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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. I think you're giving the Rodriguii more credit (for brains and cleverness) than they deserve. (But I suspect you knew that already.) Also, Jill R lies like an effing rug.
  2. Someone should tell Ofsmuggar not to capitalize Random Letters. Doing that makes her look Dumb. Does Aldi sell grass-fed steak for fajitas? Do the Duggars know how to pronounce "fajitas"?
  3. Plus, if he married a fundie girl like Mullet Duggar or his sister Erin, there wouldn't be enough hairspray left over in his household for Lawson to coat his own hair. Imagine Lawson with flat hair!
  4. Why, oh why, would Poser Bates need to wear his meaningless dollar-store badge to a completely unrelated event in a foreign country? (This is a rhetorical question.)
  5. Did Jim Bob actually say the TTH would go to the kid with the biggest family?
  6. That's taking DIY or self-sufficiency to a ridiculously stupid level. Was he practicing on himself at least?
  7. Well, none is them is very bright. Maybe it really is too difficult a concept for them.
  8. No way Carlin actually said any of the quotes attributed to her. The Bateses (and Duggars and Rodriguii) can barely string two words together, let alone lengthy, coherent sentences. I've always thought Carlin was a dingbat anyway.
  9. Funny how people have worn hand-me-down shoes for generations without their feet falling off. We don't know for sure that those boots came from a thrift store, anyway.
  10. Did you read what it said? "We've had more downs than ups than any newly married couple should ever have."
  11. Her acne is pretty bad. Start double cleansing and using Differin, Jill. Your skin will thank you.
  12. But if his father is bald, a man has a much higher chance of developing baldness as well.
  13. If he drops any leaflets on me, I'll correct all the spelling and grammatical errors, and send them back with a copy of The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. After we snark on them. Anna's brother, Smuggar's in-law.
  14. Would that be more or less nauseating than naked Smuggar?
  15. Good point -- plus, I think Erin lives in her own little world. Chad is only allowed there to provide her with children.
  16. You'd think the older Bateses and Duggars would be less likely to have gigantic families. The kids who are old enough to remember poverty, sharing their parents with a zillion siblings, and never even having enough to eat.
  17. Sophia must be grateful she dodged a bullet. She could have been Dorcas (not that she would ever attend public school and be teased about her name).
  18. Who can name all their names, for snark value? I only know a few Wallers (Paul, Davia, Phillip) and the Smuggars (Mackynzie, Michael, Marcus, Meredith, Mason).
  19. Isn't Esther of the Popup Camper pushing forty by now? What's the Keller Grandkid Kount?
  20. Pity. Maybe those churches figure they can at least show the children some kindness and a full meal.
  21. Facial wrinkles are influenced by genetics. We can't blame Jilly for hers. The overlong hair is on her.
  22. I believe Josie had her first even faster than her sister Alyssa did -- nine months v. eleven or so. So much for Josie having a career or life of her own. Why did she even waste spend her time and someone else's money on getting a cosmetology degree? This depresses the shit out of me.
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