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Everything posted by marshmallows

  1. So I'm just not buying this love story between Kat & Justin. I guess more from Justin's side because Idk what was/is so special to him about Kat that was any different from all of his other one-night stand hook ups, because 1 year ago that's all Kat was. But even 1 year ago he seemed interested her past just sex. I guess I just don't understand what it is about her. Because to me she is pretty bland when on her medication and very erratic off of them. I can see the attraction to Justin on Kat's end, still not sure exactly what it was about Justin that she would choose him over Marcus. A big part of the problem is the writers are telling me more than showing me most of what it is going on in the story. The only story line that is executed well to me is Carol's. Everyone else's is too much exposition and not enough of showing me.
  2. Zach is the most objectively attractive. I know that statement sounds dumb since attraction is basically subjective lol. But as far as outward appearance he is just very nice to look at and I feel like most people would find him attractive. Justin has to be the one I'm the most into. Even if he might not be everyone's cup of tea. I find him very attractive.
  3. YESS! Why is there so much focus on their whitelighter? Harry is easily the most interesting character- and well he shouldn't be. Also for the love of God, can the writers actually show some sisterly love and connection. I feel zero bonding, care, or love between them. It feels like 3 people selected from different families were randomly selected to save the world together. The entire reason why people loved the OG Charmed was the sister's connection, because it definitely wasn't the amazing storylines lol.
  4. I threw around many f-bombs as a teenager. It's just a word in the house I grew up in. It never phased my mom. She threw them around too. I just grew up in a household where cuss words were just words and it really depended on how those words or any other words were used that mattered. Pretty sure Jen could give a flying fuck if Charlie drops the f-bomb as long as he turns out to be a good person, who cares if he cusses?
  5. Yes it was about the Chief. But like @talktoomuch said, it probably had something to do with Perez thinking Jen was covering for someone else. I think it was a combination of wanting to nail the Chief, not believing Jen's confession, and not wanting to deprive Jen's kids of their only parent left. Yeah, I know it used to be TWoP. And snark is fine. It just seems like most people on here don't like much of anything about the shows they watch. I know I have done my fair share of complaining on here, but sometimes I want to talk about how much I enjoyed a show too.
  6. I think it was deeper than the cop just blowing it off. The police chief was involved with the Greek Mafia. I think it was more important to her take down this dangerous man than Jen. I don't think she was just being nice. She knows once she arrests Jen it would hurt their case against the police chief. He was the bigger fish to fry in this scenario.
  7. Does anyone on this forum ever like the shows they comment on? Just a general theme I have observed in the multiple shows I go in to read about. I loved this season. I was actually surprised at how good it was especially after coming off of such a solid and near perfect first season. I would 10/10 recommend this show to anyone who likes dark humor. It is funny that Laguna Beach seems to only have like 10 people in it when we all know the population is much larger and all these coincidences probably wouldn't happen. But, it's fiction not real life. I liked all the twists and coincidences TV shows love to do. It helps push the story along and create more drama. It's fun. Loved all of the cliffhangers. They are going to have so much to work with for s3. Hopefully they can get back to filming soon.
  8. Wow so much hate for this finale from the fans. I feel like I might get ambushed for saying I liked it. For me, the original finale was so sad. It was always Will and Grace and then they just split them up for like 20 years. That just seemed like a slap in the face to me. I love that Will and Grace finally became comfortable with essentially ending up together in a non-romantic way (honestly the way a lot of marriages end up turning out to be anyways). They truly loved and accepted each other. They would always be there for each other. They were each other's rock. Loved Jack getting his debut and I actually found the line about the respiratory virus funny (in a dark humor kind of way). I'm glad they didn't edit it out. Also loved Karen getting back with Stan. It just made sense. Also liked the turning off the lights and walking out the door. I'm a sucker for cheesy classic stuff like that. The only thing I didn't like so much was McCoy coming back. I'm not against Will being able to have a love interest. It just felt undeserved and rushed. Overall, I was pleased with the revival and the finale. Honestly, it was the only revival I've watched that has been done right.
  9. I understand the legality of it all. And yes, the Ryan's did do this in a very creepy way. However, legally Mia was 18 and ultimately this was her decision. I just feel that she agreed to have the baby for them and she should have followed through on this. Especially since it seemed like the Ryan's paid her and they had a contract, but the show did not make this very clear, so maybe nothing was in writing yet and if that's true then legally only Mr. Ryan would have rights to Pearl since it was his sperm. It was all murky territory. I'm just saying the biology doesn't make a family, love does. So in my eyes since Mia agreed to be a surrogate for the Ryan's, that made the Ryan's her parents, not Mia. I understand the biology and legality of it though.
