburg did. We have no idea what the original contracts they signed said. Maybe there was some clause in hers about reshoots that wasn’t in his. Maybe his rep KNEW how important he was to the reshooting of the movie and held out for the cash. I don’t know. Maybe she didn’t have to reshoot as much as he did. How many scenes did she share with Kevin Spacey? I don’t know, didn’t see the movie. I just refuse to hate on a man who’s got as much money as he could to do his job. She’s the freaking star of the movie. I can’t imagine they wouldn’t have paid her as much if she held out. I guess the producers could have told her no and reshot the movie but I think it would have cost a lot more than a million she may have asked for. Hate on Wahlburg but then shouldn’t you hate on anyone who is in a movie but makes less that others in th same movie? Shouldn’t you hate on a football player who makes more than his teammates? Hate on pro basketballers who all make more than female pros?
  12. Did Ramsey realize that Robyn made three dishes that were incredibly similar. They were all protein and a hash. I think her win over Jennifer was valid seeing that Jennifer didn’t cook her scallops correctly, but can Robyn not come up with a more original dish than protein and hash? I actually would have liked to see her fish dish.
  13. I haven't watched yet but I have a question. If they could get the couch through the door when they moved in, why couldn't they get it out the same way? Did they build the house around the couch? ?
  14. I am not attached to Garett at all but I thought his pizza was loads better than Soliel’s. His tasted fine, if not a bit boring. Hers was a hot mess and the only thing Duff said was tasty was the chocolate, not to mention the burnt marshmallow. The judges couldn’t taste her challenge ingredient but they could taste the ricotta in Gareths. I just thought she should have been the one out.
  15. I can’t even think of watching this version of the show because terra annoys me so much and this show is all about her and Joe. I’ll tune in again when the other ladies are back on. although, bet I could hate watch this monstrosity like nothing else.
  16. This episode was gold. Guy leaves the tractor for over a year!?!?! But he visits it regularly so it's ok. ABANDONMENT. The wet sidewalk guy? Whatever. I've tripped on sidewalks while out in the dark. Never thought about suing. The last one won me over. Why did the tow guy think it would be a good idea to get mouthy with THE JUDGE? Then, after he was kicked out but let back in, he insults her again? I think he knew he was in the wrong, was gonna lose, and just decided to show how macho he was and how big his balls were. He came across as a gigantic ass. She should have held him in contempt of court and jailed his ass. I would have loved to hear a hallterview from him. I just might keep this episode for laughs.
  17. I kept yelling "get a flat spatula!". Not that the cakes would've not cracked, they just wouldn't have been such a hot mess on a couple of them. I agree with earlier comments. I think the ones who actually made cookies had an easier time of the stacking and decorating. The cake ones fell apart. Oh, and Snickerdoodle is not just a cinnamon sugar cookie. The texture is totally different. And a peanut butter cookie is not a chocolate chip cookie with peanut butter. Again, totally different texture.
  18. Chrissy would be a nasty person whether she was a female or a male. I don't differentiate between jerk men and jerk women. I hated Tony because he was the same type of smug Chrissy was. I hated Russell because he was a jerk. I hated Abi.Maria because she was a bitch, etc... Been was obnoxious with the bomb sounds but he had a right to be a bit childish because he really was blowing up the game. Chrissy sounded like she was reading from a notebook of facts at the final tc. She didn't care about these people. She learned about their lives to have an in at the ftc. They jury knew it, they felt it, therefore, all her "getting to know people" crap was just that, crap. The final twist was garbage, and I am still glad Ben won. Mike was the one who lost the game for Chrissy, if anyone but her was responsible. When he destroyed that shell, didn't that put another HII into play? Without that HII Ben would've been out before the final four. What was with Mike saying he would have won if he had made it to the end? Hell, Ryan played a.better game than Mike. He's delusional.
  19. I would love for the twist next season to be that there weren’t any hidden immunity idols. Watching people dig up every inch of the island to find an idol that never existed would be GOLD for me as a viewer. The HII has become a joke, saving people who should go home. the only immunity in play should be the individual immunity that is battled for in a challenge. i would love to see this.
