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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. I think he's just showing his age. Fortunately, so is Josie. She looks more kid and less alien now.
  2. Josiah looks happy in the photo with Lauren and Bella; he doesn't have that dead look in his eyes. He wouldn't be the first man to find a measure of happiness when his child is born.
  3. I have a hard time watching ANY Duggar shows because of all the lying. I'm thinking of when they said Josh was able to get married at 20 because he owned his home (no, he didn't -- it was Mary's) and his own car lot (no, he didn't -- it was Jim Bob's). Leave and cleave, my ass. I absolutely abhor lying and the Duggars just drive me crazy because they lie all the damn time. Not to mention the hypocrisy so typical of bible thumpers. Side hugs only but our son molested his own sisters, including a preschool-age child, but gawd forgave him so it's okay.
  4. Why does Jilly get to wear a just-below-the-knee modern modest skirt while her young daughters wear ankle-length or almost ankle-length ugly skirts? (Rhetorical question here. The answer is because that goddamn bitch can't stand having anyone take attention away from her, even her own children.)
  5. I've seen more food than that served to two adults and two little girls (my family of origin, if we weren't visiting family and didn't have family visiting). And I was a picky eater who wouldn't eat some of the side dishes. Want to bet that next year, or the next food holiday, someone gives the Rodriguii a gift card to Honey Baked Ham for ham and all the trimmings, just so the kids get a decent meal?
  6. Added bonus, Spanx might suppress his sperm production or at least make his swimmers slower.
  7. That's a given. The look in Mullet's eyes reminds me of a TV when it doesn't get reception.
  8. That's what I remember. I do not remember anything about the Duggars, or a number of Duggars, all using the same bathwater. That comment reminds me of the childhood game of telephone, where you sit in a circle and each in turn whisper something to your neighbor. Good on Jill for cutting her hair. No matter what we say about her, it took courage to do that.
  9. Isn't that the same outfit Alyssa wore in her so-short-of-breath-have-to-go-to-ER-but-look-how-pretty-I-am photo?
  10. Typical fundie hypocrite. Isn't Kendra the product of premarital hanky panky?
  11. Eating ALL the cookies and doughnuts at the fellowship session after church?
  12. You're right, N, this is 2/2 parents Jim Bob has exploited for the almighty dollar. I'm surprised he didn't reenact Mary's death with a dummy floating in the pool.
  13. That could be Jim Bob. I've seen him and Mullet use their actual names on legal documents before.
  14. I think she's probably, finally growing out of the white-blond hair she's always had. The photos are heavily filtered, too, and that probably makes a difference. Josie is still a lot smaller than the other two.
  15. Yep, I called it already. Nathaniel, Natalie, Nebuchadnezzar, Nitwit, the possibilities are virtually endless.
  16. Maybe Ofsmuggar is letting Mackynzie choose her own clothes (within fundie parameters). She's old enough to choose and old enough to want to express herself through her clothing, like most other preteen girls.
  17. The Duggars didn't keep Jill, Jessa, Jinger, or Joy from dating and marrying.
  18. In order to be a true Heathen, one must off at least two people before lunch every day. I wiped out a pastor, a small child, and a pregnant woman in a long denim skirt on my way to work this morning.
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