  10. It does not make her Pearl's mother in the sense of the term meaning who you're family is going to be. Here is a definition: Surrogacy is an arrangement, often supported by a legal agreement, whereby a woman agrees to bear a child for another person or persons, who will become the child's parent after birth. So no Mia is NOT her mother. And don't come back with biology, I am very well aware of how biology works. That's not what this is about. To me Linda was May Ling's mother, not Bebe. Biology isn't everything, and anyone who says it is, is basically spitting in any adoptive parent's face or a woman who could not carry her own child and used a surrogate.
  11. On a lighter note. I hate OMWF. Yep, there I said it. Musicals suck.
  12. You are not alone. It's not that I am 100% team Elena is awesome. But, I found her more understandable. She tried her best to build a home for her children. Could she have been more open minded? Absolutely. Should she have taken the time to get to know Izzy better? Yes. But in Elena's defense, Izzy was a very difficult child. It would be hard to be her mother. It doesn't mean you tell her that or tell her you never wanted her, because WOW that is harsh. But, everyone seems to forget that parents are human too, and humans say things they shouldn't and things out of anger all of the time. I wish Izzy hadn't run away and we got to see a reconciliation between Elena/Izzy. It would have been nice to see Elena apologize to Izzy and show her that she is important and she is heard. I just feel like Mia got underserved redemption, while Elena didn't get any redemption whatsoever. Pearl took about 5 minutes to completely forgive her mother. Is Pearl really that much of a doormat or desperate for love/stability? I think most children would absolutely despise their mother after finding all of this out. Mia deprived Pearl of who were supposed to be her parents, money Mia had, stability, her grandparents all for her own selfish "Pearl is MINE" bs. No, Mia Pearl in fact was NOT yours. You were a surrogate, not her mother. The Ryan's woman was her mother. Geeeez. I want to echo whoever said above how Bebe and Mia seemed to get their happy endings while all the rich white people had devastating endings. I don't know what point the show was trying to get across here, because again Mia was terrible for everything mentioned above. And Bebe while her story is tragic, at the end of the day she abandoned her baby in the freezing cold to the point May Ling got frostbite. Bebe is working the same job she was when she abandoned May Ling and living in the same apt (from what I could tell). She is in no better place than before, so how is she going to care for her now when she couldn't back then? And this is not me saying, only the rich can provide a stable, loving home for children because that is not true. There are plenty of families who have much less money, even poor, who can provide a stable loving home. But, Bebe is not just poor, she is basically at poverty level and has already proven that she is unfit to take care of her child. Again I echo, if Bebe was white, this would not even be up for discussion that the adoptive parents deserved to win the trial. The adoptive parents did nothing wrong here besides give an abandoned baby a home and they had to suffer for it. Wow, the Asian lawyer really had a terrible case if all he had to go off of was May Ling belongs with Bebe because she is Chinese. It honestly doesn't get more racist than this. So you are telling me because Bebe and May Ling are the same race, somehow that makes Bebe a better parent? Give me a break. That is so absurd. Ugh Moody really went all self-righteous nice guy this episode. I am so glad Izzy told him that just because he liked Pearl, it in no way means Pearl had any obligation to like him back. This is the only time I liked Izzy this entire show. If Moody is going to be upset, at least direct it at the correct person which is your brother Tripp who slept with the girl he knew you liked and then did not tell you about it. I agree with whoever said Pearl and Bill are the only likable characters. While I have a lot of issues with the way this show handled biology vs. adoption and racism, overall I thought it was a very thought provoking show and incredibly well acted. I enjoyed all the tension because this is often how real life is, so I think it did a good representation on how life is so unfair and people who don't deserve redemption get it all the time and sometimes there are no happy endings, just loose ends and little fires everywhere.
