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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. You haven't met two of the bipolars in my life. One of them would almost make Jilly R look generous and giving; the other one fakes concern for others and is surprised when she's called on it. Both of them steer any conversation to themselves and their problems, and their experiences and problems are invariably exaggerated. The Rods really need their own thread.
  2. It's okay if you're Jill, but jerk works as well. I'm unfortunately familiar with both bipolars and narcissists. Perhaps we should all chip in to send Jill bottles of Monat shampoo. It would be just desserts.
  3. Jill's activity lately makes me wonder if maybe she's bipolar and needs a medication adjustment. Maybe. Her behavior is starting to bring back some uncomfortable memories for me. If it's forbidden for women to cut their hair, how is it that Jilly has obviously cut hers? IOKIYAJ?
  4. When the Griefs change their name, they can be the Kansas City Ugly Obese Christians and use David's mug as their mascot (Smuggar's can be on the away jerseys). Let's see how these self-righteous hypocritical bigoted pricks feel about that. Snark -- I can just see so many people jumping to support a team called the Christians, without realizing they're being made fun of.
  5. The Giants were a great team in the 1980s, with Lawrence Taylor and Phil Simms and company. That's roughly the same time frame as the Theismann Washington team, or a little later. But who can say why someone cheers for a given team? I know a Rams fan who has never lived away from Wichita, Kansas. I can't believe all this football knowledge is flooding back into my brain. I don't even like football and refuse to watch it (the injuries upset me). Topic: the concept of the Rods spending money on a jersey and (more) tacky earrings for Jill makes me nauseous. What frivolous arrogance.
  6. I lived in Colorado and Kansas off and on as a kid. I remember Marty Schottenheimer good-naturedly griping about John Elway in an interview, and saying he'd sit down one day and figure out how much money Elway had cost him. And I remember what a big deal it was when the Griefs beat the Broncos. (We called them the Griefs for their habit of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.) Topic: I think Jilly R is flat-out lying like she does about damn near everything.
  7. I knew she couldn't be studying to be an RN. No way. I am legit happy for her. She looks happy, and I hope her idiot parents are proud of her and tell her they're proud of her.
  8. Why are we all here discussing what a family of "reality" stars do on their social media and on their heavily scripted, heavily edited TV show? How can their fictionalized lives possibly be something to judge them over?
  9. Until he got married and had enough to eat for the first time since he was a toddler. Ofsmuggar said they both gained a lot of weight during her first pregnancy, too.
  10. Her eyebrows look like Gideon smeared them on with a soft crayon. They're awful.
  11. I mean adults calling their parents Mommy/Momma and Daddy rather than Dad and Mom.
  12. I don't know about the Duggar part, but I'd say the "Momma" bit is a southern thing. I know lots of adult Southerners who still call their parents by names they used in childhood.
  13. It's Macomb County. Big Beaver is Oakland. Not sure what your comment about being a runner up means. Topic: maybe Jim Bob communicates with Mullet through his hand on her arm. "Stand up as much as you can. Look vapid. Ok, now you can resume being a mean bitch."
  14. He's not, although I think I see something in his grubby hand. I'd be surprised if he DID wear a mask. The ignorant jackass.
  15. There is a major road near Detroit called Big Beaver. Giggle away. On topic: I think Lauren is the best-looking of the J'girls or DILs. It bodes well for Bella. Gummy smile and all.
  16. Someone do me a solid and keep me from having to watch the video -- did Joy need another Caesarean?
  17. Just because it was trendy, I'm sure. It still is trendy.
  18. Now I can hear Mortianna's filed-to-a-point claw scraping across the slate while she tells fortunes. *shudders* I've always thought Michelle Duggar could be a passible Mortianna.
  19. Or she goes one step further, and anyone she even talks to is considered a "save." I recently can't stand bible thumpers. What self-entitled twats.
  20. My third grade teacher in Texas taught us to count the months off on our knuckles. It works if you go left to right and stop at December. On topic: Jill's eyeliner is nasty. It's thicker on the bottom than the top and I doubt she ever gets it all off.
  21. And not using a damn name theme like the OG Duggars or the Smuggars. I mean, they could have named her Gevelyn.
  22. Scoot over and make some room in there. I thought it said "dick," too.
  23. On Earth? Big stretch there. I thought those were Cabbage Patch Kids at first.
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