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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Maybe the TTH was getting its once-a-decade scrub down. Hahahahahahahahahahaha
  2. It's more than just the eyebrows -- his entire face looks odd! Did anyone else get a gay couple vibe from this photo?
  3. Who is that in the middle, holding the baby, and what the hell happened to his face?
  4. I have never once thought that Kelly Bates is any more into her children and grandchildren, or a better mother, than Michelle Duggar. The Bateses are just Duggars in more aesthetic packaging.
  5. The teeth remind me of what might happen if a Maxwell female reproduced with a man with similarly Austin Powers-like teeth. You're right about Kaylee's smile. I feel worse for her than any other R kid.
  6. The reference is to Tom Robinson of TKaM. Mayella Ewell lured him into her cabin by offering him a nickel for breaking up a chifforobe. Three years ago, I named a trio of kittens I trapped (they went to another foster) Jem Finch, Scout Finch, and Dill Harris.
  7. The youth pastor part threw me off. I bet JP would have something wise to say about minimalism and overconsumption, though. Becker was a pastor, but his Wiki doesn't say anything specific about him working with young people as a minister.
  8. I have a 2011 MacBook Pro on which I am currently typing. It still runs as well as it did the day it came out of the box. And I have used the HELL out of it. My first laptop, a Compaq, cost twice what the MB Pro did, and it was basically a paperweight two weeks after I bought it. I'll never buy another PC (but I'm keeping my Samsung phone).
  9. They crawled off Ofsmuggar's face and onto Abbie's. (See Smuggar thread in which someone asked what happened to Ofsmuggar's eyebrows.)
  10. My sister and a dear friend both have CLL. The friend was diagnosed 11 years ago and has needed no treatment. My sister was diagnosed earlier this year and was told no treatment, just recheck in one year. I hope the same is true for you.
  11. That photo of Jilly Rod with flat hair reminds me of Chloe, Dr. Susan Lewis's ne'er-do-well sister on ER. I'll just be blunt since it's 3 AM and I'm cranky (wild-ass foster kittens won't let me sleep). Nathan is fugly and Nuri is just funny-looking.
  12. I'm surprised more fundie couples haven't gone old school and just lived with one set of parents. (Except "leave and cleave," which was a big lie right from the start.)
  13. Josiah stopped having life in his eyes years ago, and he also started looking older than his age years ago. It was well before Lauren, so it's not fair to blame that on her (I know you didn't).
  14. My first thought was, will she unjustly accuse Tom Robinson. The name wouldn't be so bad if it were broken into two names. Mary Ella is meh. Mariella is okay. Maryella is bad.
  15. It'll happen when Mullet gets a properly fitting bra and Jim Bob stops using hairspray (or when their PR person recommends it to save the vanity campaign).
  16. Did you notice the "carset" error in her car seat post? Alyssa isn't very bright.
  17. I absolutely hate when people prey on older people, whether for financial reasons or a foolish political campaign photo op. That's another strike against those self-centered, self-promoting, useless Duggars.
  18. You probably were not raised on television, either. Consider her background before you judge her.
  19. Dog help me, Nathan and Nurie's future children are going to be homely AF. And will they all have N names? Nancy, Nina, Nora, Nathaniel, Nicholas, Nitwit? Assuming that 1. Nathan can figure out where to put it, and 2. His emaciated wife can conceive.
  20. I'll give Jill a pass. I've done similar things, and I'm neither a parent nor an influencer nor a Duggar nor married nor a fundie. I am a good cook, though, or so people tell me.
  21. Josiah used to be called Smuggar Junior on Free Jinger, so the molester is Smuggar, Josiah is Smuggar 2.0, Jed is 3.0. At least Helmet Head had a work ethic when he was younger. None of his cretinous offspring does.
  22. "Conviction regarding their philosophies" -- so Dumbshit Duggar doesn't even know what he, himself, stands for? Why am I not surprised? He's a damn puppet, one of the last born-Duggars who actually got an education (the other was Dumbshit's mother).
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