  20. I actually came here to see what everyone said and you all have expressed exactly what I was going to say. I am disappointed. I like the show and looked forward to it. Needless to say, watching the show with Uzzini didn't make me want to turn the channel, didn't make me not watch, and certainly didn't make me like him any more. But, I never watched for him, so...
  21. I'm strangely glad Andre was hallucinating Pamela. At least he didn't actually kill anyone...else. I don't understand how Cookie got to Warren. Did she pay the guard to walk off? Did Diana not really care if Warren got out and talked to the cops? Did she not care if Warren had an opportunity to tell Jamal all about the revenge plot? I would've thought she'd have a team of people guarding Warren to make sure her plan was not screwed. She should've helped Warren when he got the beat down, not been so smug. She should've tried to keep him on her side. Now the Lyons know her plans, what she's done and what she had planned to do. I dunno, maybe she doesn't care, maybe she thinks she has won. She hasn't. This is just starting as far as Cookie goes.
  22. I don't think Amanda has a freaking clue about what all the drama surrounding her and Chase is all about. Sure, the ladies think he's bad for her but he's not nearly as bad as some of the boyfriends we see on other versions of LW. They are mostly pissed because A) she lied about being with him. I hate to tell you, Amanda, but your friends are going to want to know if you are dating someone. Secrecy and lies indicate that YOU are uncomfortable with the relationship and how it looks. And B) she did change. She turned into someone who was absolutely blowing everything out of proportion. If she would have laid low, invited people to meet him individually, they would have come around, but she expected everyone to fall over themselves being cool with him. Her friends had issue with her dating someone who treated another friend badly. Can she not see that anyone would have issue with that? Whether he changed or not, they don't know that. They know he used Caylea and called her ugly names and treated her poorly. It stands to reason that he might treat Amanda the same way. She doesn't get that. She doesn't understand that her friends have only seen him being an assistant, so they think he's an ass. There ya go. In LA, those ladies KNOW Matt is an ass and no matter how often Brianna tells them he's not, he still acts like an ass so they still think he's an ass. Anyway, Amanda needs to take some responsibility in the failing of her friendships. Her talk with Asta irritated me because Asta let her get away with not apologizing for treating HER poorly either. I'd have made sure that girl knew that I was sorry for my part but she sure as hell has some actions to be sorry about too. Caylea you are an idiot. I knew as soon as DQ asked for the ring that he was going to re-propose right then. Ugh. They need a looooooooooong engagement. Oh and make nice with his mom. She'll eventually come around. Just don't start hating on her because she didn't want her 21 year old son engaged. I actually think she's right. Tiffany. You are a moron. And you are better off with Austin. I can't believe you let him continually resent you for expecting him to work and help pay living expenses. He's just not that into you, girl. Emily. I hope your pregnancy doesn't take. That might sound harsh but I do not think you are ready, mentally and emotionally, for a baby. Bri. Meek is the cutest. Jamarcus seems really nice. Don't fall back in old habits. Ugh. Asta. I saw your FB. She has a great cosplay going on their. I hope that is your real calling and you are just on this show to get your name out there. You're too nice for this crap. Brichelle. You have successfully morphed from being a troublemaker to being the voice of reason. Good on you, girl. Stick with it. I prefer you as the momma bear of the group, they need it.
  23. I don't know why she doesn't have her Bureau send her clips of what she is supposed to talk about the next day. They could send her clips to a phone or laptop and she could watch them.on the way into NY every morning. Or watch them during hair and makeup. Or watch them while she's "preparing". Hell, hire an assistant whose sole job is to cue up said clips that have been sent to her. I dont watch any other talk shows like hers but I can't imagine any other professional approaching their job with a "I don't give a damn if I know what I am talking about" attitude half as bad as Wendy's. Then she rails about others not being professional. ITS NOT PROFESSIONAL TO NOT BE PREPARED FOR AN INTERVIEW!!!! I can't count the amount of time she has mistakenly said her guest has/doesn't have a spouse and has been dead wrong. Or has children, or the sex of those children. That stuff is simple to check.
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