  13. 2- Absolutely! But I think a lot of people feel this way. So you are not a lone. 4- I think most fans despise Jackie. I actually liked her which is probably an unpopular opinion lol. She's fun for me to watch. I would probably dislike her IRL. 5- UGH Thank you!!! Idk why everyone loves Mac so much. I have never gotten it. She was meh the entire time and was given way too much screen time in s3 to be as meh as she was. But s3 was basically the season of let's let all the meh characters take up way too much screen time. I'm looking at you Piz, Parker, and Mac, oh and Mac's weird bf Max. 7- I always go back and forth on this one. Her mom left, so all she had was her dad. They are really close. I just doubt anyone would find their relationship creepy if Veronica was a man or this same relationship was with Veronica and her mother. 8- I think Veronica charged most of the time. The only time we see her not really take payment is when she does something for Wallace, obviously the Lily Kane case, and Logan in s1 where she rips of the check he gave her. I think she had full intentions of taking Logan's money when she worked his mother's case, but she saw how devastated he was and that there were other sides to him besides obligatory jackass so she decided to show him some kindness. I mean I woulda took the money. Dude is rich, regardless if he is sad lol.
  14. I'm seeing a lot of Elena is so racist. The Richardson's are so racist. But so is Mia. Mia is incredibly racist toward basically any white person that seems to cross her path. And I'm not saying the Richardson's aren't racist as well. I'm just saying so is Mia. White people aren't the only people who can be racist. The only people in this story who seem to not be racist is Pearl, Moody, and Bebe. Maybe Izzy (I'm not sure about her because everything about her is so irritating to me, that it is hard for me to really get to know her character). Everyone else has some sort of racist feelings even if they don't outright say it or try to cover it up. While I'm on this, Brian was basically just as shitty to Lexie as she has been. Brian obviously has been upset with Lexie about stealing Pearl's story (rightfully so), but then he still has sex with her. That was beyond fucked. I know they are horny teenagers, but he knew he was having issues with her behavior and was borderline on if he wanted to be with her and he still slept with her. He should have broken up with her long before this episode because he clearly has been having issues with her and her family for quite some time. Lexie has done a lot of messed up things and I'm not excusing any of her terrible behavior, I'm just saying Brian has played a part as well. I know courts tend to like to put kids with their biological parents, but I just don't see how Bebe has any right to her baby after leaving her in the cold all alone an entire year ago. I feel for Bebe. I really do. It was a terrible circumstance. And the US laws on immigration and being able to become a citizen are extremely unfair even to this day and need major reform, but she still left her baby. If Bebe had been white, I don't think there would be much debate on who should get the kid. It would clearly be the adoptive parents. And that's how it should be here. I know Bebe's situation was different due to immigration issues, but she still left her baby and she isn't making any more money now than she was when she left May Ling and I feel like Bill made a good case showing that.
  15. I would love to talk about OG Charmed in that thread, but I am new to it as well and just started the 5th season yesterday so I don't want any spoilers. But gosh I want to talk about it so bad lol. Ugh yes, why did Macy's expansion on her power end up being what should have been Mel's expansion? It makes no sense. Maggie still continues to be my favorite. That was kinda off topic, just wanted to say it, haha.
  16. This show has me so lost. I am currently watching the original charmed for the first time along with watching this one. I get that the reboot wanted to be different, but damn it is all over the place. I am only in the 4th season of the original, but the storylines just make so much more sense and it seems like the writers actually took the time to build the world of charmed before just jumping the gun and making rash decisions. This episode was ridiculously all over the place LOL. There was never a truce between demons and witches bc Maggie and Parker never got married. Why is Harry and Jordan the most interesting part about this show? And is it just me or do these sisters just not feel like sisters? I mean not that family ever has to feel like family. I am estranged from plenty of mine, but the entire point of this show is the 3 sisters who are charmed. Their bond is significantly important, and I just don't feel a connection btwn any of them, not even Maggie and Mel who actually grew up together. I think the writers need to put some breaks on plot plot plot plot plot and do some damage control with character development and the sisterly bond.
  17. Amen to the Billy thing. Why would he dump it at the school? That makes zero sense. I understand him not wanting to dump it in his home since Laura is the DA now and they have been trying to dig up dirt on her. But, he could literally go to any random dumpster or hell a fast food restaurant's trash can. This plot point is so contrived just to cause extra drama. Besides that really loved this episode. It resolved and set up a lot all at the same time.
  18. I just visited LA recently over the summer (Aug 2019). It was surprisingly chilly. I am from the east coast and let's just say I did not pack appropriately bc I was under the same impression you were. But, I definitely could have used some long sleeves or a better jacket.
