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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Joe didn't look thrilled when they announced the first (of many) pregnancies, either. I distinctly remember people commenting on it.
  2. I'd be truly shocked if he has actually moved out of the TTH. I'm quite sure he's still sleeping in the bunk beds with his brothers, eating the food his sisters cook, and having them wash his dirty underwear. I bet that little shit doesn't even own his own vehicle, let alone anything else.
  3. Anybody else notice Jim Bob's hand operating the puppet strings in the photos of Smuggar 3.0?
  4. "Pro-life" but doesn't care about the thousands of people in this country, including children, who die by gun violence every goddamn year. Typical. Eff you, Jed Duggar Mommy's Boy.
  5. Or the Duggars just don't think the rules apply to them.
  6. (bolding mine) That should say, "She also knows that all GOOD moms want the same for theirs," because otherwise it's a lie. Here's looking at you, Mullet Duggar and some women in my family. Good luck, little Duggar boy. You can cry "persecution" when you get your ass whipped by a woman Democrat who has an education.
  7. The Duggarlings and Duggar adjacents need to learn about eyebrows that actually look good, too. Ofsmuggar looks like a pair of wooly caterpillars crawled onto her face while she slept, and they died there.
  8. Maybe Schrader padre figures that if junior is in Africa god-bothering people, padre won't have to deal with him (and the zillion kids) as often. You know junior must be effing insufferable in person, and the kids messy, noisy, and needy.
  9. Jana needs to go back to a lighter hair color. She looks old and washed out.
  10. Sister is a quadriplegic. It's the husband (hahahahahaha) or the daughters or a Good Samaritan doing the cooking. Either way, Jilly R wouldn't think to help someone out. She's too busy attention-whoring. That stuff under her eyes is probably smeared eyeliner. She's a poster child for how NOT to tastefully apply makeup.
  11. A caricaturist would have an easy time drawing Kim Kardashian West. She's a walking, talking, attention-whoring caricature. Back on topic: I'm imagining the male Duggar and Duggar-adjacents' reactions if they saw that costume. They might need to seek medical attention.
  12. I think you're giving him more credit for insight than he actually deserves. I get more of a "deep thoughts" vibe from my foster kittens than I do from photos of Chad Paine.
  13. "Peace enveloped us both"? FFS, these people and their writing. They remind me of a passage in Stephen King's On Writing that discusses how NOT to write.
  14. An Instagram hashtag is not the same as an account. I think the Bates girls' looks are overrated. They look like country music caricatures to me. I also think it's ridiculous when people smile with their mouth open. You're trying too hard, Carlin.
  15. He's wearing a tux. She's wearing what looks like an ordinary black tee or black dress, with the requisite modesty shirt underneath.
  16. All that pink paint on their bare skin looks like blood, at first glance. Another future sister slave.
  17. I'm not sure Jana has enough self-awareness to wonder anywhere.
  18. As a longtime cat rescue volunteer, I'd like to mention that we get to be pretty good at judging potential adopters just from a conversation or interview. That, along with our adoption application (which people probably think we don't check), means our cats go to the right adopters. I have turned down plenty of potential adopters for reasons ranging from "you have too many already," to "you want to declaw mutilate," to "this isn't the right animal for you. Come meet this one instead." Just to name a few. It isn't just southern men who link their own masculinity with their pets'. My "dad" was raised in the north and still doesn't get his animals fixed, because of course he knows better. Back on topic: I'd second the suggestion that the Dullards get a pet cockroach, but they probably already have one.
  19. Anna said in the "First Grandduggar" special that she and Smuggar had both gained a lot of weight since they were married. It's clear to me that Smuggar gained weight after marriage because for the first time in his life, he had enough to eat. He was downright scrawny in the first specials. I don't think he's ever gotten over his pre-marriage nutritional deprivation. Before anyone starts in that Smuggar is a child molester and should be drawn and quartered, my statement is NOT excusing his actions.
  20. She's European. Her name is normal, and it's the least worst part of her, anyway.
  21. Something tells me the neighbors, if they are sane, avoid the batshit crazy Andersons at all costs. Steve Anderson is bad enough on the internet -- imagine living next door to that.
  22. For what? I think Jill is plainer than her sisters, maybe or maybe not by choice, but she isn't ugly by any means. As far as her bathing habits, only people Jill lives with would know whether she bathes regularly.
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