  19. Well the Asher/Olivia romance sure is going up into flames quickly. Really? We couldn't get a few episodes of them happy & together? Coop was being way to jealous and borderline controlling. Patience was right to walk away. I am glad Coop had some self awareness about it and that her mom was there to comfort her. I highly doubt Spencer is going to die. And I'm sure this will be his wake up call to go back to football. Ugh but Tyrone needs to go. Same villain since the beginning of s1. Let's move on.
  20. It's not Randall's place to tell. It's Rebecca's. I'm not sure why everyone is so quick to place the blame on Randall in this situation when really it is on Rebecca. She should tell her children, especially Kate for the safety of Jack. As of now, it is mild cognitive impairment, so baby Jack is most likely safe especially since Miguel seems to be around most of the time with Rebecca anyways. Now, once it worsens, it's honestly at that point more of Miguel's responsibility to tell Kate since he will be seeing everything going on with Rebecca first hand while Randall won't be able to considering he is on the other side of the country. Agree to disagree I guess. Idk why so many fans seem to have a problem with Randall caring about his mother. I know I would jump on a plane for my mother too, regardless if her husband was taking to the doctor. Not because I don't trust him, but because I would want to be there for my mom. I have no idea why this is so wrong.
  21. Miguel had no right to speak to Randall the way he did. Randall is a concerned son. I would be so pissed if my step dad tried to tell me to but out of my mother's life on a very important issue like dementia just because he didn't want to see that he could be losing her. I mean I understand Miguel's feelings, but he was the one in the wrong here not Randall. Also Rebecca was the one who didn't want Randall to tell Kate or Kevin. He has to respect her wishes. It's Rebecca's body and her memory loss. So it is her choice who she tells, of course right now while she still has agency. At some point it will become obvious to everyone. Randall is just very in tune with his mother which is how he picked up on it so quickly. If this is what Kate and Kevin stop speaking to Randall over, then they are putting the blame in the wrong place and overreacting per usual. I love Kevin, can't stand Kate, but whether love or hate them, they are 2 of the most selfish people out there. Randall is always trying even if he does have flaws, I feel like he is usually trying to do the right thing.
  22. I'm late to this as I just recently binged the first season and am now catching up on s2. Could someone please explain to me Abigail's motives for being the overlord? It makes zero sense to me. She said something about her father's approval, yet she hates him. And she also said something about how she thought TCOs were the ones who were trying to kill her, but then she figured out it was actually the assassin?? Either way, both of these motives are unclear and completely bogus. I would almost rather her just want to be doing evil for evil sakes like Allistar. This season so far quite blows in comparison to the first season. S1 may have moved too quickly and packed in enough plot points for at least 3 seasons or more, but at least it had the sisters bonding and working together, each sister had some sort of human ties/life, there were MoTW episodes which are always fun, and the plots although moving too fast were at least interesting and felt personal to the characters. So far this season the only thing that feels personal is the whitelighter/darklighter story which is probably why that's the storyline I'm the most invested in. Also probably why Harry is now my favorite character bc at least the writers are spending time on us getting to know him. But, this is supposed to be about TCOs, not just Harry. I always have liked Harry, but it should be about the ensemble cast, not just him.
  23. I'm so with you on this. The Tyrone storyline has dragged on too long. And the plotholes with it are giving me a headache. Preach definitely said he would not testify, that's why Coop did the recording. I mean Tyrone confessed. That should have been enough to at least lock him up for longer than what, 8 episodes or so? Also the storyline is tired, it's not even interesting anymore. I'm ready for them to move past Tyrone and focus on Coop/Patience and Coop and her music. They can still throw in some street drama, but make it new, not the same old tired song they are playing with Tyrone.
  24. What I never understood about the trial, was how did Aaron not get convicted of attempted murder? He tried to kill Veronica and Keith and their were witnesses to that. Even if they couldn't prove he killed Lily. They could definitely prove that he attempted to murder Veronica and Keith. Sure it would have been a lesser sentence, but still he would have been in prison. Also didn't he admit to the affair with Lily? So yes he def should have been convicted of statutory rape on top of attempted murder.
  25. Yes! I'm in the medical profession too and the fact that he didn't look one bit sick and then died in this episode bugged me. And absolutely Daniel Ezra is amazing. I can't believe how much he can make me feel. Not to mention his American accent is dead on. I actually thought he was American. I couldn't believe that he was British.
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